
1384 Words

BIO-BAY FAJARDO, PUERTO RICO The Next Evening After parking the Nissan Altima in a parking spot on Las Crobas Boulevard in Fajardo, Layla and Daniel walked across the street and then down towards the beach. The moonlit night was gorgeous. The waves lapped gently onto the beach. It was a perfect spot to go night kayaking. “Is Ismael here?” Daniel asked a young lady with a bull horn. A name tag was on the upper left of her white blouse. On it was the word: “Matilda.” “Yes.” Matilda pointed to a gentleman a little further along the roadway near a boat ramp. A group of about twenty men and women encircled him. He was handing out life vests and helmets with what appeared to be lights connected on the top. “There he is. Follow his directions. Have a nice time.” “Thank you, ma’am,” Daniel c

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