chapter 12, PART 1?

966 Words

Xander POV : Even though we were werewolves and had a huge appetite due to our fast burning metabolism due to our warm body temperature, but this guy's hunger and appetite always seems to be triple the amount in comparison with the normal werewolf's appetite. ~*~ Entering the bedroom, I went to the bathroom to take a very needed long hot shower to get rid of the stress out of my body and mind. It always helps me to clear my mind of the stress that accumulate throughout the day. When I came out of the bathroom, Xayden came inside the room, still stuffing his face with the pastry from the plate that held a variety of pastries. “ hi Xan, I got these lovely goody goods straight out from the oven. See, it still has steams coming from it. Freshly baked.....home made..” Xayden said in a

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