
The new boy's secret

female lead
male lead
poor to rich

This book is a sequel of P. S I LOVE YOU

Celina is your typical popular girl with secrets and would do anything to keep those secrets... She discovers the new boy and wants him, his trying too hard to be the school nerd but an extremely hot nerd, but because of who she is he refuses to give her the time of day, and he avoids all girls because of he's past... But the more he pushes her away the harder she tries... finally he gave up and he fell hard for her, everything was great until she discovers he's past

He's name is Milo Hudson... He used to be a complete bad boy, but due to past events he promised himself, No more girls, no more s*x, no more smoking or drinking... He moved to New York from Austin Texas... He became a straight A student and got a job and Celina's uncle's strip club as a bouncer to help he's single mother to pay the bills... And then he meets Celina Myles who forces him to face he's demons...

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Chapter 1
THIS NOVEL IS A SEQUEL TO P. S I LOVE YOU , BUT COULD BE READ AS A STAND ALONE NOVEL IF YOU WANT TO READ IT LIKE THAT... This novel is based on Celina and Nikita Myles, Nick and Kira's daughters, based of their lives in New York and Los Angeles... It's about their lives with their boyfriend's and more about the gang Sebastian and the others started... My other novels are Love at first sight flash marriage (Completed) Billionaire's secret little wife [Sequel to Love at first sight flash marriage] (Completed) P.S I LOVE YOU (Completed) Behind the scenes (Completed) Playboy has a son [Sequel to Behind the scenes] (Completed) Trapped in love (On hold) The perfect wife (Coming soon) Agent Wilder's lost love (Coming soon) ======================== How I imagined the characters to look like. Celina Myles played by Emily Rudd Milo Hudson played by Cody Christian Bryson Sampson son played by Zac Efron Madison Dawson played by Jessica Green Madison Grey played by Alexa Bliss Mason Hudson played by Tyler Hoechlin Alexis Storm played by Cara Delevingne Aria and Aries Nixon played by Madison Beer Myla Shaw played by Bella Hadid Ryder Myles played by Sean O’Donnell Brianna Sampson played by Taylor Momsen Micah Hudson played by Indiana Evans Nikita Myles played by Joana Viapuig Mr Marshall Carson played by Gui Fedizzi Sienna Hudson played by Emily Didonato ========= Four years ago Milo Hudson POV I rushed into the hospital half sober, looking for the waiting room. Once I found it, I ran up to my ma and just hugged her. I broke down. I didn't know how to feel. "I'm so so sorry ma. It was my fault. Please forgive me" I say "Shhh. Its okay Mi it's not your fault. He'll be okay I promise you. The doctor will tell you" she said "I'm sorry ma'am we've tried everything we could but we couldn't save him, we've tried everything but he had suffered severe brain damage and his heart had stopped beating and we couldn't restart it... I'm sorry ma'am we couldn't save your son" The stupid doctor told my mother that she just lost her eldest son I collapsed to the ground, my mother completely broke down I, I could barely make it to my feet to make my way to her, I was trying to get to my feet but I couldn't, I couldn't get off... ============================= I jump up shaking and breathing heavily... I look around in in my bedroom... Another nightmare... Same thing over and over, I can't get to my ma, I can't be there for her the same nightmare for four years... I'm so bloody sick of this... It was 4am. I lay in bed thinking back on the worst day of my life, those stupid doctor telling mother she lost my brother Mason she completely lost it my mother didn't eat until after his funeral and I still blame myself for what had happened if I hadn't been messed up that night I could of saved him... Mason made me promise to look after he's wife Sienna and to quit the drinking, partying and drugs before he lost consciousness... That was four years ago and since then I had gotten my grades up and stopped screwing around and partying, I got into rehab and yeah sure it was hell at first but it helped I don't even think about drinking or doing drugs... I've looked up to Mason my entire life, I've always wanted to be like him, he was my role model, my hero and like a father to me. He took me to school when younger, he taught me to ride a bike, he had the s*x talk with me, he did everything he could to me sure I had a good childhood, and I caused his death, my little sister can never see her older brother again because of me, my brother lost his baby that night as well... I'll never be able to forgive myself for that... I get up, put on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt a pair of running nikes and head out for my run... I have my first day of school today and to be honest I wouldn't go to this darn school if I had a choice, but I got a scholarship and this school helps me get into Yale or Harvard university I want to be a