Chapter : 3. Dad's surprise..

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I knew this day might come for me. I knew that someday I might have to stand as a prey to be hunted down because finding a destined mate is really hard now. I know he’s out there. I know I have a destined mate because only he is the one who can help me break this curse. He is the one who will understand me and respect me. The goddess will definitely make one for me to help me on my journey. I just have to wait for him till we find each other. So, I started preparing for the game ever since I turned sixteen and didn’t find him in my pack. I practised every day to be strong enough to escape from the hunter’s eyes. Now you would say if my mate is out there, why didn’t he participate in the game? Why didn’t he come to find me in my pack? Well, to answer that, I have two guesses. One he might be still young to be in the game. He can’t participate until he turns twenty and is ready to start a family. And the second is, he might be someone of very low status. Sometimes, servants and workers don’t participate because they know they are no match against the alphas, the betas, the gammas, and the worriers who take most of the girls. He probably would have just given up on the hope of having a mate. But I am sure wherever he is, he’s waiting for me. And I will find him. I will go to him one day, looking for him. We will be together. The hunting game takes place on each pack every month. After surviving for so many years with the curse, there are now only ten strong packs remaining, which we call as the prime packs. Ten packs, ten hunting games. But in the mating season, there’s no game or any war. That’s the new rule of packs. Our pack was scheduled for the month November for hunting game, and this is November. The worst luck of mine is that I just turned eighteen last month. The number of women in our pack is quite a lot than other packs. We have more kids too, which proves that our pack is the most sacred pack among all. So, to find a mate among us, a lot of hunters are looking forward to this day. A lot of guests will be coming to enjoy the game. So, dad is busy preparing for the game a few days in advance. He made sure everything runs smoothly, and no one has any problem here. Me on the other hand, engrossed myself in training day and night for past three days. I have to be perfect. I have to escape them at any cost. There’s no way I am letting anyone mark me who’s not my mate. Even in the night of the day before, I was training to fight against them all with the help of my friends. “Amelia. Stop now. Why are you pushing yourself so much?” It was late at night and my dad came to call me home to eat dinner and sleep. But I didn’t pay attention to him and kept training. “Yeah. What’s the point of this? It’s not like we have to fight with them. We just need to make sure we are at a safe distance to not get in between a fight.” A friend’s comment made me stop. “You think so? What if you get in between? What if they attack you all at once? You have to be prepared.” That made her shut up, but another one spoke up. “I don’t think they will come behind us after seeing you. They will only chase after you. You are too gorgeous compared to all of us. You are like the goddess of beauty whom every man wants in life. They all will definitely go after you.” “And I don’t want that. That’s why I am training. And you should too.” “No one needs to do anything now. It’s too late for this. Go home everyone. Get some rest and prepare for tomorrow. Amelia. You too.” “Dad.. You know how important this training is for me. I have to make sure I get out safe.” “My sweet daughter. What ever you did was enough. I know you are ready. But as your father, I need to make sure of your safety too. So, I have arranged something that will help you a lot in your life. Trust me.” “You arranged something? What?” “It‘s a surprise. You will find it tomorrow before the game.” “Alpha? Did you find something that won’t allow Amelia to participate in the game because she doesn’t have a wolf? That would be really helpful for her.” I looked back at a friend who came up with the idea and I saw hope. Maybe that’s it. Maybe he can do something with this excuse to make me out of the game, I won’t have to get into this mess at all. “Really dad? Did she guess right?” “No. You will participate in the game. It’s the rule. But I found something better for you. Let’s wait for tomorrow to find it. Girls.. Go.” “Yes, alpha.” Dad didn’t tell me what he planned for me tomorrow and dragged me back home. But I hope it’s a good surprise. I hope it’s something that makes sure no one comes after me in the game at all. I want to return home at the end as single as I am now. I had dinner with him after that, and he even requested me to sleep with him at night. He hugged my head to his chest and patted my head all night. He was acting like it was the last night we were sharing with each other. But if it is my last night with him, I will remember it forever. I will remember forever how much he loves me. The next morning was chaotic. I could barely see dad around because he was too busy arranging everything. I was looking for him here and there to know what surprise he had kept for me, but it was impossible to get a hold of him. Soon, the guests started coming. They