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SABRINA I can’t believe Dad actually reached out to Seth. Yes, I know he said he has been communicating with him on the phone but I didn’t take it seriously, especially after Alexander didn’t say anything about Seth again for a month. I didn’t call him either, because, unlike Dad, I severed my relationship with him, and calling him out of the blue and telling him that I want my life back as a model makes me look like a leech who only wants to suck away all the help he can offer. But standing before me in the middle of the garden is none other than Seth Andrews in the flesh. In the last seven months, I’ve practiced what I’ll say to him when I call him on the phone or when I see him, but my brain seemed to have forgotten all those speeches at his sight. He smiled warmly at me, his dimple making him look even more captivating to the eyes. “Well, I know we haven’t seen or spoken to each other for over two years now, but at least I was expecting a hug.” I blinked at him, still short of words and unable to form a coherent sentence in my head. His smile wavered and he bit his lower lips with uncertainty. “Is a hug too much?” He chuckled nervously, “Okay, a smile then.” I remained tightlipped, making the awkward tension between us grow even much bigger. “Can you please smile? Stop making this young man feel unwanted.” I finally chuckled and he visibly relaxed. “What are you doing here Seth?” I queried with a soft smile, walking towards him. “Did my dad call you?” “He told me you’ve been wanting to call,” He filled in, “but I guess you haven’t gotten the courage to do that just yet, so I decided to take the first step.” He lifted the box in his grasp. “Happy birthday Sabrina.” Oh…it’s my birthday today. How could have I possibly forgotten? Maybe because I didn’t think it was worth celebrating. “Thank you, Seth.” I got close enough to know that it was actually a cake in the box. “You didn’t have to.” “You’re right.” He agreed, “but I wanted to.” He grabbed the basket of fruit I picked from the garden. “The wine and candles are in the kitchen with your father. We should get in so you can make your wish.” Nodding, I allowed him to lead me into the house. Dad smiled at us when he saw us approaching. “You guys talk it out?” He asked, his question directed at Seth. “Not yet,” he pulled out a seat for me. “We wanted to get through with the birthday celebration first, then we can talk business.” My gaze squinted at my father. “You already told him I want to return to work?” “He didn’t,” Seth answered in the stead of Alexander. “I figured you’d want to return to work, now that the reason you left isn’t in the picture anymore.” “Mykel didn’t force me to leave,” I mumbled, not even sure why I’m defending him. Seth rolled his eyes as he stuck candles into the cake. “He may not have openly said so, but I’m certain he whispered the ideas in your head.” Well to be fair, I did want to return after eight months of our marriage, but Mykel wasn’t so ecstatic about it and his mother almost raised hell. “That’s by the way.” After lighting the candle, Seth gestured for me to make a wish and blow it out. I closed my eyes and wished for safe delivery, a healthy baby, and a happy life before blowing out the candlelight. Seth was quick to share the cake. Dad took his own share and excused himself, leaving me alone with Seth. He poured me a glass of juice and wine for himself. “Sabrina?” He called out and I peered at him. “I do not want to assume anything, which is why I want to know your plans.” “I am going to nurse the baby a while after birth, then I’m going to leave her with Dad.” He nodded thoughtfully, urging me to go ahead. “The plan was getting back in shape before reaching out to you for help.” He smiled. “Don’t worry about that, I can help you get back in shape.” He winked at me while sipping his wine, “You know no one hits the gym like I do.” “Thank you, Seth.” I really appreciate his effort to help me. “I also need to get a place in Mexico.” He stared at me intently, his blue eyes almost piercing. “What happened to your house in Mexico?” “I sold it,” I responded sheepishly. He tried not to judge. “I know it was a stupid thing to do and trust me, I regret it.” “It’s fine.” He responded with a sigh. “We all learn from our mistakes, that’s part of life.” Biting my lips, I nodded in agreement. “I have an apartment in Mexico that has been empty for a while, you can make use of it.” My eyes widened. “That’s not what I meant when I told you I need a house.” Leaning forward, I placed the glass on the island. “I have enough savings Seth, so you can keep your apartment. Besides I’m sure you bought it for a purpose.” “I bought it because I felt like spending some cash.” He boasted, “You can have it.” “I appreciate Seth, but I’d rather find a house for myself.” “Fine.” He agreed reluctantly. “How about I help you find an apartment? You can pay for it and when everything is ready, you can move over to Mexico.” “That’s a great idea.” His smile returned. “Perfect.” His phone vibrated on the table but he ignored it. “Do you still have your designer clothes from your marriage with Kalant or did you sell them?” I’m not that broke. “I still have them.” He grinned happily, rubbing his hands together. “That’s perfect. You’ll be needing them when you return to Mexico.” My eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Why is that?” “Because I want it to seem like you never left.” He responded. “To others out there, this isn’t going to be ‘the return of Sabrina Urch, but Sabrina 2.0, an upgraded version of your old self.” I can feel the excitement bubbling in me. “I like that!” “I’m glad you do because we’re going to make it happen.”
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