doctor like my brother Mason I always looked up to my older brother, he raised me, since our dad died, he has always been there for me when I needed him, he was crazy smart too, he finished school at age 16 and graduated from Harvard University at age 21 and was a doctor for five years before he died... I had to get a job to look after, Micah my little sister and my ma, ma's a nurse at St Mary's hospital my dad passed away when mom was pregnant with Micah, he was a police detective and got shot off duty, getting mom chocolates for her pregnancy cravings, the store owner thought dad was going to rob the place because he was dressed in casual clothes but he had a gun... I know she blames herself for his death... Mason looked the most like my dad, and he was named after dad so it really broke her, it felt like she was losing him twice... I work as a bouncer for a Gentleman's club another name for a high class strip clubcalled owned by Seth Nixon... The man is paying for our apartment and my schooling... He has been there for my family since Mason's death. I ran so fast and ran till my body couldn't and it told me to stop... My run is done and I walk into our apartment my mother walks into the living room. "You go out for a run?" she asked I nod "Still having those nightmares?" ma asked "Yeah..." I say reluctantly Ma knew about my nightmares because some nights it would get so bad that I would scream in my sleep and she had to come and calm me down so I had no choice but to tell her about them... "Maybe your should see someone Milo" Ma sighs and says "With what money ma? And its just dreams" I say snapping at her "I'm sorry Mi" "I'm sorry snapping at you ma you don't have to worry about me I'm good" I apologize Ma nods "Wake your sister please she'll be late for school" she asks I nod walking to Micah's room... I knock on the door... To hear if she was away, I knew she would not hear me if she was sleeping, the girl could sleep through an earthquake, which by the way she did once, her book shelf fell on her leg that 23 stitches you'd think that would scare her nope... We had designed her room so that if we do have a natural disaster it won't fall on her we've learnt our lesson doesn't mean she has though... I open the door walk into her room "Butterfly it's time to get up" I say shaking her... "Get the hell out of my room Milo!" she shouts at me this girl loved her sleep I think laughing... "Come on butterfly ma is making breakfast and I have to drop ma at work for her shift before heading to school" I explain... "I hate this school Milo, all those snotty rich kids and those darn idiots who think they better than us poor folk and those that buy their way into high grades it annoying and totally not worth my time, I hate that we have to go this school, why can't we just go to a normal school?" She asks "Come on, don't you want to be an physic scientist butterfly, you need good grades, come on if you get good enough graded you can skip a couple of classes and what about those E classes you got into where you only have classes thrice a week?" I say trying to cheer her up... She finally nods and gets up from her bed... The reason I called her butterfly, is because this one time Mace and I taught her how to get out of cable ties and she started moving her arms like butterfly wings it was hilarious and cute at the same time, since then we've pretty much called her butterfly, it stuck we've call her butterfly ever since well just me now since Mason died, I remember we got a good old fashioned beating for that from my ma, and we were grounded for a month, but Micah can get out of being tied up now so it's a win win, we always taught herself defence so my sister could take care of herself, Micah was quiet and kept to herself she's like crazy smart, she had a photographic memory so she did well getting into Saint Andrews high school on a full scholarship she worked hard, its based in New York Manhattan and its a school where all the rich and famous kids would go... The school alone ensures you an entry into the top universities, and the school is divided into three categories the first being the normal high school classes called the A classes, then you get your B classes which where your 'i don't want to go to college classes' consists of learning skills you would basically learn at university like, design, art, modelling, singing and dancing and lastly the classes Micah and I are in the E (Elite) classes which were normal high school subjects but were at university grade and we didn't have to attend classes everyday only have classes thrice a week we handed our assignments and notes and whatever... "Milo get the hell out of my room you stinking up the place... I'll need exterminators to get the stink out now" she says sarcastically "Yeah, yeah..." I say laughing walking out of the room I walked out and went to take a shower... After getting out of the shower I went to get ready... I put on a white shirt long sleeve shirt and a grey pants (The