24 | The Grim Reaper Did What…?

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It wasn’t a zombie. We all knew that. It was a soul that probably did something really, really bad that’s why it turned out like that. But I couldn’t help but think of a zombie whenever I see it. It looked exactly like the ones I saw in movies. I was muttering something I don’t even understand just to calm myself down. The other ladies were just looking at Mikhael on the door and the soul outside, trying to get in. Of course. They don’t know what’s going to happen. They probably think that thing outside wouldn’t be able to kill them since we’re all dead anyway. I’d like to burst their bubble. Ignorance is not always bliss. Sometimes it’s not knowing how f****d up you are. The soul outside wasn’t making weird noises (thankfully) but he was just reaching inside the door. Trying to find what he wanted to find. I just wish he doesn’t bite. And if he bites, I hope it isn’t contagious. Being dead and blank was already worse enough. I don’t want to become a zombie. “Open,” the tainted soul said and I yelped the moment I heard his voice. It wasn’t as scary as I thought. “No way, man. Not when you’re looking like you’re about to devour us whole.” The tainted soul continued to reach inside through the hole he just made earlier. “Open,” he said and Mikhael just shook his head. “I told you, I won’t open this door. Stop acting like a zombie and leave us alone.” “No!” I almost jumped from where I was standing when the zombie raised his voice. As if it wasn’t worse enough, the lights went out. And talk about perfect timing, it so happens that it’s dark outside. I couldn’t see anything and it took us all a few moments before our sight adjusted to the surroundings. Of all the time for something like this to happen, why now? I don’t know what happened with the zombie-like tainted soul outside but he probably hurt or killed someone for him to turn like that. Unlike Monica, he doesn’t seem to know what he is doing. Unlike Monica, he is acting based solely on his instincts. He doesn’t seem like he’s thinking. At all. He looked awfully similar to Monica and I don’t know if he’s better or worse.  I swallowed hard as he pounded on the door again. I don’t know where the authorities of the train are. The attendants were nowhere to be found. I closed my eyes firmly. Of all times for me to experience a zombie apocalypse, why does it have to be now? The ladies behind me were quivering in fear and I don’t blame them. It was probably because of our experience with Monica that seeing another one right now isn’t as scary as the first time. But the fact that they can kill us in this state still terrifies the hell out of us. And speaking of hell… “Where the hell is that Grim Reaper now that we need him?” I blurted out of nowhere and the tainted soul suddenly stopped pounding on the door. We all looked at him and he was looking around, searching for something. And when he couldn’t find it, he looked at me. At us. His eyes were like Monica’s. It was just empty eye sockets. And his mouth was open as if he wanted to say something. And it was black. Everything inside his mouth was black. We waited for it. We waited for him to do something crazy. Just like Monica’s spiky hair. But it didn’t happen. He just stood there and looked at us. And to our surprise, he lifted a finger and pointed it at me. “Come,” he said. I blinked and pointed myself. “Me?” He didn’t say another word and just pointed his finger at me. “Did you do something to this man?” Mikhael asked and I gave him an incredulous look. “I did not!” “Then why is he pointing at you?” “Like hell I would know!” We looked at the tainted soul outside and he already stopped pounding on the door, thankfully. But he was still pointing to where I was standing. “You, come,” the soul said. His voice even got deeper as if it was from the deepest pits of hell. I swallowed hard as he tilted his head and I could have sworn I heard his joints c***k. I didn’t hide my wince. “What is going on here?” one of the ladies squealed. About time they recover from the shock. I looked at the four of them who were cowering behind me. “As what di Angelo had said, we are being attacked by a zombie,” I said as calmly as I can. “But...but why is there a zombie?” “Because that soul must have done something really terrible for it to turn out like that,” I answered and they all went silent. “Something terrible?” They looked at each other before one of them asked, “Like what?” I was about to open my mouth when Mikhael stood straight. He secured the lock on the cabin door and faced us. The tainted soul outside was still pointing towards as and he isn’t saying anything anymore. Thank goodness. “Something terrible like harming or killing a living person or even a soul,” Mikhael said and looked at the four of them. “We met someone who killed a soul and two living persons. She ended up becoming someone wicked and attempted to kill more too. Fortunately, before she could even do it, the Grim Reaper from the Underworld arrived.” The four of them looked at each other. “The Underworld?” Mikhael nodded gravely. He then jerked his thumb to the soul behind him who was still looking at us. “And they end up being like that.” “Have you…have you encountered one before…him?” one girl asked and looked at the soul outside with genuine fear in her eyes. “Yes. Yes, we did. And thankfully the Grim Reaper took her away before she could kill me and my partner. We couldn’t fight them. They’re too strong and they gave certain skills we just can’t—anyway, the only thing we could do now is to wait until the Grim Reaper arrives.” The moment the soul heard the words Grim Reaper, he looked around frantically again, as if searching for something. He looked like he’s scared. Of what? I looked at the soul who is now looking at us again. I gasped and said, “Grim Reaper!” And the soul screeched and look around. And it confirmed my suspicion that the soul was scared of the Grim