Chap 14: I've activated my water power!

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Outside is a glass cage for growing vegetables Mr. William made, above a thin white plastic film covered with black and gray snow. A little further away is a slow-moving zombie wobbling aimlessly, flanked by two zombies dressed in police uniforms. Last night, maybe someone in the family turned into an early zombie, someone in the house called the police. In the end, the police brought the zombie out of the house and passed out into a zombie. “Belle, Belle, what to do now? Everything on the internet is true, the era of decadence has come.” Mother To leaned over, hugging Belle's shoulder tightly, her frightened eyes filled with tears. Mr. William's face was also very unsightly, but he still tried to show his pillar and comfort the mother and daughter. "It's okay, it's okay, Xiao Ye said he'll come save us. These days, if it's not important, don't go out." “But since we have no food, the water is also polluted. If we drink tap water, we will become zombies soon.” Hearing Mr William say that the era of decadence has come, and still wanting to wait for Lor to save him, Belle also calmly declares this truth. In fact, her basement also stores a lot of rice, oil, salt and dried fruit, in the refrigerator there is also some frozen meat but now she will not tell anyone. Like she said, everyone has to face the reality that the era of decadence is coming, no matter how shocked, how tragic, must build build a strong spirit. Her parents must be aware of reality, not rely on government people. In the era of decadence, she didn't need her parents to go out to fight monsters for crystal cores, and she didn't need them to risk their lives to find tools to protect her. But just because they don't do these things doesn't mean parents can hide in turtle shells forever. She could let them live in peace, but they couldn't hide like that. "Water... water..." Seeming to finally realize this is a very serious problem, To's mother didn't sleep one night, her face was pale, she looked at her husband in panic and cried: "Belle said correct. We are about to run out of water.” Since moving here, they only use bottled mineral water for eating and drinking. Every day bottled mineral water is full of the kitchen, she still thinks someone brings water to the villa every day. Now that the era of decadence has arrived, it goes without saying that the water is polluted. Turn on the faucet, the water is all gray and white. No one gave them water, and before Lor arrived, they were already starving to death in here. At this moment, the front door of the villa that was closed opened with a sound. To's parents trembled, tilted their heads to look. At some point, Belle, who was standing next to them, was holding a knife outside the main door. Mother To panicked, forgot to change her shoes, ran after Belle to pull her back. Mr William followed closely behind. The three of them ran one after another out of the warm mansion, into the unnaturally cold apocalypse. The zombie was hanging around outside the greenhouse, heard Belle running out the main door of the villa clearly, then headed there. Two zombies dressed in police uniforms also moved along. Belle criticized these three children for being too slow, carrying a knife and taking the initiative to welcome them. “Belle, baby, come back…!!!~~~~” Mom yelled in panic. She saw that a zombie had come before Belle, swooping over her, and her legs were weak in fear. In that instant, around To's mother suddenly shot out a green light, with green grass protruding from the ash-gray snow, which the naked eye could recognize. But this doesn't help. Belle ran too fast and too far, and To's mother's green light was too small. Mr William shouted forward, overtaking his wife. He was frantic, wanting to hold something in his hand to smash zombies, drawing their attention to him. Thinking so, in the hand of Mr. William did not know when there was an extra stone. He also didn't care where this rock came from, raised his hand and threw it at a zombie's head. Oh not exactly, missed. But this is enough. Belle intentionally let the zombie fall but actually activated a glass block. The zombie that was so close to her couldn't even bite her, groaning. Belle lay in the snow, carefully watching her parents. Seeing that her parents had been stimulated to have supernatural abilities, in her heart of joy, she stopped pretending to be a weak rabbit, picked up a knife, and raised her hand to cut the zombie's head in half. Belle calmly crawled to her feet. In an instant, she had obtained the nucleus in the zombie's head. Turning her head to look, a zombie was approaching her, another zombie was quite far away but was also moving towards her. And Mr William is holding a stone, trying to hit the zombie far from her but close to him. Belle decided to lure the monsters for her parents to practice. She ran two steps away and then stopped, waiting for the zombies to approach. Mother To on the ground stood up and shouted, swooping towards the zombie in front of her. Mr. William too, holding a large stone, shouted forward, not caring about the zombie he was about to be beaten to death, slamming the head of the zombie closest to Belle. At this point, Belle realizes: her father is a pseudo-earth ability and her mother is a pseudo-wood. Mr. William's earth-type ability also has some attack ability, but To's mother's wood-type ability, besides stimulating the growth of plants and flowers, cannot attack, so she decided to help her mother. Belle actively rushed in front of the zombie about to be beaten to death by her father, pushing it down. Belle sat on top of it, one hand tried to squeeze the zombie's lower jaw, not letting it open its mouth to bite her, her knees clasped its hands, and at the same time shouted to her mother: "Mother, quickly take the knife, chop it. its head!” The situation was so critical, To's mother, for her daughter's sake, now could no longer be afraid, took the knife Belle tried to give her, frantically cut off that zombie's head, chopping it while talking. messed up: “Don't be afraid, Belle. Belle don't be afraid. Mom protects me. Mom protects me. Good girl, don't be afraid!" She had become a fake ability that was naturally stronger than a normal person. Soon, the zombie's head was chopped off. The situation of the battle on Mr William's side was over. Three zombies were tackled by Belle's family within ten minutes. Mother To was panting, sitting in the snow, holding a knife, trembling. Mr. William ran over, hugged his wife and children, sat on a pile of crimson