Mission calling off my wedding

1307 Words
/ Valeri’s POV/ “So…. What’s next?” Vivian breaks the silence after pressing her phone for a while. “What do you mean by what next??” I ask her trying my best to sound curious. “I meant to ask what you have in mind,” she asks, setting her phone aside and looking at me dead in the eyes. “Nothing,” I answer her flatly. “Nothing?” She says with her eyes widening in shock. “Are you kidding me?” She practically screams at the top of her voice making me shudder at the fear of going deaf because of the pitch of her voice. “Of course, not,” I answer her immediately, with my eyes darting back and forth, wondering why she is overreacting all of a sudden. “What happened to the declaration that you won’t be marrying Grey Remington?” She questions. “I still stand on my decision not to marry him, and nothing is going to change that,” I stand my ground. “Then I am guessing you have a plan so……let’s have it,” Vivian says crossing her leg, waiting for me to fill her in with what I have gotten so far. “Well…... I have no plan,” I reply with an unfazed expression, one of unexpected calmness. “Excuse me!!!” She exclaims with her eyes lighting up in shock. “You have no plan?” She questions and I nod. “Are you seriously kidding me right now?” she questions and I nod again because that is the only thing that my brain is telling me to do. “You expect us to sabotage your marriage without a plan?” She questions, blinking back with utter shock and confusion written all over her face. “How the hell is that going to work?” she goes ahead to interrogate me. “I have no idea…….” I answer her briefly. “That is why you are here to help me figure things out for me so…let’s have it,” I urge her. “You have to be kidding me,” she mutters shaking her head frantically. “No, I am not,” I answer her. “My mind is as blank as paper….more so, you are the one that just went back in time, so you should be equipped with some superpower or something that will get you out of this mess, so put that brain to good use okay?” she urges. “Technically, it is just not me that went back in time…. we all went back in time, and Apart from my life being reversed to what it was a year ago, I feel very normal,” I inform her so that she can stop second guessing things. “That’s strange……there must have been something about your time travel and you may require a stimulating event to unlock your powers which may be this marriage so don’t let me stop you,” she says patting my back exaggeratedly. “You are not helping matters at all…...” I sigh in frustration “I guess I have no better option than to run away since that is the only thing that I can think about,” I suggest. “Perfecto!” She exclaims “Turns out that you finally taking my advice…” “Proud bestie moment,” she says proudly. “Where do you want to go?” “How are we getting you out of this hotel?” “Do you have anything in mind or do you need me to provide you with a list of options?” Vivian bombards me with a series of questions that I have no answer to. “I can’t leave my family alone……my mom will be the one to bear my father’s wrath after I run away,” I say with hesitation evident in my tone of voice. “I don’t think your father will take this out on your sick mother…...he is not that heartless,” she tries to convince me. “My father is not so heartless, but his wife will put my mom through hell and I can’t bear the thought of my poor mother getting maltreated in her sick state because of me, so we can't do anything like that,” I answer her. “We can probably annoy the groom’s side or irritate them into calling off the wedding,” she suggests “That is more like my bestie….” “I will have to make them call this wedding without making it obvious that I had a hand in that,” I decide. “Should I sneak into Grey's room and pick up a fight with him for no good reason?” I inquire “No!” she answers sharply. “Should I expose the fact that he is married already to my parents?” I inquire “Married?” “Yeah…. he and his legal wife kinda tried to kill me in my past life,” I inform her. “Do you have evidence?” she asks with her eyes lighting up. “Where am I supposed to get evidence when I just woke up from what my life was a year ago a few minutes ago?” I ask her. “Then you can’t risk exposing something that you don’t have enough evidence to back up because for Grey Remington to barely have an online presence it means he knows what he is doing,” she emphasizes. “How do you know that he has no online presence?” I ask her. “Because he was the one, I was busy checking out earlier when I was on the phone, but he has no ** account, no f******k, and everything about him being married before seemed to have vanished without a trace,” she answers. “In that case, should I just tell him that I have a confession to make and then confess to having HIV and then say that I am scared of infecting him so I thought of coming out clean to him,” I suggest. “Hell no!” She exclaims “Is that the best you can do?” she scoffs. “At least……I am trying to get my brain to work unlike you,” I mumble “Chill out mama……. you know my brain doesn’t boot well under pressure so chill so that I can come up with a full-proof plan,” she “This is the time that your brain needs to work under pressure because this is an emergency and my life is so going to be ruined if I marry that man called Grey Remington,” I urge her. “You know what?” she pauses dramatically “I don’t enjoy how you are interrupting my thought process, so get to the bathroom and start your morning routine so that I can have a quiet place to think,” she suggests. “I am not in the mood to do anything so why don’t you just hurry up with your thinking ……I will try my best to remain quiet,” I propose “I won’t be entertaining you in my space while I am doing some critical thinking……so run along,” Vivian says as she drags me off the bed “Run along,” she says again as she practically shoves me into the bathroom and closes the door behind her. “Since my bestie doesn’t want me around her, I should try my best to get my morning routine done so that I can be allowed back in the room,” I mutter as I step into the bathroom “Mission calling off my wedding activated,” I assure the reflection of myself in the oval-shaped acrylic bathroom mirror.
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