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MYKEL Someone is f*****g with me and I have to find out who? First my personal life, now my business. I am going to find the fucker and I will make the reason for his existence nothing but a sorry excuse. Gripping my tablet tightly, I walked into the conference room where the department heads are all gathered. The all rose to their seat when I walked in, all except Victor. I glared at him for a moment before signaling the rest to sit down. “What could be so important that we have to give up our lunch time?”Victor asked with a tone that made him sound a bit bored. “I am sure more than half of us here are hungry because we have been working our asses off this morning but you wouldn’t know that because you’ve been busy mixing chemicals.” “If you do not keep your mouth shut,” I snapped, “you will be sent to the north quarters.” They are in charge of the production of tires and knowing Victor, he prefers sitting pretty in an office. My threat shut his mouth up. He might be my brother, but I am still in charge. “Are you all going to pretend that you haven’t seen the news?” that there isn’t a damn traitor in our midst? The exchanged confused between each other and Victor continued to look bored. I waited for a full minute for someone to say something but when on one uttered a word, I figured they know nothing about it. My jaw clenched with anger as I grabbed the projector control remote and turned it on. “JJ Motors released their October collection and none of you knew anything about it?” Should I reshuffle the staff? “It’s not that we don’t know,” Victor responded, “it is that we do not care to know.” He deadpanned. “some of us are actually busy Mykel, we can’t go around listening to every news online.” “And you think you are making sense?” I asked him, genuinely disappointed in his response. “you believe it isn’t part of your job to be updated on what our competitors are doing?” he simply shrugged in response and for that moment I considered firing him. clicking on the screen, I presented the reason for my enraged state. Everyone gasped. “Do you still believe you shouldn’t be bothered?” Dylan was the first to speak. “How is this even possible?” “Is that question for me?” I hissed. “somehow, JJ Motors releases the same design we have been working on for months and you sit there and ask me how this is possible?” Victor lifted his hand. “are you going to blame us for your inability to protect the property of this company?” My eyes narrowed at him. “Does this have something to do with you Victor?” He rolled his eyes. “And he blames someone else for his incompetence.” He muttered. “Instead of chasing clouts, how about we talk about how to handle the situation? I don’t think the board of members will be happy to hear this.” And I am sure he will be very happy to take the information to them. I turned to Dylan who is in charge of the design team. “you have over fifty staffs working under you Dylan, so I am not going to ask you how the design got out.” He bowed his head, avoiding my gaze.”I deeply apologize for the outcome of things sir, but I promise you that I am going to look into it and find out if the leak is from my department.” “You should, and so should ever other person, including you Victor.” He looked up from his bottle of water at the mention of his name. “I want you all to place your staffs under probation,” while I place them in probation too, especially Victor because I feel he has a hand in this. The bastard is willing to do anything just to get me out of this seat. “How are we going to handle the situation?” he asked again. “Shouldn’t that be the main topic of discussion?” Like hell if I am going to discuss it with you all in this room when one of you is probably the reason why we are in this mess in the first place. “I will discuss that with Dylan later.” When I am certain he has nothing to do with this. “In the meantime, we will postpone the release date.” Victor chuckled. “and what are you going to tell the press?” leaning forward, he placed both elbows on the table and tlited his head. “Or have you forgotten we told the press about the release date?” “Why don’t you let me worry about that while you worry on finding if that bastard is in your department because if we don’t fish him out, we will be having similar occurrences.” He stared at me for few seconds the suddenly smile. “fine. You are the boss, do your thing. I just hope it doesn’t send us bankrupt or out of business.” Not if I send that bastard out of business. “this meeting is over.” Grabbing my tablet, I walked out of the conference room. Lucas fell into step the moment I stepped out of the room. “sir, we have been able to locate where Ms. Kalant is at the moment.” I halted. “you have?” finally someone is getting his job done. I’ve been trying to figure out where she disappeared to. “Where is she?” “I did not see her in person, but I have a flight ticket that confirmed she travelled to Ohio eight months ago.” Ohio? She’s definitely in Bradner with her father. At least I know she is fine. “we need your permission before heading to get personal pictures of her.” “that won’ be necessary.” I just wanted to make sure that she is fine. “Let her enjoy the peace that she seeks.” “Yes boss.” “Lucas?” I called out and he straightened his back. “she isn’t Mrs. Kalant anymore, don’t make that mistake again.” “yes boss.” Very soon, very very soon, everything will fall into place.
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