Chapter 12

1288 Words

Honolulu, Hawaiʻi The Following Week “Mr. Stone, he’s here,” the receptionist announced after opening the door to his office. “Good, good. Let him in,” he said while staring across the room to watch his guest enter. Reading people was one of his cherished, valued skills, especially in his chosen profession of being a plaintiff’s attorney. The stodgy, older male limped into the room with a full smile from ear to ear, excited to be in the presence of greatness. Jacob understood he had a pliable witness willing to risk it all. “I’m so glad to meet you, sir.” He beamed as he outstretched his hand to greet his famous host. “Jacob. Call me, Jacob.” “Yes, sir… yes, Jacob.” The man was exceedingly pleased they were now on friendly, informal grounds. It was as if a childhood dream came

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