Chap 13: Mother, you guys are eavesdropping on his phone again!

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Belle doesn't have time to wait for them to open their eyes, turning into full zombies. She always follows Trac The Giai. Thanks to this, Belle discovered that the head doctor of obstetrics and gynecology looked only 30 years old without any recreational activities after work. She got on her Jeep, followed Trac The Giai straight into an old-fashioned building next to the hospital, watched Trac The Giai go upstairs, open the door to the house. This place is simple. Originally, Belle thought that Trac The Giai would be in a bit of a high-class place, with relatively strict protection because one is the chief doctor anyway, how can there be a car and a house that doesn't match? In the end, Trac The Giai's house looks exactly like an office building from a few decades ago, without an elevator, standing on the first floor is to observe which floor Trac The Giai enters which floor. Things went too smoothly, so Belle parked her car in the parking lot and planned to find a KFC restaurant to eat some fast food. Oh no, Trac The Giai told her to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, so she immediately bought some apples and bananas and put them in the car, waited for it to get dark, then caught people! She had just started the car when in the rain, a woman's scream was heard. Belle raised her head, realized that the scream was coming from Trac The Giai's room, hurriedly got out of the car, ran into the old building in the rain, and rushed upstairs. She could hear from Trac The Giai's room, the clanking of pots and pans, and the crying of the head doctor. "If I can't have children, why blame me? Why blame me? I have checked, I have no problem at all!!!” “Isn't it because of you, is it because of me? Divorce, I can't live like this anymore, if I don't divorce, my life will end in your hands!" A man's voice sounded, when Belle climbed to the 5th floor, the door to Trac The Giai's room burst open, and a man wearing a gray coat, looking like a government employee, came out with an umbrella. He did not expect that there were still people standing in the corridor, so he was startled, at that moment Trac The Giai with messy hair rushed out again, seeming to be very excited, and did not expect that the other man was still standing. move in the hallway. And so, he was pushed by Trac The Giai, fell to the floor, holding the umbrella handle, lying at Belle's feet motionless. “Ah…a…a…” Trac The Giai’s tear-stained face looked very scared. She wore only a thin sweater, the male foot kicked down the stairs, squatted in front of the man and frantically checked his condition. Trac The Giai's hand trembled and touched the pulse on the man's neck, his face pale. She raised her head and said to Belle, "He's dead, he's dead. I already killed my husband.” "You didn't kill me." Belle casually looked down at the man's pale face, dark circles under his eyes. He looked like a raccoon, already severely zombieized. Even if Trac The Giai doesn't push, he will also turn into a zombie, no need to wait long, just past 12 o'clock tonight! “No, no, I killed, I killed, I killed my husband, I pushed him down the stairs so he died!” Trac The Giai held his head, sat down next to Belle, looking like a head doctor. Belle looked down at her, feeling impatient. What she needs is someone who can help her give birth to Tieu Ai, not a weak and fragile Trac The Giai. However, killing people or zombies is something that everyone has to go through, after going through it, they become adults, from which their mentality will also be more solid. Thanks to that, Trac The Giai will better face the era of decadence. Belle can help her fight zombies, can provide supplies, and even provide a place to stay after the era of decadence for Trac The Giai, but she can't strengthen her psychologically. Belle hesitated a bit, then decided to go past Trac The Giai, who was crying in pain, went upstairs, stood at the door of Trac Shi Giai's room, glanced at the woman below, and finally passed through the open anti-theft door, consider the house. This house is not very bright and spacious, the furniture is a bit old but full of breath In academics, there are medical books everywhere, and there is also the smell of Oriental medicine. Belle walked around and saw Trac The Giai's fur coat, she took it out of the room and put it on her grandmother. The warm coat made Trac The Giai who was silently crying to look up. The woman with messy hair, no longer in the mood to wonder why Belle was here, the first sentence to say was: "I went to the police station to confess!" "Okay. She went there for a few days, enjoying the atmosphere there! I'll come pick you up in a few days." Belle nodded, helped Trac The Giai to stand up, conveniently picked up the umbrella in her husband's hand and gently led Trac The Giai down the stairs. She opened her umbrella, led her to her car and drove straight to the farthest police station. Don't think Belle is buying time. She really intended to take Trac The Giai to the police station, moreover it was the furthest police station - a place not located in the city, the number