Pigeon Park

1101 Words
PIGEON PARK OLD SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO Same Day When the couple reached the Chapel of Christ the Savior (which is known as Capilla del Cristo), they asked a local male to take a picture of them in front of the chapel with its exposed bell tower. Layla and Daniel stood joyfully arm in arm in front of the modest, stone structure; its wrought iron gate enclosed the silver and gold altar. After thanking the man for taking their picture, Layla noticed that dozens of silver ornaments decorated the inside of the chapel. “What are those things hanging inside?” Layla inquisitively asked. As she looked closer, she could tell that some of the ornaments were various body parts - an ear, a nose, a foot, an arm, a leg. Other ornaments were of the entire body. “I have no idea. We’ll have to find out.” Daniel had not yet learned of the story of the young horse rider who was miraculously saved at the location where the chapel was later built or the reason for its construction. The ornaments were placed there for those seeking miracles for physical ailments. Within seconds of finishing his comments, Daniel’s feet were inundated with three pigeons who were eager to be fed. He heard the cooing of more pigeons from afar and looked to his right towards Parque Las Palomas. He could see what looked like hundreds of pigeons on the ground. Some pigeons were also nestled in square holes in the reddish brick and mortar wall along the back of the park. “Wow, this park reminds me of St. Mark’s Square in Venice. Do you mind if we go in? You aren’t afraid of pigeons, are you?” “No, silly.” Layla was anxious to experience Pigeon Park having never been to Italy. She had always wanted to visit the holy city of Rome. Although she could easily afford a trip to Rome and the flight from New York wasn’t too long, Layla wanted to share the experience with a romantic partner. Unfortunately, none of her suitors since her divorce measured up. She secretly hoped that Daniel may be the one who she could finally feel comfortable taking to Italy. Only time would tell. Daniel paid the two dollars so that he and Layla could enter the park. He then purchased some pigeon food from an old lady seated near the entrance of the park. He handed the bag of bird food to Layla. “Here, so you can feed them. Just watch out. They may land on your shoulder and give you a little gift.” He laughed. “You’re kidding me, right?” Layla asked while wincing her eyes in concern. She tossed some bird feed on the ground. The pigeons near her greedily ate them. Others came closer to share in the feast, hoping that the latest park guest would throw some food in their direction. Layla eagerly complied until all of the food was gone. After a while, the birds were a little overwhelming. Realizing this, Daniel took Layla’s hand and led her to the grassy area further into the park away from the crowd. They stood near the small, southern brick fence overlooking San Juan Bay facing the water. A cool breeze flushed their faces. Daniel stood directly behind Layla, nearly pressing up against her body. He pointed towards the horizon. “In the distance, there, you can see the Bacardi Distillery on the other side of the bay.” “Oh, we should go,” Layla exclaimed. “Yes, we will once we go to the Dorado area. I’ve never toured the facility.” Layla was excited that they had another adventure on their list of things to do together. While still looking towards the bay, Daniel slowly grabbed Layla’s waist and swayed her body with the wind. She could hear him humming a song while he gently caressed her hips ever so slightly with the tips of his fingers. She could not make out any words. “When I hold you…” Daniel mouthed the words but sang them silently in his mind. “When I touch you…” He continued to sway Layla’s body with his hands. Their bodies swayed in unison rhythmically. Daniel turned Layla’s sensual body around so that they were face to face. He could feel her feminine warmth unmistakably. The silent sound of a sultry saxophone resounded in the song that was ringing inside of his mind. The saxophone inspired him to boldly press even closer to Layla’s body. His manhood was erect and firmly pressed against her body. He could feel Layla's warmth exuding from between her firm thighs. “When I kiss you…” Daniel closed his eyes, cupped Layla’s chin with his right hand and lifted it gently towards his mouth as he leaned his head down so that he could kiss Layla’s succulent and full lips. Layla also closed her eyes in anticipation of their first kiss. She had waited for this kiss for nearly six years. As Daniel was about to suck on Layla’s lips for another kiss, she pulled away from his grasp. “No, please,” she nervously said. Daniel opened his eyes and could see and feel Layla’s outstretched hand with her index finger pressed against his lips so that he could not continue. Her eyes sheepishly looked towards the ground. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” “I’m not… I’m not ready,” Layla sighed deeply and somewhat ashamed. “I don’t understand. Is it me?” “It’s not you, Daniel. You’ve been a perfect gentleman. It’s me. I’m sorry to say that. I’m just not ready.” “I understand.” Daniel resisted the desire to pull away like a man scorned. Instead, he held Layla tightly. This comforted her. “It’s okay, sweetheart. We can wait as long as you want. And if you never feel…” “It’s not that. It’s that my last relationship was…” “Do you mean Leon?” “Yes.” Layla knew that Daniel was aware of her relationship with Leon. She had posted about their relationship on f******k for several years. As mutual high school friends, Daniel could see all about Layla's seemingly happy relationship with Leon on f******k except the tragic end. Layla never posted why the relationship ended abruptly. But prior to coming to Puerto Rico, she told Daniel the truth about the failed relationship. Unfortunately, not all of it. “I just… It’s that he hurt me more than any man. I was at the lowest point in my life.” Daniel listened attentively. He could see the pain in her eyes. “It’s okay. If you don’t feel comfortable right now talking about it, we can do something else.” He wasn’t sure if smiling or showing some expression of happiness in spite of the circumstances would be appropriate. He simply wanted to be reassuring. “No, I want to tell you all of it. I’m just not sure if I should tell you now.” Layla paused. “I… I…” “It’s okay, babe.” Daniel held both of her hands and squeezed slightly.
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