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DAMIEN's POV.... I watched the little smile on her face slip away. I got the expression I wanted and I was satisfied seeing that she might not agree easily. Her heartbeat said so. I mean, what does she expect? That I saved her just to look at her or from the boundant of my heart. Now, I am no good person and in my entire life, I haven't done anyone good. Things I do, I make sure it will benefit me in every aspect. I am not called ruthless for a namesake, If she doesn't agree meekly, I will make her accept forcefully. I bent down to her sitting level and took her delicate hands into mine. They were soft and delicate looking. "Is there a problem, my dear. Don't you wish to marry a powerful man like me?" Her gaze softened and she looked away shyly. "I didn't say that. I am just shocked that you saved a total stranger and next thing, you are proposing marriage to her. A powerful Alpha like you? " Her words made me chuckle, which brought a blush to her cheeks. "Why do you care? Can't a powerful Alpha like me marry a lowly Omega like yourself ?" Her eyes widened, as if shocked at my words and for a moment I saw the sadness in them. My smile faded and my tone lowered." You're not worthless!" "Can I think about it?" She mumbled and I let go of her hand. "Yes, take all the time in the world but don't take too long." With my back facing her, I ordered the guards to show her to her room. The smile on my face slipped away the moment they escorted her out of the hall. With an unreadable expression, I put my hands in my pocket as I remembered what had transpired between Nathan and I. The look of disdain on his face the moment he walked into his big sitting room and saw me seated, was delightful. An old time rival. We both want the same thing and that's power. He is no less than me when it comes to treating people trashy. The only difference between us is that he consider his pack's member before taking any decision but I don't. In fact, I can never be like him. Sometimes I feel he is weak. That's why he can never react whenever I pull his strains because he knows that his people will suffer. Yet he would never let his position get challenged and I like him for that. We have a lot in common yet a lot differs between us. You know the moment I saw Isabella jumped the cliff, I knew I had hit a jackpot. I do know why a she-wolf would want to end her life, rejection. Her scent told me where she came from and I decided I was going to save her, make her mine and when the time comes use her against her pack. By the time I make her swear her loyalty to me, she will do anything asked of her and that's when I will remember Nathan. For now, I will make sure she marries me. Before then, I will find out who was her mate. It could be an added advantage. ****** Alpha, it won't be wise to marry you." Isabella spilled out those nonsense from her mouth. The evening was cool yet I was boiling inside. I looked above as my gaze settled on the dancing roses and at that moment, the roses held more value than her. Infact, the whole garden looked more valuable than the lady standing before me, rejecting my marriage offer. I wanted nothing more than to strangle but then that will be ending all the plans I have for her and also, giving her an easy death. No one reject me and still walk away without consequences. Her gazes was still on me yet I continued staring at the flowers. Her audacity is amazing. Few minutes passed between without me saying anything and finally I decided I should remind her who she is dealing with. "Do you realize that your no could cause you your life?" She shivered but said nothing which infuriated me. "Don't you keep silent when I ask you something!" I yelled. She looked down, scared to meet my burning hot gaze with hers. Her fear increased and so did my anger. I was getting irritated with this little wench but I needed to show her who is in charge. "I am so sorry, Alpha." "You better be. Now tell me a reason why you said no to my proposal?" She kept quiet again. After another few minutes of silence, I was beginning to lose my patience. I knew she had the potential to become an asset but she wasn't behaving as I expected. I walked slowly towards her and grabbed her neck, making sure to squeeze it so that whatever I say she will understand. This is what I have learned when I became the leader: always use the strongest, cruelest word to break the weakest, innocent ones. They tend to give up quickly and I love using these tactics to bring them to their knees. "Tell me why you say no!" I repeated. "I...I..I..." I stopped squeezing her neck to give her some air. "What? Did your father forbid you to speak. Is that it?" I was losing my patience. She shook her head in response, tears in her eyes. I tightened my grip on her throat. "Then what, hm?" I asked sarcastically. "Please, sir... please don't hurt me. It was a mistake and I'm sorry." Her voice trembled in desperation and her tears poured. At first, I was tempted to kill her right then and there because I hated crying women. However, her cries and pleas were making me reconsider. She's a beautiful female and I can sense some beauty in her. Regardless, she will be useful someday. I let go of her neck and pushed her. She landed on her butt, exposing her white pantie in the process. My eyes darkened but I looked away. I don't like white panties. "It's because you have got a Luna. I can't marry you because of that." she whispered amidst sober and I chuckled. "This is my territory and what I say stands. You will get married to me so get your f*****g self off the ground and go wait in my room. I need to teach you never to say no to me." I ordered Her eyes widened and instead of obeying, she sat rooted to the ground. She indeed was tasting my patience. Without saying anything, I waved to my guards to come over. "Drag her to my room and make sure to strip off every piece of clothing on her body. She must be naked before I get inside. Understood!" I yelled. They bowed and dragged her away as she pleaded. The sight was more satisfying.
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