pay the consequences...

1423 Words
Melanie's POV I was woken with pains in my head and my body, I open my eyes and realized I was on the cold floor with my hands and legs tied together. I hissed and tried to sit on the floor. Few minutes, the door opened and a guard walk in with food and water,a food that wouldn't be okay for little Malik. "Eat " the guard kept the food on the floor and stared at me with anger before leaving. I move closer to the plate and started eating with my two hands tied, but Icouldn't drink the water. The door of my prison open and I saw their leader walking in with anger all over his face. "You have the guts to play me".he spoke angrily I stared at him but did not say a word "Speak when I talk to you ".he spoke in anger and kick the food with his legs. "Your king has been silent since yesterday and no message from him ".he yelled in anger. I gulped nervously and look away, What was I expecting, that the king will rush and come for me. "You played me for a fool, Right?" He asked in range "I told you the truth ". I murmured He nods his head and chuckled evilly "You think you are wise, huh?".he asked in anger, "I will deal with you ".he spoke firmly. "Prepare yourself because I'm taking you tonight ".he expressed those words like he meant it and left the room. I hissed but not of regrets. At least I know Malik, lali and Dean are all safe ,and that's all that matters. I lay on the floor and drifted to sleep. "Your hands are warm". I murmured shyly as the king gently caressed my cheek. "Your skin are so soft, just like that of. Newborn baby".he murmured drunkenly and moved closer to me, but I move away and smiled drunkenly at him and took another sip of the drink, He stares at me for a while before taking a sip of his drink. "I think I should take another wife ".he smiled at me and took a sip of his drink, "Maybe I should get married to you ".he stood up from the bed and sat on the floor with me. "The floor is more comfortable ".he smiled at me and moved closer to me. I smiled at him and took a sip of my drink. Without warning he pulls me to himself and kissed me so passionately. I opened my eyes and realized it was another memory of that night. I sat on the floor and recall all I dreamt. The king kissed me but what happened then, I was really anxious to know even when I knew Malik was his son, I just wanted to know how it happened. The opening of my door got my attention. A guard walk in and forcefully pulled me from the floor with anger and dragged me out of the room. "What is going on ". I scream in anger and fear,, but he did not say a word. He dragged me until he stopped in front of a hut I assumed was the hut of their leader. "Go in ".he pushed me inside the hut, I step into the hut and saw the leader seated on the bed half naked. He stares at me with anger before speaking up, "You lied to me, and now you will have to pay the consequences ". "Strip ".he ordered I stared at him with wild eye, I have never been naked in front of a man except from the king which I can't remember. "Are you deaf? I asked you to strip".his word came as an order. Melanie POV I stared at him shock and confused "Don't make me repeat myself ".he yelled in anger. I took in a deep breath and thought of what to do but nothing meaningful came to my head. He stood up and pull me to himself "You know I can just kill you here and no one will even care for you ".he spoke with so much anger. I stared around in fear and saw a small eating knife on the table probably from the food he finished eating "Get on the floor " he shouted and pushed me to the floor. I fell down and thought of how to get the knife from the table. "You have the guts to play me for a fool and I will teach you a lesson, he turns his back at me and went for something at the corner of the bed I used the opportunity and quickly grab the knife on the table and hid it under my dress. He turns and stared at me with anger holding a rope in his hand "I will have s*x with you, but you won't feel pleasure rather you will only feel pains. He came closer to me and without a second thought, I took the knife and stab him right in his chest, I did not waste any second of time I pull off the knife and stab him on the chest again He screams in pain and hold his chest in pain. I stood up from the floor and ran out of the hut, luckily for me, the guards were a bit far from the hut. I slowly and quietly ran out of the hut. "Find her ". I hear his scream "s**t I'm in trouble". I ran as fast as my legs could carry me and hide among the wood, they passed me and I took another direction. I kept on running with no direction in my head, I ran for hours until I decided to rest in a tree. I wanted to rest, but then I heard their voices from afar and I had to stand up and kept on running. I ran for hours and I realized I was losing my strength I stared afar and realized I could see a village, but I wasn't sure I could make it to the village. I kept on running, but my steps were getting weaker the more I take a step. I stop and took in a deep breath and continued my journey. I was almost in the village when I gave up and fainted. I open my eyes and noticed I was in a room beautiful designed and decorated, just like a room for royalty. I sat on the bed in fear and stared around only to see someone backing me. "Who are you ?" I asked in fear He turns and stared at me for a while before smiling at me "I see you are awake".he came closer to me and sat on the bed, but I move away in fear. "Don't be scared, I won't hurt you ".he said those words like he meant it. I stared at him and noticed the sincerity in his voice. "Who were you running from ?" He asked while staring at me with curiosity. I hissed softly and stared at him with a questioning look, I don't know who he is, and I don't know if he works with that man. "Who are you ". I asked in fear He chuckled softly and stared at me right in the eyes like he was trying to read through me. "I asked you a question ".he spoke in a commanding tune. "No one ". I murmured “Are you sure about that ?" He asked in disbelief I murmured but did not say a word. He hissed and stood up from the bed "You must be hungry, I'll tell the maid to get you something".he muttered out those words and wanted to walk away, but I quickly stood up and held his hand. He stares at my hand on his hand before staring at me, I realized what I did and quickly removed my hand. "I'm sorry, but who are you ?" I asked in curiosity. I stared at him, he was dressed as royalty, but there was no crown on his head and what will a royalty been doing in a forest and in another king's land. “You want to know who I am ".he asked while moving closer to me, I swallowed nervously and look away. He chuckled and stared at me for a while before he spoke up "You look scared and tired, eat and get some rest we will talk later ".he said those words and left me confused.
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