of policemen was small, the number of criminals detained was not much, and it was located near the Villa Guo Apple. Tonight, Trac The Giai confessed that at best, he was locked in a detention room, a room for one person, only to be able to get a bow tomorrow. May is the end of the world. Belle left Trac The Giai in the police station, unable to run around. She could sit in it watching the outside world change, then clearly feel the world of drunken zombies. Wait a few days, she will come back to pick you up. The darkness gradually approached. During the whole way, Trac The Giai did not look at Belle, nor say a word, now that Belle takes her anywhere, she feels that life is not as good as death. With her hair falling on her face, her fur coat ruffled, Trac The Giai no longer had any will to live. There were a few accidents on the roadside, car owners were arguing with each other. It can be seen that these two cars collided but no one refused to get out of the car, bystanders called the police and an ambulance, but perhaps due to recent days, things like friction between doctors and patients, Traffic accidents, quarrels and fights are becoming more and more frequent, so the police and doctors can't follow, can only let the car owners solve it themselves, or not solve it. At the gate of the police station, Belle parked the car and helped Trac The Giai out, the two entered step by step. She waited for more than an hour before Trac The Giai came out, seemed to have "arranged" well before driving back. Returning to the villa, To's parents couldn't help but continue to teach their daughter with great enthusiasm, why would a daughter go all day without coming home and so on. Belle listened obediently, without arguing. Only when you have lost a loved one can you appreciate this kind of care from your parents. By the time she returned to the villa, it was past dinner time, so her mother only scolded a few words and urged her to go to the bathroom with warm water, change into comfortable clothes while she went to the kitchen to cook for Belle. Belle obediently obeyed, showered and changed, just went downstairs to see To's mother, who was cooking, went to the salon to watch TV with Mr. William. The TV was showing a live news program, a female MC was standing on the chaotic street, reporting at the scene. Behind her are slow, squishy zombies that are biting people around. The streets are very noisy, some people are too scared to faint, some people are dumbfounded, some look at it for a while and then run away, some people even dare to stand next to take pictures and post weibo. "Damn it, you can't run like that?!" Belle stood at the top of the stairs, with a dry terry towel on her head, looking disdainfully at the people who had been bitten. 80% of the global population will become zombies, the remaining 20% will have people bitten to become zombies or fake powers, it remains to be seen whether their ability to overcome fear. What is there to fear? Belle weighs a bunch of these zombies! "ASIAN!!!" Mother To suddenly screamed loudly, Mr. William who was sitting on the sofa was also startled by the reporter. The other reporter was doing the TV show Meet End of the Year somewhere, suddenly realized something was wrong behind, just turned her head when a zombie from the side of the camera opened its mouth and bit her neck right in front of her. eyes of all viewers nationwide. Bright red blood splattered on the camera lens. At almost the same moment, Belle stood on the stairs listening to the continuous screams from the distant horizon. She smiled, rubbed her wet hair with both hands, looked at her parents' panic and fear, and happily said: "Parents, welcome, come, come, come, come!!! Make food for me, I'll take you two out to fight monsters to level up." Under the warm light of the lavish crystal lamp, her parents were like children who didn't understand. They turned their heads to look at Belle and then began to discuss, ignoring her. Mr William comforted To's mother: "Don't worry, we haven't been out much lately. This is just a rare phenomenon, our news coverage and this place are tens of kilometers apart." Mother To comforted Mr. William: "The security and order of Xiangcheng is still very good, riots will not occur easily." No one noticed, Belle shrugged boringly, walking into the kitchen to cook noodles herself. After a while, To's mother came in, helped her fry eggs, and advised: "Just now the news has reported, recently there has been a cold virus or something, the host urged everyone to wait in a safe place. Don't go out waiting for the government to come save you. “ Who is so free to spread this information?!” Belle snorted contemptuously, held a bowl of noodles in front of her, and sat at the dining table waiting for To's mother's eggs. She didn't care about the news. Waiting for her parents to sleep, she took Xiao Ai alone and went out to fight monsters, giving the two of them a few days to accept reality. At this moment, Mr. William is still sitting on the sofa, scratching his head, surfing the news on his mobile phone. There seems to be violence everywhere in the country, even Xiangcheng. At the top one news of Xiangcheng of weibo, in the last few