Falling in love

1448 Words
When I was a kid, I thought that the most painful thing in the world is getting myself wounded because of running and playing with my friends. I thought that my bleeding knees, swollen elbows and hurting thighs are the worst thing that would ever happen to me. I cried so hard as my Mom cured those wounds. So hard like there's no tomorrow. I kept on yelling how it hurts and that I wouldn't run again. But the next day? I run away from home and call my friends to play again. My wound doesn't hurt anymore. I'm completely well. When I reached the adolescent stage, I thought that being dumped by the one I love is the most painful thing on Earth. Getting my heart broken for the first time was something I can't handle. I cried myself to sleep, slapping my face and making myself realize that I am no good to everybody. That I am so dumb to fall in love to someone who could never love me back. I cried over my pillows, telling myself never to fall in love again. But then, I came across someone who caught my attention, and at that moment, my heart started to pump hard again. It took all the pain away and l know that I am ready to fall in love again. Now, I'm already an adult. I have suffered a lot of pain. A lot of heartbreaks. A lot of wounds. I've bled a lot. I've cried buckets of tears. I've blamed people. I was dumped. I became dumb. I fell in and out of love. And I can say that the most painful thing in life is not feeling anything at all. Because the most extreme relief and comfort that I've felt since I was a kid was after each pain that I've been through. My family's hugs and kisses, my friends' advice and jokes, my love one's care and respect, all of those things took all the bad memories caused by the pains that I've suffered back then. We just have to accept the hurt but don't keep it. Open your heart and let people came in because they are the ones who know how to mend that hurting heart of yours. He wasn't the guy I've been wishing for but he was the one who came and saved me from falling for wrong people. He is not the guy whom I thought I can say every single thing about me, but he is the one who became the living secret box whom I run to when I needed someone to listen to me. He wasn't the one whom I've been stalking on f*******: or Twitter, but he became the only one whom I enjoyed getting to know more. He wasn't the guy I meant to fall in love with but he was the one who gave me countless of reasons to fall for him each single day. He wasn't supposed to be the guy for me but he proved it all wrong because he made me feel that I am worth fighting for. He came into my life without any signs that he was about to change it. He just came, just like how ordinary friends do. And he never left. Ever. He stayed by my side through ups and downs. He stand by me like a big brother who never let anyone hurt me. He is the best protector and the most excellent adviser. He became my strength and my weakness as well. He's the reason for my smiles and the one who shoo my tears away. He became my everything as much as I am his. He became someone who is more than just a special someone but that someone whom I can call mine. Someone whom I can turn to. Someone whom I know would never leave me. Someone who loves me more than I love him. He is my happiness. He is my true love. Falling in love with a guy who plays the guitar for you. Every song that he strums in his guitar's just for you. You're his inspiration as he close his eyes and feel every chords of that wonderful song. He would patiently learn a single piece just to play it in front of you, beautifully and flawlessly. At first, he may be a bit shy playing the guitar while you stare at him, but as time goes by and he continued playing it to you every single day, it would be one of his habits, because he knows it would make you really happy. Along with the lyrics of the song he's playing are the words he longed to tell you. Every song he picked has a meaning behind it, and you just have to read between the lines. When he started singing and strumming the guitar, look at him straight from his eyes, and you'll see the sincerity and the love that he have for you. You'll see how much he cares for you and that he don't wanna let you go. Feel the lyrics deep within your heart, not just the melody and tone that play along with it. Listen to him carefully, don't be distracted by mistakes he commit as he play. He's not perfect. Even how good he is as a guitarist, expect that he would also commit mistakes, just focus on how good he is, and you would appreciate it so much. He'll wake you up with your favorite song upon your room's window early in the morning. He'll serenade you whatever time of the day. He'll sing with all his heart and that's perfectly enough to complete your day. He would make you feel how thankful he is to wake up every morning thinking of you. He would touch your heart as much as the melody his playing touches your soul. You can't do anything but to smile and listen to him, and just let yourself fall for him over and over again. He'll sing you songs when you're sad, or you're sick or you're not in the mood. He knows how much it would make you feel better. He won't stop not until he knows that you're already okay. He'll play jolly songs when you feel that everything around you seems so lonely, because he don't wanna see you crying. He'll play for you when he missed he. He'll play for you when he's happy for your success. He'll play for you on the phone until you fall asleep. He'll play every single day when you want him to, and make you feel how much he loves you. He would write a song for you because he realized that playing the guitar for you isn't just enough. A song that contains all the words that he wanted to tell you that cannot be just expressed by his bare mouth. A song that symbolizes his great love for you. He would spend a lifetime writing even one song for you to keep it forever. Because the lyrics of that songs contains nothing but you, and only you. It's really great falling in love with a guy who loves playing the guitar for you. Because behind his smiles as he plays the guitar is the fast beating of his heart as he longed to tell you that those songs he sang for you only means "I love you." I'll never get tired listening to you. I admit I'm not into love songs, but knowing that you're a love song yourself, I'm sure I won't get enough of it. I will listen to you everyday and I will never take my headsets off because I want you to be always playing in my head. You'll be my favorite love song of all time and I don't care if you're playing over and over again. You'll be number one in my playlist and it's okay for me if you're the only song there. I'll memorize you and I'll sing you on public places so the other people will have the chance to hear even just a part of you. I'll tell you to my friends and I'll convince them to listen to you too but i'll get mad if they also make you their favorite since you're mine alone. And even in my dreams, I want to hear your sweet melody and your powerful lyrics. I'll bring my guitar everywhere so I can sing you every time I'm alone. And I don't have to take those pills to boost my energy, because once I hear you, my energy will automatically boost up and I'll be inspired all day. ?MahikaNiAyana
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