1293 Words

CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX Hey, Bolt,” said a familiar voice above him. He felt soft hands shake his shoulders. “Wake up. Come on, now. I know you’ve taken worse hits than that and gotten up.” Blinking rapidly, Bolt looked up into the face of Shade. She was kneeling beside him, staring down at him with a concerned look on her face. Her short, dark hair was messier than normal and she had a couple of scratches on her face, but otherwise looked fine. Bolt himself, on the other hand, had a splitting headache the second he opened his eyes, though it rapidly subsided as consciousness returned to him. “Shade?” said Bolt, blinking again. “Is that you?” Shade smiled in relief. “Whew. I thought you might not recognize me there. You bumped your head when we fell out of that portal and I wasn’t sure if y

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