flesh, white brains, and cried. Belle's heart felt a little guilty. She deliberately ran out, luring these three zombies to stimulate her parents. In fact, at first, she just wanted her parents to quickly accept the truth, not hiding in her room, putting her hopes on others. It's already era of decadence and still waiting for others to save you, can someone save you once or twice, can save you for a lifetime? But when she leaned on her father's shoulder, watching his gray hair fluttering in the wind, she felt a pain in her heart. As she was unfilial, her parents were old enough to enjoy happiness, she still forced her parents to risk her life with her, she was an incompetent daughter. “Father, mother, let's go back. Don't go out, just wait for Lor to come save us." Belle patted her parents' back, helping one of them to their feet in each hand. The three of them had just entered the room, when Mr William suddenly stopped walking, shook his head, although he was trembling, his face was very determined. "Son, don't go back, don't go back! If we're already out… we'll have to find water before we can go back. Otherwise, Xiao Ye wouldn't come, we would have died of thirst in the villa." "Dad." Belle still wanted to speak, but To's mother wiped the tears from her face, her bloody finger brushed a strand of hair from her face, her eyes filled with tears, her face was full of love and said: "Dear, Belle don't be afraid. I go home first to wait for my parents. Parents who find water will return immediately. Good child, it's very cold outside, since Your health is not good, go inside first. If you're outside, we'll worry about protecting you, so we won't be able to deal with these monsters." Belle's parents are very upset. In such a terrible situation, such a small thing can become a big thing. Times have changed, it is not possible to lie still and wait to die. Their deaths are just two old lives. But their daughter Belle was still young, still at a flower-like age, she had to survive, let her live on, taking risks just for them. Belle cried again, sobbing bitterly. She loves her parents, but not as much as her parents love her. Whether it was before the era of decadence, or after the era of decadence, in front of them she was forever a child. For a moment, she really wanted to speak out about her ability, so that her parents could hide under her wings and rest in peace in the era of decadence. But she held back, still letting reason win over emotion. No matter what, now her parents came out of the turtle shell on their own, accepting this whole new world, which was good for them. Although the process of receiving is painful, it is very beneficial for life in the era of decadence later on. Belle cries half-truth, half-false, being pushed upstairs by her parents, locked in the bedroom. Two people standing outside the door of Belle's room looked at each other, walking out in the wind and snow to find water. And Belle pretended to wait in the room, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, waited for her parents to go a long way, she gently jumped down from the balcony of the living room, quietly jumped into the greenhouse growing vegetables, followed the direction. After her parents went out. Passing by two killed police zombies, she also did not forget to grab the cores in their heads. Belle's parents work very hard to be strong. Because of their daughter Belle, they have more energy than normal people. Although there are not many zombies in the mansion, there are still a few. Meeting them, they did not run away, but bravely went to fight. Belle follows her parents, when necessary, she will shoot a small piece of water, silently helping her parents kill zombies. Then, after her parents left, she stepped forward, collecting the cores in the heads of the zombies on the ground. It wasn't until the two of them finally overcame their fear, feeling a sense of accomplishment after killing elementary zombies, that Belle saw her parents finally remember to find water. In the Apple villa area, it is unlikely that every villa is inhabited, nor is it sure that all villas are empty. Belle's parents went to ring the doorbell from house to house, someone answered, they didn't come in, if no one, Mr William broke the lock on the main door with a stone, went inside to find water. At this time, Belle also entered the garden, standing outside the main gate waiting. Waiting for her parents to finish flipping people's houses up, she hid again, continuing to silently protect them. As a day passed, Belle's parents finally found a barrel of mineral water, some frozen meat, rice, and green vegetables in an empty house. By the time it was not dark, the two were satisfied with their belongings and returned to the villa. Belle immediately returned to the house, changed into clean clothes, sat in her room, opened the door, and welcomed her victorious parents back. Outside, the wind was strong and cold, and sometimes snow flew to my neck. The two of them had messy hair, their hands and feet were red from freezing, their bodies were covered in blood, dirty, sloppy and stinky, but their faces were extremely excited as if the thing they were holding in their hands was not an object. it's gold and silver. Belle looked at her parents like that in her heart, and she wanted to cry. She bowed her head to accept the mess in her mother's hand and went into the kitchen. As her parents moved other items into the kitchen, Belle leaned against the glass table, telling them: "Parents, don't go looking for water, I've activated my water power!" She holds two glasses. Under the surprised stares of her parents, the two glasses in Belle's hand quickly filled with water. She stepped forward, handing two glasses of water to her parents. Seeing the appearance of struggling to run back and forth all day, without drinking a sip of water, their dry lips, her eyes were red: "I give my parents water to wipe my body and change into a clean set of clothes." Era of decadence came, at first, electricity and gas were still fully supplied, and the phone still had a signal. But gradually, I don't know when they will be cut off. Therefore, there are still a lot of things to prepare such as gasoline, solar batteries, etc. Belle alone can't do it. The simplest is a solar battery in the basement of the house, but she does not know how to install it, so she has to discuss it with Mr. William. But now he certainly wasn't in the mood to discuss these things with Belle. At this time, he and To's mother still have not recovered from the scary world outside.
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