were a lot more in number than last year. Cars were getting parked in a row in their precise spot. Alphas were coming one after another, along with the entire group of single men from their pack. All of them looked ready to pounce on the first girl they see. Some of them were young and some of them were old. Now it’s up to their strength who will find a mate today and who won’t. Once most of the guests were here and it was almost time to begin the game, I got myself ready to have my first hunting game. Wearing my training clothes, which include a sports bra and a jogger, I braided my hair for comfort. My escape plane includes bushes and trees, so I don’t want my long black hair to get stuck in between some branches. Besides, it will also help to keep my scent from spreading. I also chose a pair of sneakers to help me run on the ground. I know the other girls are going barefoot with the lightest clothes possible for the game. But I am not one of them. After I got ready, I once again went out to look for dad. I need to see him before the game begins. This time I found him, greeting the alphas who came to join the game along with his beta, uncle Liam. I have to talk to him now. I have to know what surprise he planned for me. “Dad? Where were you all morning? I’ve been looking for you all around.” “Oh! My princess. You are all ready for the day. Oh! I will miss you so much once you will go away.” He brought me closer and gave a kiss on my forehead. “Dad. Stop making me feel like I am never going to see you again. I am getting back home as your daughter after the game. I won’t let anyone mark me or claim me. I am only your daughter, and it will be the same at the end of the day.” “I wish that could happen. I wish I can keep you with me forever.” “Stop it. It will happen. I am confident about it. Now tell me what is my surprise. You kept me in patience till tomorrow. Please tell me..” “Well. It’s not something I can say. It’s something I need to show you. And right there it comes. I was waiting for it till now.” He pointed me towards a car that just entered our pack along with two more. Another alpha with his pack of singles. “Isn’t that the Ocean Howl packs ride, alpha? Did their alpha came this year? They never join the hunting game.” “Yes. It is them. I personally invited them here.” I looked curiously at the approaching car to know why my dad and Uncle Liam was so mesmerized by their arrival. What is so special about them and why don’t they come to the game? Why dad had to invite them ‘personally’? Soon I got my answer when the alpha came out of the car. Sorry. Not alpha, but alphas. I was completely shocked when a strong and handsome alpha came out of the driver’s side of the car, and just like him, another one came out of the other side. But it didn’t stop there. A third one, looking exactly the same as the first two, came out from the back seat along with another boy, who seemed to be their beta. Three? Three alphas, looking exactly the same? How is that possible? How can there be three guys ruling over a pack together and I had no information about it till now? Most importantly, how can anyone have three kids? “What the f*ck? Are they triplets?” A curse came out of my mouth to see them with my own eyes. I know it’s really unexpected for the daughter of the moon goddess to curse, but I do curse sometimes. “Yes. And mind your manners.” “How is this possible? I mean.. How can someone have three kids when the world is craving to get one?” “It’s a miracle. Just like you. Their mother also died giving birth to them, just like you. You have a lot of things in common. That’s why I chose them for you.” “Wait. What? You chose them for me? What do you mean?” “Liam. Can you please place the guests? I need to talk to my daughter alone.” Dad excuses his beta to talk to me in private. “Look Amelia. This game is not so easy as you are thinking. There are some tough opponents against you. The chances of you to win in your human form are really low. That’s why I invited them here. They can help you. Once you are in the game, let them mark you. They are very kind alphas. They will understand you. And three of them are strong enough to protect you and help you with your mission. They will help you on your journey to remove the curse. Trust me.” “Dad. My only mission now is to find my mate. He is the only one who can help me. You know that only a true mate stands up for the others need. Besides, I am the queen and my mate is supposed to be the king of werewolves. I need my destined mate. Not them. They will not understand me. They will only use me. And the moment they find out about my identity, they will use my powers for their own profit. No one is good, dad. No one is kind anymore. That’s why the goddess gave us this curse.” “Amelia. Trust me this last time. I know what I am doing. I am your father. I will never want bad for you. Please try to understand what I am saying.” “I understand, dad. I understand you are doing this for me. To keep me safe. I know you will never do something to cause me harm. But you need to trust me too. I know I can do this. I know I can come out of the game untouched. So, stop them from chasing me and let me do what I want. I am sorry dad. But I won’t do as you want me to. See you after the game, dad.”
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