Chapter 8

1159 Words
Celeste's POV When the party is over we were about to leave the mansion when Theodore's mother stopped us. "You should sleep here son you are a bit drunk," her mother suggested but Theodore smiled at him and then nod his head. "I can drive Mom," he responded. Feeling hopeless his mother looks at me as if telling me to convince his son to stay here. I looked at Theodore and then let out a deep breath before speaking up. "Your mother is right we should spend the night here," I told him even though there isn't even the slightest chance that he cares about my opinion. Theodore looked at me and then after a while nod his head. "Sure," he uttered which shocked me. "Great I will ask the maid to clean your room," her mother happily announced then excused herself. When Theodore's mother left I looked at him and he stared back at me. "Can I leave tomorrow morning?" I asked. Theodore kept staring at me and then after a while nod his head. "Sure," he answered. After a while, her mother came back and assisted us towards our room but before I could fully step in she whispered something in my ear. "I don't know who you are but I will later on find out so enjoy my son's company while you still have a chance," she whispered when Theodore is a few steps away from me. My body froze upon hearing her words because I know it is not just a mere threat. I froze in front of the door because of fear that I might lose my job when Theodore's mother finds out. I don't think I can find a job that pays me as much as Theodore. "Enjoy your stay," her mother uttered then looked at Theodore. "Good night son," he uttered then after a while looked at me. "Good night Celeste," but the way she said those words feel like it has hidden meanings. I let out a deep breath to release the heavy feeling inside then walked towards Theodore. "What if your mother finds out?" I asked. "She won't," he uttered with finality. "Easy for you to say because you can hire another woman," I told a bit frustrated even though I knew that I shouldn't vent out my anger on him but I can't control myself. "Then pretend well Celeste," he uttered like it was nothing. I let out a deep breath and then sat at the edge of his bed. "I'm tired stop arguing with me," he uttered then after a while laid on his soft mattress. I palmed my face and after a while, I felt my phone vibrate so I picked it up to answer the call. "Mommy," I heard Ava's phone on the other line which made me smile. "Yes, love?" I asked sweetly then waited for her next words. "I miss you," she uttered which made my smile grow wider. "I miss you too," I responded. "You should sleep it's already late," I told her. "When are you coming back," she asked. I turned my head to Theodore's side who is facing the other direction. "I don't know but I will be there tomorrow I promise," I told her. "You should sleep, I promise I will visit," I added. I heard Ava's deep sigh which made me feel guilty. "I'm sorry, I love you," I told her. "I love you too Mommy, goodnight," she responded and I can hear the sadness in her voice. "Good night my love," I responded then dropped the call. I let out a deep breath then leaned my head against the headboard and closed my eyes tightly to clear my mind. "Does your boyfriend know that you working as an escort?" Theodore asked after a while so I looked at him with a creased forehead and then I slowly realize that he must have misunderstood since I didn't put the call on loudspeaker. He might have thought that the one that I am talking to is my boyfriend but I think it is much better that way. I don't want to expose Ava's existence, I refused to introduce her as a daughter of an escort. "Yes," I answered instead of correcting him. "Don't you think your boyfriend is crazy?" he asked then turned around and looked into my eyes directly. After a while, he slowly sit on his bed and leaned his against the headboard copying my position. "Why?" I asked. "For allowing another man to touch you like this," Theodore reached my hand then slowly bring it to his lips and planted a soft kiss on it. "He won't mind," I uttered which made him chuckle. I swallowed hard when Theodore slowly crawl towards me then held my face and caressed my chin. I can smell alcohol in his mouth and upon looking at his eyes his mother is right he is already drunk. I breathed heavily when he started scanning my face and after a while, he started planting a ticklish kiss on it. "Do you love him, Celeste," he asked in between his kisses. "I do. I love him." his grip on my neck slightly tightened. "You know what I hate the most Celeste?" he asked then looked at my eyes directly. "Unreasonable person," he uttered and upon saying those it is full of anger and pain. "I'm sorry," I uttered when I saw tears forming in the corner of his eyes. "Why did she leave?" he asked and for the first time, Theodore allowed me to see his weak side. "Who?" I asked. "Estella," he responded. I know if he is sober he won't tell me this. Theodore is the type of person who keeps everything inside him. Refusing others to see through his pain to the point that he tends to neglect and ignore his pain. "Who is she?" I asked once again. "My fiance," he responded and it is followed by a chuckle to hide the pain that he feels inside. "You love her?" I asked and he nod his head without any hesitation. "She keeps me up all night. I couldn't sleep after she sleep. Our memories always hunt me down," he shared and that's when I slowly realize why I am here. "That's why you hired me?" I asked and Theodore nod his head once again. "I don't what's with you but I felt familiar and comfortable at the same time," he uttered, and hearing those words come out of his mouth felt like a compliment which made me smile. "Thank you," he added and it sounded genuine which made my smile grow wider. "I'll do my job better," I told him then carefully pulled him into a hug. Theodore buried his face in my neck and then hugged my waist. I can feel his heavy breathing and it feels warm. It made me feel safe and allowed me to rest comfortably.
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