Boxes And Boxes

800 Words

BOXES AND BOXES TEMPE, ARIZONA Two Months After Graduation Party The sound of whirling tape unwrapping and being applied to a cardboard box filled what remained in the near-empty apartment. A black sharpie marker scribbled the word “Kitchen” in all caps on the top of the box. Layla handed the box to a gentleman who packed it into her Acura MDX. Just then, a sigh of relief. This was the last box and she was finished. Layla looked around the apartment to see if there was anything that she missed. Besides a few scraps of this or that of meaningless things, there was nothing of hers that remained. She intended on shipping her belongings back to New York in her MDX except for the few things that were necessary for her carryon bag. Because of the recent events with Leon, Layla asked to be tr

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