school uniform) a blue and white tie and the navy blazer... The long sleeves hid my tattoos some of them before Masons death and some after like the lion on my chest with Mason's name that I got on his birthday... I add my glasses my eye sight is fine I just hate attracting attention from the opposite s*x so I do anything to not attract attention to myself... I still want join the soccer team though, I was our striker back in Texas, I was darn good at it... But I don't know if I want to right now with work but I need a scholarship to study that's why I need to join the team... I walk into the kitchen Micah walks in I couldn't help myself, this is the first time I've seen this girl in a skirt I laughed louder than I should have honestly... "Shut up nerd" She shouts at me pulling her tongue out at me Micah is only 15 years old and I am 18 and Mason would have been 30 now, ma is 46 she was 16 when she had Mason... We sat down and ate quietly we never spoke during meals it was disrespectful we would start speaking after everyone was done eating, its different without Mason around he would always do something funny at the table causing Micah or I to laugh and cause us to laugh or talk he basically raised Micah and I so it felt like we lost a father twice... I don't remember much about my dad, but Mason was there for me when I needed him to be, he gave me the s*x talk, we played pranks he even took me for my first party, but him and Micah were closer, he would protect her with he's life and no boy could get close to her I remember her being 4 and telling Mason about a boy who bullied her and Mason took care of it and the boy never bothered her again in fact no one back would dare go near her even after he died... "Come on lets go... You two look great" Mom gushes I didn't say anything I grabbed my car keys and my bag and made my way out of the house... I had a VW golf GTI I bought second hand it looked terrible I had fixed up and now it looks brand new... We dropped ma and headed to school... "You got any plans for this year? check the guys out?" She laughed... "Like I'm going to tell my very overprotective older brother that I wanna screw a couple of rich kids" I hated when she would be this sarcastic... she wouldn't let anyone in... "Mi" Micah says softly... "Yeah?" I say looking at her for a second before turning back to the road "Do you think she'll ever wake up?" I was taken aback by this question... Micah refused to talk about Sienna in the four years she's been in a coma... This is the first time she's even spoken about her in four years she won't even visit her... We had her move to a care facility here in New York so we could take care of her... "I think she could one day, but I would hate to tell her about Mace" I say not trying to break down her hope of Sienna ever waking up... "Yeah... I miss him and her she was like a big sister to me" Micah said growing up with two older brothers was hard for Micah... "I miss them too, come on cheer up... it's gonna be an amazing day meeting a whole lotta rich folk..." I joke trying to lift the mood a bit Micah nods and smiled at my comment... "Lets get all serious" she says as we pull up "Mi can I ask you something?" She asks "Yeah sure" I say switching the car off looking at her "What would you do, this is all hypothetical okay?" she says I nod "What would you do if I wasn't into guys?" She says Blink Blink Blink "I'd be happy, look if you weren't into guys it would be easier for me to keep all those losers away from you... And I know you'll never come home pregnant or a guy having s*x with you" I say She nods... "Are you?" I ask casually not wanting to sound too excited "Nah... A friend of mine back in Texas is into girls so I Urh ... So I just wanted to know how you would feel about it" she says shrugging I nod, trying so badly not to look disappointed... A kid got dropped by a darn limo what is this the damn Oscars? Girls dressed all slutty and guys checking them out, nice this School also got some horny folk... We got out and headed in we split up since the Micah was in a lower grade than I was... I headed to the E building which was the west wing of the school apparently being surrounded by the other classes would be too distracting and lower our grades... That's BS if you ask me they just wanted more money from the parents if you ask me... I was running late so I picked up my speed and bumped into somebody... "Bloody hell look where you..." The girl stops speaking and stares at me, I look into her eyes, something about her green emerald eyes attract me, like a magnate pulling me in and I almost got sucked in... But I remember the promise I made my brother and I suck it up and promise myself to move on and not get seduced by her inviting green eyes I help her pick up her phone hand it to her and walk away no way in hell will I be seduced by those damn green eyes!!!! I need to get a damn grip I can't deal with this right now...

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