hours, there have been events of biting people. He lost his temper a little, thought for a moment, then looked up Lor's number in the cell phone directory. He is a soldier, he is also a soldier of great ability. Mr. William himself is the breadwinner of the family, of course he has to find good protection for this house. For a long time no one contacted Lor, unexpectedly Mr William called. Lor received the call, only to hear him laughing: "Are you looking for me?" "That's right, Little Diep, you should watch the news!" "What news?" “The news is all over the news of crazy people biting people, the host also urges people not to go out, waiting for government support.” “Is this the case? My phone is a brick phone that can't see the news." Lor originally intended to pretend to be relaxed, after listening to Mr. William's stories, he gradually became serious. He glanced around with no more zombies to kill, then looked at his teammates next to him bored sitting on the zombie corpse playing poker. Hunan, advised Mr. William: "It's okay, brother, don't go out, I will immediately lead someone to save everyone. Definitely don't go out, we may need a few days. I told Belle and auntie to be patient too, don't panic, we need to wait for us to come running." After hearing Mr William's promise, Lor hung up the phone. Turning around to look, the poker teammates had all stood up, everyone was so happy that they were about to cry, they had big backpacks on their backs, weapons in their hands and bags of belongings they had searched from several areas. city. They are a pre-apocalyptic suicide team, with more experience in dealing with zombies than normal people. The main thing is to wait any longer, the furniture inside has also been plundered, the outside has become a paradise for zombies, no longer afraid of infection, why do they stay? "Mother, you guys are eavesdropping on his phone again!" Lor angrily walked over to kick the Dharma Protectorate, the Dharma Protector fluttered in the wind, gently fell far away on the ground, turned around and laughed with disgust at sentient beings: "Wow, Lor has the ability to do so. Then follow your grandfather!" After saying that, the Dharma Protector threw himself over the steel fence. Behind Lor's hands appeared two flames. These two flames seemed to be able to track, chasing after the Dharma Protector, rounding the square, and finally crashing into the barbed wire. The point of contact with the fire made a "click" sound, and two large holes appeared. Lor behind the Dharma Protector was also not surprised, galloping through the hole to get out. The Dharma Protector has flown over the fence, looking at Lor. Everyone in the background was buzzing with commotion, suicide squad members with all sorts of strange skills in different colors, each man carrying a variety of bags - nylon yes, snakeskin - jumping through the hole, as excited as he could get. Going back home to celebrate Tet, dyeing the tragic night with different colors. That's right, a simple fin. Although it is a barbed wire fence with electricity, it has not been able to keep this "monkeys" for a long time. They don't go out because they are afraid that they will bring the apocalyptic virus, infecting human society, what are they afraid of now?! Companionship. Belle's parents worried all night. Two people sat in the living room watching TV, clicking on each channel one by one, but apart from the carefully edited auto-play programs of the television station, many channels only interfered, meaning the signal was lost. On the internet, information about zombies is also increasing. At 12 noon, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, the sky gradually had gray snowflakes flying away. The vast majority of people in the world passed out in this snow. After eating a bowl of noodles, Belle went back to her room, took out Bai Luoluo's crystal core, absorbed it, practiced it for a bit, and then slept to recuperate. Early the next morning, the rain had stopped but the ash-colored snow was still flying, the color was even darker. From afar, it seems that the whole world is covered in darkness. This one night, the earth is crying, countless people like Belle's parents are worried about not being able to sleep, the more people start their journey to escape, the few who understand, like Lor's suicide team, the harder they hit. As for Belle, who is beautiful, cheerful and cheerful, eats well and sleeps well for a night, she is alone! Although Apple's villa area is in the suburbs, it is a relatively rich area, but faintly can still hear continuous high-pitched screams. Here, of course, besides Belle's house, there were other people staying. In those people's houses, there are people who are turned into zombies, there are also people who are bitten by zombies or run away. Belle slips on slippers, wears the same loose-fitting yoga clothes as before, and wears a long black feather coat. She gently opened the door to go out, seeing her parents standing at the floor-to-ceiling glass door outside the living room, hand in hand, looking out the window. Belle was curious, went downstairs, and looked out the window as well.
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