CHAPTER 12; Beta

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Sandra pov I was completely drowned deeper in his gaze,and I didn't realize it until the woman sitting in front of me started to speak. "Beautiful!" It suits you very well, Cassandra." She said in a bubbly toned voice. She completely caught my attention. And it feels more comfortable now that I have seen another image in this place other than my maye and Arlo. I don't even know her very well, but I can say that she is a good person. In the way she looks at me and talks to me. It has been a long time since someone looked at me that way and it was my mother's eyes. A faint smile escaped my lips. "Thank you." It was my mother who gave it to me." I said in a calm voice. I didn't want to be emotional, so I immediately stopped the sadness that was about to spring up inside my chest. My eyes landed on the plate in front of me but, it was like I was looking at a blank table that was empty. My eyes couldn't recognize anything because my mind was completely swept away by the memory of my mother. A deafening silence surrounded me at that moment, and I wondered why everyone suddenly fell silent. I looked at my companions at the table one by one and saw how my sadness was reflected in them. Even though I didn't mention anything about my mother, I felt like they already knew how I was feeling right. There was no one to say a word or ask a question. Even Arlo, who had been eating enthusiastically just now, became silent and seemed to have lost his appetite. I feel like I need to say a word to break that silence. And I think there's nothing wrong with me sharing a little detail about my past. But when I was about to open my mouth, I felt a warm hug of my hand. It was her. The mother of my mate is sitting on the other side of the table. I found her hand holding mine. So I looked up at her and saw a bright smile on her face. "It's okay." She said almost in a whisper. "You don't have to say things that you know will become targets of your weakness. There's a time for that. We can wait until you're ready." I turned to Arlo, who was next to her. He just barely showed a smile, as if to say it was fine. And the last thing my eyes landed on was my mate who was next to me. And just like my first impression of him, his gaze is still calming, as if he doesn't need to utter a word from his mouth because all emotions are reflected in his eyes. It was much more than I expected. I can be content with how other people will accept me, I don't really care at all. The only thing important for me right now is to be able to start a new life, free from those who tortured me. And this? The way they sympathize with my feelings is just a bonus. A smile appeared on my lips even though there were tears about to burst in my eyes. I just really don't know how to express what I feel. There is something heavy in my chest and it is an overflowing emotion of how grateful I am. However, I have to try to get out of any emotional thoughts. This is my first day in their pack and I don't want to start my day sluggish. So I started to eat my first breakfast at the place where my very first breakfast with them. While we were eating, I couldn't help feeling shy because I felt like their eyes were looking at me and watching me take a bite. Silence enveloped the dining area and only the sound of cutlery on the plate could be heard. No one's talking until the silence is broken by the lady in front of me. "By the way, Sandra." I looked up at her as she let go of all the things she was holding on her almost empty plate. She wiped her mouth gracefully before she continued to speak. "We already talked about introducing you as the new Luna." "It's almost our alpha's birthday. She stretched out one hand in the air to point to the man next to me. "We thought of introducing you to the whole pack at the same time as his birthday,"what do you think?" I turned my gaze to my mate and he was just eating in silence. "Oh- alright. It's up to you," I said. I think it's embarrassing if I make a demand.l so I just agreed to that. "Cool! So that's it." We'll make it happen on his birthday then." She said happily before she left the chair she was sitting on. "That is the day after tomorrow, so I have to start the preparations because I might not have enough time! Her excitement was obvious. "Mom, you don't have to do anything, just hire an event coordinator." "Of course I will, but I want to take the hassle out of it, because that is also your birthday. "Hey, lady! I'm not a baby anymore. I don't need a birthday party. By listening to their conversation and watching the two of them, I immediately had an idea of ​​what kind of child my mate is. He was annoyed, but his respect was still there. "Brix, can you just please let me do what I want? I just want to make sure that everything is going well. His mother insisted. He is very lucky to have his mother, she must always be full of love because of her. "Ahm- I can help." I said as I put the cutlery I was holding back on the table. "No way! My mate exclaimed. I was a bit taken aback by his objection, so I immediately looked at him. He wiped his mouth as he finished his meal and turned to see me. "You're still weak, so you're not going to do anything but to rest. "B-but I want to-" I was about to argue, but suddenly what I had to say was cut off when his mother spoke. "He's right, Cassandra. You had better get plenty of rest to be ready for that day. And don't worry about all the work, I can handle everything. Because of what she said, they didn't argue anymore. It's just me, I just feel like I have to do something, my body is looking for the job I'm used to doing every day. I secretly sighed as I let it into my brain that I didn't need to do those anymore. I'm still Cassandra, but my life is different now. Far from being a slave. After we had breakfast, Brix's mother said goodbye. She was extremely excited about starting what she had to do, while Arlo and Brix left together. I heard them talking about work, but I'm not as good at hearing as others, so I didn't hear any other details. Me, on the other hand, I was just about to hop on the stairs back to our room. As I walked out of the dining hall, I saw the light coming in from the main entrance of the mansion where we entered last night when we arrived here. Since it was already dark when we arrived, I didn't have the chance to see what was around the mansion. So, instead of going up the stairs back to the room, I approached that wide door and had a peek. Warm sunshine with a cool morning breeze and a hummingbird playing in the air greeted me as my feet took me to what seemed like paradise. A vast landscape with beautiful trees surrounding the mansion. The greenery prevails around, which explains why the air is so fresh. No matter where I look, the only thing I see is the pure natural beauty of nature that I didn't think existed anywhere else. Not far away, I saw a pair of white metal chairs and a table, so I headed towards it. "Wow." My mouth dropped open because of what I was seeing. It is on the right side of the mansion and people coming from the main entrance will not immediately see it. It seems to be hidden on purpose. The place where the pair of tables and chairs I saw was placed on a wooden deck. It's a garden with a variety of plants blooming. There is a door leading into the mansion. It lifted from the ground where I was standing. It was about 3 feet high from the ground, I guessed. It was a spacious area made of wood with a rectangular pool in the middle. But there's no chance that I'll get close to it now, because I didn't see anything that I could go through there except for the bronze glass sliding door that was there and to get to that door I had to go inside the mansion. I held my breath at the thought of just looking around for now because I didn't want to just wander around inside of someone's house. I looked up to where the warm sunlight was coming from and it was a blinding thing that automatically made me raise my palm in the air to avoid the direct light. "It would be nice to soak in the water. I whispered as I lowered my hand and once again glanced at the sparkling blue water of that pool before turning to leave. ********************************************************************* "Are you serious? You want to invite your twin? Arlo's forehead was wrinkled when he asked Brix. Brix turned his back to him and faced the pool outside the sliding door. "Is there anything wrong if I do that? Brix put both of his palms into his pocket. He would not do it for himself but for his mother. There was a part of him that felt bad for not telling his mother about the incident yesterday, that he saw his brother. She will surely be happy if she sees her son who has been away from her for a long time. "Make sure you send him an invitation. After saying that, Brix turned his back on the scene outside and walked out of that room. Arlo raised his eyebrows as he blew out air, not because he was against what his alpha wanted to happen, but because he was worried about something. However, what his alpha ordered, that must happen. He was about to leave where he was standing to follow Brix out of the room, but something caught his eyes. A woman under the morning sunlight. Her hand was raised in the air as if she was trying to stop the sunlight from hitting her face. Her long and wavy black hair danced in the wind as her clothes did. For some reason he felt that everything around him seemed to stop as he secretly watched that woman.
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