Reaper. It made sense. Mr. Thanis is someone…dark. Just one look at him would make someone think he’s bad news. And anyone would be wise enough not to mess with him. But the problem is… “Where is he? Where is the Grim Reaper?” one girl asked. I sighed. “That’s the thing. This tainted soul would probably beat us to death first before the Grim Reaper arrives.” And the moment I said that, as if on cue, everything went slow. Literally, everything went slow. The tainted soul was still cracking his bones like it was his only job but he was doing it really, really slow. And then I realized this scene is awfully similar to the one with Monica. We couldn’t even hear the sound of the surroundings. “What is happening?” one girl screamed and then we heard it. Casual footsteps. As if someone was just strolling in the park. We all froze as we listened to it getting closer. The four ladies behind me were quivering with fear. Mikhael stepped back from the door and we waited for the footsteps to come closer. The world literally went still. I could have sworn the four ladies behind me were holding their breaths, anticipating who would be the owner of those casual, predatory footsteps. And when we heard him nearing, we were all looking at the car door. “Ah, fuck.” His voice was cold. The same voice I heard just a few days ago. He was wearing the same black suit and his hair looked like he just got out of bed. It wasn’t styled fashionably. He really looked like he just got out of his bed. Even his tie was messy as if somebody just tried to pull it off of him. He frustratedly ran a hand on his hair and looked at the tainted soul and then to us. He then sighed. With a snap of his finger, everything went back to normal. The slow-motion effect was gone and the soul was cracking his bones still as he faced Mr. Thanis. “Forgive, forgive,” he said as he bowed to the floor. We heard Mr. Thanis groaned and scratched his head before he said, “Why are you here?” The soul was still on the ground. “Job,” the zombie-like soul said. At this moment, we don’t know what’s going on. Why is he getting friendly with a hostile soul now? But then as if on cue, he looked at us. And I could have sworn his glare got sharp. “This is so f*****g troublesome.” He walked towards our cabin door and with just a flick of his wrist, the door opened. He was suddenly in front of us while the zombie-like soul was behind him. Fidgeting his fingers as if we bullied him and now he’s telling Mr. Thanis everything. I don’t know what he is thinking but he was still staring at us. But then I realized he wasn’t staring at me and Mikhael at all. “The four ladies at the back,” he said, “Let’s not make this more troublesome than it is. Come with me,” he said and turned his back, expecting the ladies to follow him. I looked at them and they were scuttled in the corner. “Mr. Thanis—“ I called but he just raised his hand. “I am only talking to the four ladies behind you. If you are not involved, please step aside.” His voice became colder than ever. I swear I got goosebumps. I was about to say another thing when Mikhael grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. When I looked at him, he was looking at the four scared ladies but his eyes were sharp. As if he’s expecting something about to happen. “Mikhael—“ “They’re tainted souls,” he said as he looked at the girls. “What are you talking about?” I asked and he looked down at me.  “I am talking about the reason why Mr. Thanis is here is that they have done something wrong and Mr. Thanis are picking them up for it.” One of the girls must have heard what Mikhael said when she suddenly yelled. “We won’t come with you or with anyone. We are not tainted souls. We didn’t do anything wrong—“ “Comatose,” we heard Mr. Thanis say. He then faced the girls. “The innocent girl you were scaring fell from the bridge and now she’s in the hospital. My guess is that she’ll be in a coma for a few weeks or months, or maybe die.” The ladies looked surprised the moment they heard it. But they were silent. They didn’t say another word. It was as if they admitted to it. They scared and innocent human until she fell from a bridge? I looked at them, unable to believe what I just heard. “It was just a game—“ “A game? Someone’s life is just a game to you?” Mr. Thanis' words contained enough bite that froze us all. “You were given this opportunity to find out about your death. Taking it all for granted won’t do you any good. So come with me and let’s not stall this anymore. I have a hangover and unless you want to witness my wrath firsthand, you’d all be wise to come with me.” He turned his back at us. “Right.now.” I looked at them and they were sobbing, clearly regretting their actions. It was only them in this car and the others were in the other car, oblivious of what has been happening around for the last few minutes.  I wanted to say something…anything. But words couldn’t get out of my mouth. They put somebody’s life in danger. And before they could turn into someone like Monica, Mr. Grim had come and picked them up. “Time’s running,” Mr. Thanis said and the four ladies slowly walked out of their cabin. What they did to that innocent living human was unforgivable. I looked at them as they walked towards Mr. Thanis. It was then that Mr. Thanis looked at us. “Apologies for what my…” he looked at the zombie-like soul. “He is not supposed to be here but because I was drunk last night, I mistook him for my assistant and sent him here to pick these girls up instead.” My jaw dropped at how casual he was when he said that. He bowed to his waist and a smirk was plastered on his face as he looked at the girls. “Now, girls, don’t cry as if where you’re going is a very terrible place. You’ll love it there.” He smiled. “Endless torture.” He winked at me. “So now, if you both excuse me, I have some matters to deal with. I am expecting to see you both soon.” He said and they all disappeared.  * * * 
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