I will marry Grey Remington

1649 Words
/Valeri’s POV/ “Riri!!” Vivian screams my name from the room. “I thought you asked me to stay away from you so that you can think well, so why are you screaming my name?” I question her, opening the door of the bathroom slightly so that she can hear me “I need you to come over here to put a leash on your dog that is going rampage” she screams back making me furrow my brow in confusion because I don’t remember owning any dog. “I think you fit into the characteristics of the dog on rampage better” I hear Matilda’s voice coming from the room “Holly s**t” I mutter in realization as I quickly turn on the tap to wash the foamy mess around my moth away and also rinse my mouth so that I can deal with the two people that should not be left alone in the same room. “…. I have told you times without number that I can’t stand you, so I see no valid reason for you to keep on hovering around me everywhere I go” “Bold of you to think that I am okay with seeing your face that looks too fake to be called real” Matilda fires at Vivian, looking up and down at her snobbishly “If you have a problem with people who have what you dream to have without putting as much effort as you do into getting it, just say it……you don’t have to recruit yourself to be a hater” Vivian launches at her. “You guys should please stop” I intervene in the conversation because the last thing that want to deal with at a time like this is to witness the back and forth between my bestie and my step sister. “Keep your dog on leash” both of them chorus and I sigh in frustration as I slump on the bed already mentally exhausted from thinking about how to deal with both of them for next few minutes or at least till Matilda is done here. “Wait a minute……what are you doing here?” It suddenly of ours to me to ask Matilda because she won’t come over to find me if it is not urgent. “It came to my notice that you didn’t allow any of the makeup artist or the people that are supposed to get you dressed your wedding in, so I just had to come in to be double sure that you are not having second thoughts about bailing out on this wedding” “Bailing out?” I say in a high-pitched voice because I completely forgot that I have a nosy step sister that is able to read me like an open book in my past life. “I just felt the need to bring it to your notice that even if you wanted to ball out on all the plans that dad and my sweet mother has for you, you’re not so innocent mother will be the one to bear the brunt of your stupidity” she threatens. “I know that you think that you are all that because everyone keeps on trying to suck up to you and get in your good books, but I put it to you that you are a disrespectful and mannerless person that doesn’t deserve even half of all the attention that you get from people” Vivian cuts into the conversation. “How dare you talk to me like that?” Matilda questions, moving in Vivian’s direction like a predator. so “I don’t appreciate you taking about my mom in such a disrespectful way and manner” I caution her, quickly stepping up to block Vivian so that Matilda won’t end up putting her hands on my best friend especially when Matilda is always quick to raise her hands to people. “Your mom is just a worthless bedridden mistress that forcefully attached herself to the Donald family and for worth it is worth, being reminded of her existence only brings about bad memories for me, so don’t get ahead of yourself thinking that I enjoy remembering that witch’s existence” she spits with disgust written all over her face. “Keep my mom’s name out of your f*****g mouth” I launch angrily at her ready to slap her, by Vivian stops me. “Calm down tiger!” She instructs authoritatively. “I am very sure that you won’t make the mistake of putting your hands on the precious daughter of the Donald’s family, otherwise my mommy will make you regret it” she says and I clench my fist tightly on remembering that, while Vivian rubs my back “It is obvious that your mom is already being punished by the heavens by being struck with such a terminal disease for being an home wrecker and trying to disrupt someone’s happy family just to get herself a place at the table where wealth , money and soft life is being dished on a platter of good, but karma is such a sweetheart for serving what she deserves her way” Matilda insults my mom while I just stand there powerless unable to defend the only woman that has ever risked her all for me. “Do you derive joy in spreading your toxicity around like a deadly poison?” Vivian questions “If you don’t know, I am not someone that likes to further feel the need to kick someone who is already down, And that is exactly why I won’t be dwelling so much on your moms deteriorating health condition, but if you know what is good for you , I guess that you will agree with me that Bailing out of this wedding will be financially devastating to you and your mom because I am very sure that you are well aware that dad pays your salary and he has the power to cut you off pay roll, so if I were you I will act accordingly” Matilda says and I clench my fist angrily because yet again I can’t stand up for myself otherwise I will just be risking my mamas life. “If you are done acting like the victim that you are not, check your email and sign the marriage contract that was sent to you ASAP so that you can be well aware that this marriage has coke to stay, and there is just nothing that you can do that will get you out of it” she instructs while my eyes starts darting back and forth the room. “A marriage contract?” Vivian inquires before I get the opportunity to react. “Yes…” Matilda answers. “Change of plans……. I just got the information that the matriarch of the Remington’s had an important meeting to attend in Paris on his way here so he won’t be available to attend the wedding” Matilda informs. “If the groom is not available to attend the wedding, then why not just postpone the wedding?” Vivian inquires. “We won’t be postponing any wedding” Matilda states as a matter of fact. “The wedding will still go as planned, just with a slight adjustment, so get the marriage contract signed and prepare your mind to meet your husband in the evening” Matilda instructs, facing me before walking out of the room without further explanation. “Heyyyyyyy” Vivian says tapping me and getting my attention in her direction. “What’s our next move?” She inquires. “The only next move is to go ahead with the wedding” I answer her flatly as o make my way to the bed to take my seat as if it was going to calm the storm ranging inside of me. “Are you for real right now?” She questions. “We’re you not the same person that talked me out of looking forward to your big day with the urgency to call of the wedding surging up in me, so why are you having second thoughts now?” She inquires. “Didn’t you hear everything that came out of Matilda’s mouth?” I question her. “Of course, I did, but we have from now till evening to figure out how to untangle you from this arranged marriage mess” she tries to encourage me. “You know that my mom is someone that I will die for, so if going through this arranged marriage and losing my mom means I will be able to keep my mom safe, I will gladly do that” “Have you gone mad?” Vivian questions alarmed. “Now that you have been granted a second chance at life, don’t you at least try to stave up for yourself?” “Isn’t it just pure folly to live this life the way you lived the last one, go through the same pattern and end up dying the same way?” “Well……the last time I checked, I was the only person that died and my mom was safe” I express. “I know that you are worried about your mom’s health, but I have money and I will see to it that your mom is taken care of…. I promise” she promises. “It is no news that your family and my family hate each other’s guts and it is only a miracle that we are best friends, so instead of gambling my mom’s life, I will rather marry Grey Remington as per plan” I make myself clear. “You can’t marry Grey Remington…” Vivian tries to talk me out of it. “I will marry Grey Remington and that is final” I say standing my ground.
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