It was hate at first sight

1471 Words
Have you ever met that one person in your life that no matter what you do, the feelings don't fade easy? Someone who makes you feel different? Someone who makes you feel alive? Someone who makes you wish nights would last a little longer? That even if you're apart it's just there inside you and it never goes away. Two weird people who know each other too well spending time together telling every goddamned stories that there's not one thing that you both need to conceal and whenever you're at the same place, everything feels alright, everything feels the same like nothing has ever changed, everything goes back to normal in a snap. Comfortable, that's the word. It's beyond the typical cheesy love, it doesn't fall in the category of friendship either. It's a little bit of something else and it's rarely found.. Yeah, that kind of thing. She was the stagiest, most conceited, vainest, most irascible girl you'll ever met. She was very particular with her cleanliness and especially her hair. She walks with her chin up and her back full of self confidence. She was the darling of the crowd and you can feel how proud she is for that. She's very quiet but she is used of rolling her eyes to anybody she met. It's really annoying and you certainly know that you can never build even a simple friendship with her. A self-centered brat you would always love to ruin her day. She would look at you like a tiger and roar at you like a lion. She would throw her things at you and turns her back whenever she's already pissed off. She would even say in front of your face how unattractive you are and that you are just a piece of cake, like you are not a man at all. She's really irritating to look at that you would love to see her yelling out of anger. You hate her and she hates you, but that is very fulfilling though. "What kind of guy do you look for, Lovely? one that in time you can adore? one that you hope will remain friends, even when your love ends? One that flatters you with whispers in your ears? one that holds the tissue to wipe your tears? a guy that will do anything you want him to? a guy who loves you for the real "you"? One that will always hold you tight, keeping you from nightmares all night? a guy that reminds you how beautiful you are, regardless if you are close or far? A guy who shares his food when you want more? or a guy who opens and holds the door? a guy who can stare at you for an hour and a half, just to see your smile and hear your laugh? One that would stay up to talk on the phone, just so you would never feel alone? A guy who knows a little bit of romance, gives you a long kiss after a slow dance? One that apologizes no matter how long, for even the simplest things he's done wrong? one that would choose you over anything, cause you with him makes him feel like a king? a guy whos more amusing than a clown, and can always turn your frown upside down? a guy that always keeps you from being bored, and for the rest of time by him your adored? I'm asking all these questions, do you want to know why? Because I would like to be that guy, I would like to be the guy who does all this for you, now the main question is.... Am I going to be able to"? Seryosong tanong ni Nhill Tiduz kay Lovely na nakataas ang kilay sa kanya. He was the rudest, naughtiest, most hard-headed and most annoying guy you've ever met. He was the total opposite of your ideal guy and he have always been ruining your day because he wanted it that way. The first time you saw him, you know that he would really be a lump of sugar and that you would never get to build a wonderful relationship with him, not even friendship. He was the one who blocks your way everyday, annoying you and making you yell your heart out of anger. He would play with your hair and hid your things. He would kick your notebooks and pens far that you would actually run for it at center of the room. He would call you names and say you're not beautiful. He would even embarrass you in front of your crush saying that you stink or fart loud or sleeps with your mouth open. He would make everything worse when he's around because he just loves seeing you angry and nearly into tears. You hate him, and he hates you. That's what's gonna be until the very end. "I don't want someone who I dress up for. I want someone with whom I'm comfortable enough to wear old clothes and no make up on. I don't want someone who treasures every moment with me - like it's his last. I want someone who takes for granted that I will always be with him. I don't want someone who I must always be at my best with. I want someone who can take me at my worst and still love me. I don't want someone with whom every outing is a date. I want someone who I can just be with. I don't want someone who keeps me hanging around the phone, hoping he'll call. I want someone whom I know will call when he can. I want someone I can curl up and fall asleep with knowing that he'll never take what I will not give, or let me hurt myself by giving too much. I don't want someone who will religiously remember our monthly anniversary. I want someone who will forget our yearly anniversary, because the passage of time is irrelevant when you have forever. I don't want someone to insist on paying for everything when we go out together. I want someone who can take, knowing he'll always have chances to give. I don't want someone who will go home after a fight, heartbroken because he knows it's over. I want someone who although furious and hurt will never consider breaking up. I don't want someone who treats me like a fragile flower. I want someone who can relax around me. I don't want someone who pays me compliments. I want someone who tells me the truth because he respects me and knows I can take it." Nhill smirk hearing Lovely's words. "I don't want someone who composes a poem for my eyes, a song for my nose and a sonnet for my mouth. I want someone who writes about me. I don't want someone who says he loves me every hour of the day. I want someone who I know loves me without having to be told about it. I don't want someone to hold my hand because he wants to show the world I'm his. I want someone who holds my hand because he wants to feel my touch. I don't want someone who kisses me in the lips just to let me know he loves me. I want someone who kisses me in the forehead and make me feel that he's always there to protect me." "In short.. You don't want a perfect person beside you. You want a person who loves you perfectly." Nhill concluded Lovely's words. Lovely smirk. "Exactly! Your smart ass.." And it was where their story started. But what's really surprising is that, as times goes by, as the two of them kept on fighting and blaming and hurting and shouting at each other, both of them ended up falling in love. A day is boring without him/her bothering you. Something's missing when he/she isn't around or the other one's sick or in a vacation. It hurts seeing him/her talking to other people, like he/she have to consult for your permission before talking and laughing with somebody else. Everything turned out to be you and him. You and her. It's the two of you against the world now. Something has changed and both of you are happy with that. The yelling became whispering sweet words to each other's ears. The kicking and punching became sweet kisses and hugs. The blaming and pointing became understanding and caring. And the hate turns out to be love that is surely meant to last forever. It wasn't hate at first sight after all, it was love at first sight that was hidden underneath the pride and ego that sparked when your eyes met the his/hers who was destined to be the love of your life. ?MahikaNiAyana
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