
1726 Words
~ Isabella's POV~ I struggled wildly as the guards dragged me off to the room I was staying in. They opened the door to see that there were a few maids in my room, seeming to be cleaning up the room. They relayed the Alpha's orders and left the room as the servants descended on me, pinning me to the bed. "No!" I reared up and yelled in the face of the servants who held my hands down while the other ones grasped at my clothes. I heard tearing and began to whimper, "Please, please don't. Please don't do this, please help me." They eventually tore my clothes off me, and I remained still even as they continued to hold me down. My wolf whined and raged as my head rolled to one and tears began to slide down my eyes. Please Alpha Nathan, please save me, I thought desperately I heard footsteps coming towards the room. The footsteps grew louder, and I could hear the heavy, deliberate cadence of Alpha Damien's approach. The maids and servants working to strip me of my clothes froze, and their expressions shifted from grim determination to apprehension. They glanced at each other, unsure of how to proceed in the face of the Alpha's impending arrival. Alpha Damien's tall and imposing figure entered the room with a powerful presence. His piercing gaze swept across the scene, taking in the disheveled room and my naked, vulnerable form. His eyes locked onto mine for a moment, and I saw the grim satisfaction etched on his face and the wicked gleam in his eyes as he stared at my naked body. I used this moment to my advantage. With a burst of strength and determination, I pushed myself up on the bed, attempting to cover my exposed body as best I could. "Alpha Damien," I pleaded, my voice shaking but determined, "Please, you can't let them do this to me. I beg you to reconsider. This isn't right." His gaze snapped to mine and he frowned in anger. He glared at the maids standing and shouted at them, “Strip her off completely!” They moved closer to me and stripped me of the duvet I was clenching to my body. With that, they rushed out of the room without Alpha Damien instructing them. He moved closer to me looking at me like I was a delicious meal. “I knew it, you have such a beautiful body.” He said as he ran his finger down my neck to my chest, his gaze fixed on and following the finger. I felt disgusted and helpless. “Will you say yes to my proposal now or do you want me to do my worst?” He asked angrily. I managed to say amidst my sobs, “You already have a wife, Alpha. I’m just a lowly and worthless omega.” He laughed out dangerously, “You think you are worthless. No, my dear. You may not know it, but you have your own value.” He said. I tried to escape from him but was pushed back to his bed. He was lying on top of me with his huge body. I felt suffocated and started coughing. He stood up and glared at me, “You don’t have to make it harder for both of us. I want you and I know you do as well.” “I don’t want to be with you. I don’t want you.” I screamed out as I took advantage of his distraction and jumped off the bed. I tried to run towards his door, but he blocked me. I moved backwards as he moved forward and I glanced around the room in desperation. “I would rather die than allow you to have me,” I shouted while throwing things at him. He stood rooted to the ground, his dark gaze turning red, he growled, “Isabella!” I froze and gulped as his face turned dark and forbidding in anger. He approached me, too fast for me to avoid him and punched the wall behind me hard which made me squeak in terror. I slid down the wall quietly and he bent to my level. “That punch could have landed on you and killed you. Don’t try to test my patience.” He growled in my face. I cleared my throat and quickly got up on my knees pleading with my hands clasped together. “Forgive me, Alpha Damien. I know I’m not useful to you or your pack, please release me and let me go. I promise to leave here without any trace.” He smiled wickedly, “Do you think people will care even if I kill you here? It seems like you don’t know me." He tilted his head, looking amused. " Nobody dares challenge me, Isabella. No one. If I say you're mine, that's it. And if I kill you, that's it.” I knew there was nothing else to say at that moment. He was hell-bent on making me his wife and I could not understand why. Oh the irony, my mate rejected me because of who I am. And now, a powerful man like Alpha Damien wants me for reasons I do not understand. “I’m not going to be with you,” I said as I grabbed the jug on the bedside table and slammed it on the floor, causing it to shatter into pieces. Alpha Damien only looked at me with that cold smile on his face. I took a piece from it and threatened to cut my wrist if he moved an inch closer to me. He looked at me and only smiled, “Go ahead and cut yourself.” He said as he moved closer to me. “What?” He won’t even convince me. I’m sure if Alpha Nathan was the one in this kind of situation, he would prevent me from dying even if he didn’t want me as his mate. Alpha Nathan can't even be in this situation. He doesn't want you, and would not care. I thought to myself as I pressed the piece of glass a little deeper into my skin. “I will gladly die than allow a ruthless Alpha like you to touch me or make me your wife. I’m not scared at all. You see, I’ve got nothing to lose. My pack does not want me anymore and I was even willing to die, why did you have to save me?!” I screamed out loud. “Enough with the chatter. Go ahead and cut your wrist.” He growled. I stared at his unyielding gaze and drew back the piece of glass in preparation to jab it into my wrist. He zoomed close to me and in a flash, grabbed the glass from me. However, in doing so, he cut himself in the process. He stared down at his bleeding palm like it was strange before raising his head up. I gulped and tried to inch away from him and the murderous gleam in his eyes. “Did you just stab me, Isabella?” He growled. “No, I didn’t mean to,” I said crying. He smiled at me coldly, “Did you want to kill me instead?” Oh, moon goddess. What am I going to do? Attempting to kill the Alpha of a pack is the worst crime a wolf could commit. “I’m so sorry. It was an accident” I begged him, quickly getting down on my knees again. “You are sorry? Of course, you should be.” He said coldly. I stared at his face for a few minutes and then I realized my wrist was hurt as well. I winced a little before checking my wrist. He moved closer to me angrily. “You need to be punished for this. You tried to kill me and also tried to hurt yourself. I won’t let this go.” He said angrily. Was he worried about himself or me? I can't keep up, is he bipolar? Just then a knock was heard on his door, “Who is there?” He growled. He moved over to his wardrobe and threw one of his big shirts at me before instructing the person at the door to come in. I had seen her portrait in one of the hallways when I was being led to meet Alpha Damien for the first time. It was Mrs Amber Wyatt, the Alpha’s wife. She bowed slightly and only spared me a glance full of pity and sadness. “I was passing by and then I heard some commotion in your room. I only stopped by to check what was wrong.” She said. Mrs Wyatt was extremely beautiful. She seemed to have a gentle demeanor. This was the first time I was meeting her and it was in a ridiculous situation. I was naked, the room was a mess and her husband had me cornered against the wall, with blood on one of his hands, and yet, she seemed unfazed like it wasn't the first time it happened. Her gaze made me understand that she was already used to Alpha Damien treating people, perhaps her and the maids like that. Why the Alpha did this, however, was unknown to me. Alpha Damien sat on his bed, now a bit composed. “You shouldn’t have come in here. This isn’t the first time you heard noises coming from my room and this won’t be the last time either. You should only come into my room whenever I call for you.” He said, a chill in his voice. What is this? Is she not his wife? Is there something wrong? What's going on here? Have I somehow stumbled into a pack full of crazy people? “At least, let me call on the maids to take care of this mess.” She replied gently. “It’s fine. You can leave.” He said grunting. She bowed and left. I should have used his momentary distraction as an opportunity to escape from his room but I was too immersed in their whole conversation. As I was about to run out of the room, his gaze fell on me and then he shouted. “Stop, Isabella!”
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