49 | Yep. Booby Traps for Ghosts Exist

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It hits different when I see someone close to me getting sad. Or crying. It hits different when you know all you could do is watch as that person is hurting. Because sometimes, that’s what you can do. That’s all you can do. There are moments when your silence is better than anything. And most of the time, it’s what they need. The moon was bright outside and I don’t know what time it was. But I couldn’t hear the music from the party anymore. They must have wrapped it up. The television was still on and Jacob was already sleeping on the sofa with his head resting on the headrest. I watched him cry and I watched him fall asleep. If he knew about this, he will be freaked out but there will no way for him to know that his ex, now a ghost, is watching over him while he was sleeping. His phone was on the table and has been buzzing several times. When I took a sneak, it was from someone named Ivan. I don’t know or I don’t remember any person named Ivan. I watched the phone buzz and went off after a while when Jacob didn’t answer it. After a few seconds, it started buzzing again. And when it turned off, I could see the phone displayed 22 missed calls and 16 messages. I looked at Jacob who was peacefully sleeping. I hope that in his sleep, he is at least happy and calm. Not like earlier when he was sobbing just hearing his sobs was heartbreaking. I decided to stand up and looked at him one last time. He’s been someone who saved me countless times. And when he needed me now, I can’t even save him. Dying sucks. I am telling you, dying sucks. Especially in these kinds of situations where you can see your loved ones suffering without you. Dying sucks when you see people who used to be with you but now aren’t even aware that you’re there, watching. It sucks especially when you can’t remember things and you have to risk your second life to figure out how exactly you died. It sucks. I closed my eyes firmly to stop the tears from falling down my face. I heaved a sigh and reached out to Jacob’s hand. And as usual, it just went through. When I was just about to stand up, he opened his mouth and said something I couldn’t comprehend. I leaned close to hear what he was saying. “I’m sorry, Sheira. I’m sorry,” he said. It was almost a whisper but I heard it clearly. I have heard him say those words in school before. I have heard him apologize and I had no idea why he was saying sorry. And after what I saw at that café, I realized he was saying that. He was saying sorry for what he said. I admit I was mad at him for a moment. But in reality, I was madder at myself that time as I watched. I mean, I have learned that you can’t force people to stay in your life. I don’t know but perhaps during those long hours I have endured talking and not getting a response from him that time at the cafeteria, I must have slowly developed something important. Something that I should have realized to myself a long time ago. Some people are just not mean to stay in your life. And it was said that Jacob was one of them as I was to him. I was never meant to stay in his life. I mean, I am a ghost now. I guess it was good that we broke up before I died. I think it would have much more impact if I died while we were still together. “I forgive you,” I whispered back and a tear rolled down his cheek. I reached out a hand to attempt to wipe it but I couldn’t. I forgave him. I sincerely forgave him. During that time when I was almost trapped in my consciousness, I have realized what matters to me most. What matters to me most is the time I have now. The chance that’s been given to me to find out the reason of my death. To treasure this little time given to me to say goodbye and to have the closure I needed. Jacob was still crying. And I don’t know if he heard what I said in his dreams but if he did, then I am glad. I leaned toward the sofa and planted a soft kiss on his forehead and then to his eyes and then to the tears rolling down his cheeks. “I am very glad I met you, Jacob,” I said before I turned to where the door is. I looked at him one last time. I smiled to myself. I hope you will be fine, Jacob. I whispered to the wind before I walked out of the house. The street was still dark but the sun was about to shine and I know it will be morning soon. I looked at the horizon where it was starting to turn a mixture of blue, purple, and pink. I figured this present time was given to me on purpose. I don’t know if it was because Mikhael is not here or perhaps I was really meant to see something in the present that’s why I didn’t see the surroundings warp just like how it did whenever I was about to be shown my flashbacks. So I am going to use this as much as I can. The next one I am going to visit is Loren. I know it might be creepy. I mean who would want to ghost visit them right? If I was a living person, I wouldn’t want my dead ancestors to visit me and witness the bad decisions I’ve made in my life. The last thing I would want is to get a scolding from people I don’t even see or hear. But my case is different. I am not visiting friends to judge their life decisions. I am finding the truth about my death and I am not here to just leisurely check on them. I don’t want to be branded as that one stalker ghost. And if my friends knew why I am doing this, they would understand. They would let me and I bet you all the money I had when I was still alive (If I had some), that they would even open the door for me to come in. And that’s what I thought. I never knew Loren could be someone aggressive. I mean, as far as I can remember, among the three of us, she is the calmest and always knows the right thing to say. She is the last person I think would kick me out if, by any chance, she discovers that her ghost friend is spying on her. But I was wrong. Unlike Jacob’s house, I remember Loren’s house. Which was something I truly grateful for because finally, I get to use my memory which had been pretty useless since the beginning of the journey. It was easy to spot and what amazed me most was the number of house decorations in her house. Even as I was flying above, I could see the decorations in her yard. And when I landed in front of her house, I get to see a clearer view of the decorations and I think it was enough to pass for Halloween decorations. But then as far as I can remember, it was spring when I left the Silver City and decided to come here. Why does her house have lots of creepy decorations? And I never knew Loren had these kinds of tastes. But of course, I already died and she must have developed certain tastes of something. But they weren’t there just for decorations. The moment I stepped into the yard, I didn’t realize I must have stepped on something that has triggered a loud alarm inside the house. It was so loud one person would think a blind person lives there. But I knew this house was the right house.  This is where Loren lives. But something tells me I just stepped on a booby trap.  * * *
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