chapter 11?

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Xander POV: "do you See that Xan. She loveees me", Xayden said looking at me. Xay turned towards me with little Alena still in his arms, while wiggling his eyebrows at me mischievously. hearing that Alena too giggled while turning towards me in his arms. “ hmm....You wound me cookie”,I placed my hand on my heart and made a sad face at her, playing my part. *can’t lose my scores to my younger brother in acting here right* Soon I was showered with kisses all over my face too. That’s when I noticed that Xay had moved closer to me with Alena still in his arms. We both were standing opposite to each other, with Alena in the middle of us.Soon Alena hooked one arm of hers around my neck, while still having another arm around Xay’s neck. “I luv you both soooooo much” she declared loudly while opening her arms as wide as she could to show us how much she loves us.* Cutiee* Hearing a sweet laughing sound coming from the back of us, we turned back, only to be greeted by our mother Marissa Knightwood. She came towards us with a warm smile on her face. She is a petite woman, standing at a height of 5.5 feet. but she is the most powerful and scariest woman in the whole kingdom.A look from her can make the whole royal cabinet members to dance on her beats. No one wanted to face the pissed off Alpha king William Knightwood, by messing with his beloved Alpha Queen Marissa Knightwood. Not that she needed our father's help, she can kick some butts if she wanted to, on her own. she can hold her ground in a Battle. Sometimes she can even make our dad, the great, big and scary Alpha King William, to come down on his knees with an lift of her eyebrow. She had the aura of peacefulness which was quite unique of her. She moved towards us regally while smiling widely at us. “ Good Morning my boys. So How was your morning run.” She beamed at us. The sunlight that passed through the glass ceilings, shone on her side profile, making a halo of light behind her. She is the only woman we love the most in the whole world, except our sisters and our future mate. “It was wonderful mom” Xayden said while giving her a huge bear hug on the process of greeting her. When she turned towards me, I gave her a side hug on my part, since I still had Alena in my arms. Alena slipped from my arms and began to tug at both Xayden and my pants while trying to drag us towards moon goddess knows where. Feeling the tug on his pants, Xayden looked down to see our sister’s futile attempt of dragging us. He gave a small laugh and bent down to her eye level. “where are you dragging us cookiee” he asked her while trying to mask his smile from her. By now, Alena was tired in the process of ‘dragging us’ and her mood made a quick turn of 180 degrees. “I want to play with you and Xanny. But I can’t move you. You are so big and heavy” she began to complain while making hand gestures on ‘ big and heavy'. Looking at our little angel with a cute pout, we all smiled at her childish antics. She is the light of our family…. Whatever things that troubles us or put us on stress, our little angel can easily bring a smile on our faces with her cute little actions without even trying her best. she don't even want to try. her mere presence is enough to brighten up days. Her single toothy grin can lit up our day. She looked up at us with her most innocent puppy dog eyes. Facing those innocent and clear eyes unadulterated with the worldly evils and greed, we lost all our reasoning and quickly began to move according to her plan. You can’t say no to that face. And she knows that all too well too. That’s why that cheeky little thing would always use that as her deadliest weapon against all of us. **Snort**even the alpha king, our father, the powerful and fearful man in the entire kingdom can’t escape and say no to those puppy dog eyes. Then who are we to reject those eyes. “Okay...Now take us to wherever you want cookiee. We will come with you” I told her while following her small little steps ahead of us. She squealed in happiness and quickly “dragged us” towards the large tree in the middle of the vast garden. The tree was tall and had thick branches. From one of those branches hung a cute little swing which Alena adored the most. That swing was specifically designed and handcrafted by our very own father. Yeah you heard right. Our father made this by himself. Inorder to please and do things for our cute little sister, he learned how to do carpentry and made this for her. Each and every toys that are made of wood in Alena’s play room are made by our dear father as a surprise gift for her. “I play swing. You push” she ordered us with her cute voice while pointing her index finger at us. I picked her up and placed her on the swing, while Xayden was on the other side of the swing ready to push it. When I was sure that Alena was sitting quite safely, we both began to slowly push the swing from either side of it. Soon the whole garden was filled with Alena’s happy giggling sounds that gave quite a competition to those singing birds chirping in the trees present in the garden. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw our mother went back to her white and pink checkered picnic blanket and watching us with a large smile on her face. We are her world. Our happiness is her happiness. After spending some quality time with our mother and Alena, we bid our goodbye to both our mother and our little angel, while promising Alena that we would play with her again another time, when she refused to stop clinging to our legs. Thank God we wore a pair of pants secured with belts today, instead of our workout slacks. Otherwise she would have pealed the slacks off us from Her constant tugging. We both returned to our floors in the castle, while on the way back, Xayden felt that he was hungry . Then he made his way to the royal kitchen to stuff himself up, leaving me alone and bidding me goodbye. Let me tell you. That guy eats like a pig. Even though we are werewolves and had a huge appetite due to our fast burning metabolism, due to our warm body temperature. but this guy's hunger and appetite always seems to be triple the amount in comparison with the normal werewolf's appetite. ....................... hi dr was the story so far. check out my other story "my little sunshine" .....
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