Chapter 6; Desire

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Sandra pov My joy is boundless now that I have finally left the territory of all those who enslaved me. If only I could, I would jump for joy but of course I won't. Although I have escaped from what seems to be my hellish life, I still don't lose the fear of what kind of life I will be facing from now on. Anxiety about what will happen, is just my habit. And Alfred made my worries even worse. I couldn't get rid of those words that Alfred threw at me when he followed me to my room. An hour ago....... My hands were shaking and I almost felt like I was floating because of the mix of emotions as I put my few things into my old bag. "huf" I muttered in surprise when suddenly someone grabbed my arm and caused me to face him from the door at my back. "Why do you seem in too much of a hurry? It was Alfred, my evil step father. He is the reason for my almost three years of suffering in this place. When my mother died, he took me to Alpha Austine's mansion and that's when my enslavement began. I am the one who suffers but he is the one who collects all the salary that is paid for my work. The devilish grin he always wore was on his lips. He held me so tightly that I felt like my bone would break any moment. "A-Alfred." I squeezed my eyes so hard out of pain when he tightened his hold on me after I mentioned his name. "Look at you." Who would have thought that a piece of trash like you would become Luna.? He said in his raspy annoying voice that almost whispers the words so that no one can hear him. "P-please leave me alone." "What else do you want from me?! My voice cracked as I exclaimed to his face. It took me a long time to keep this in my chest. At least for the last time I want to blame him for all the suffering I've been through. "How dare you speak to me like that! His palm spanked me to my head that caused me to fall into the dusty floor. "What?! You're being arrogant because you're going to be a Luna? He yelled. Then he bent his knee to get down to my level then he grabbed me by the neck. "You put this in your mind, kid" when that alpha finds out how worthless you are, he'll throw you away like a rag and no one is going to pick you up, remember that! After he said that, he pushed me away and I couldn't do anything but hold my neck in extreme pain which at this moment definitely had a trace of his hand. But what hurts more? It's that, until the end, they still see me as a piece of rash. Until the end I have nothing to brag. I saw how he was terrified the first time he saw the man who claimed to be my mate. I'm eager to see that same fear of his when we meet again. Will that day ever come? I gasped heavily while watching the rapidly changing images in the window as the car moved. Until this moment, I can still feel the tightness of Alfred's grip on my arm and neck. While I was drowning in silence and in my thoughts I heard a familiar little sound. I glanced over to my side where Alpha Brix was sitting. My eyes widened and so did he when I caught him in the act of tampering with the bag where all my stuff was kept. "W-what are you d-doing?" I stammered. He rolled down his eyes and put it back into my bag which he was holding. He ignored me, instead he unzipped my bag and poured all my stuff in his lap. "What are you doing? That's mine, give it back to me!" I tried to grab it from him but he blocked me with his arm. It was just old clothes and a small picture frame of my family. I don't know what he was thinking but he was stunned for a moment when my things were revealed to his eyes. There's nothing special about them so maybe he's sick because they're old and dirty so that's how he reacts. I felt my blood rise to my face out of so much embarrassment. Now he knows how useless I am. I just sat properly in silence and waited for him to give it back to me since I have nothing to hide anymore. He put all my things back in the bag one by one except for the picture frame. I was surprised because he didn't bother to zip the bag. I just saw the window on his side go down and my eyes widened at what he did next. "Huhhh!" I exclaimed in a hoarse voice. He throwned my things away. I was stunned and was not able to speak. He just thrawned my things like garbage. "Here." He handed me the picture frame. "You won't need those rags anymore. "I will send someone to buy new clothes for you as soon as we get to my pack. He said as he crossed his arms over his chest then he leaned back and closed his eyes as if nothing had happened. I was left adrift by what happened just now. I don't know how I should react to what he did but it doesn't matter at all. The only thing that is important to me is this picture that my parents left me as a remembrance. I locked it in my arms and hugged it as if someone would snatch it from me. Right now this is the most important thing in my life and no one can take it away from me. I gasped as I looked back at the man next to me who now seemed to be sleeping. "This person is my mate. I know it, I can feel it. But I can't get rid of what Alfred told me in my mind. "He will also throw me away like how he just threw away my things earlier, when he realizes that he picks up trash like me. Anyway, I feel more relaxed now that I'm out of hell. It's okay, for now I want to rest my mind. Even my body is asking me to rest because I can feel my eyelids getting heavy. I have no idea how long it will be before we get to their pack but this is my chance to get some sleep. So like the man next to me, I leaned back and closed my eyes. ****************************************** Meanwhile, Carla's happiness turned to annoyance after she realized that the famous and feared alpha was the mate of the woman she was enslaving. "Hurry up! She yelled at the maids who were preparing her things. "What the hell?! Why is it taking you so long?! The vein in her neck almost cut off because of too much telling at her maids who are In panic. "Can you calm down! What the heck is your problem? shouldn't you be happy because finally you will be with your mate? "Mate my foot!" She rolled her eyes at her mother who was sitting at the edge of her bed. "We both know that he is not my mate. You just reconciled the two of us." "Don't you like him? He comes from a wealthy pack as well. Carla frowned and raised her eyebrows as she heavily dropped herself onto the bed to sit beside her mom. "But not the richest and most powerful. She answered. Even if Carla didn't say it in words, her mother could see her regret that Brix wasn't her mate but instead ended up with their slave, Sandra. "Why do you like that Brix over Jack? That brix may be more powerful but they had just the same face. "In fact, even the blood that runs through their veins is the same. Luna said with a grin. "What are you talking about? H-how do they look like? I don't understand. Carla asked in confusion. Before answering Carla's question her mother stood up from where she was sitting on the edge of the bed. She swayed the fan she was holding in the air as she spoke. "Because they are brothers, and not just brothers, but twin brothers." Carla was shocked as if it was hard to believe what her mother was saying. But her dark desire came to life. If what she found out is true, she has high hopes that things can still be changed.
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