4 – Playing Cards

1972 Words
THE blue-eyed woman does not fit in the place. However, the nearby diner was the only place that Summer could think of. The regulars in the place were glancing at them but their eyes always ended up staring at the pretty woman. Aside from being too beautiful, the blue-eyed woman is clearly loaded, and seeing people like her in places like this is from zero to one. To Summer’s surprise, the other woman did not complain when they entered the diner. However, her eyes said it all. She would rather be anywhere but here. “What can I get you?” Said the young waitress. Despite the time, she looks tired already. “Breakfast special still available?” “Yes.” “I’ll have one. How about you?” She nodded at the quiet woman. “I’ll have the same. Do you have a milkshake?” “Yes. Anything else?” “Coffee for me. Can you have it delivered as we wait for the meal?” The young waitress nodded before she left. “She’s quite young to work in places like this.” Her eyes went to the woman opposite hers. They occupied a corner table away from the door. At this time of the day, fewer customers are coming to this diner. It was almost ten in the morning. Most of the patrons were done before nine in the morning. Often, riders and tourists were the people that came in until lunchtime. “Some people have to work in order to put food in their stomach. Unlike you, most of the people in this area are not privileged.” “You’re not going to throw that against me, right?” Summer met the woman’s eyes. There was sadness in those blue orbs. “It’s not your fault that you were born rich. However, some people were not given a chance to get out of the hell hole they were thrown into.” A cheerless smile formed on the other woman. “I used to think that money can buy everything. That I am entitled to anything that I want because my parents were filthy rich. I learned the hard way.” “What made the princess think that?” The coffee and milkshake were delivered. “No matter how much money you have at your disposal, it cannot silence conscience and insecurity. It fed off from your deepest desire.” Summer watched the woman wipe the straw with the table napkin. Without asking, she also wiped the mouth of the coffee cup. “What was your deepest desire, princess?” “I just want to be independent, it’s all.” She sipped the milkshake after she said that. Her eyes widen in surprise. Summer also started on her coffee. “This is good. This is almost the same how my mother used to make when I was a child.” “Don’t judge the book by its cover. This diner has been here for a while. Riders came here because of the food. Not because it’s the only place to eat in a few miles.” A real smile appeared on the young woman as she feed on the milkshake. The smell of the breakfast meal came in before it was delivered. Summer shook her head when the other woman took a few pieces of the table napkin. She wiped the cutleries, Summer’s included, before she dug in. Moaned of satisfaction exited the woman’s mouth as she eats. Summer finds the woman fascinatingly innocent. “What do you want to talk about?” She asked when they finished eating. She is nursing on her second cup while the woman is also halfway done with the milkshake. There was a disappointment on the woman’s face when she lifted her face. “You did not even ask for my name.” “Do I have to?” The woman stared at her. She looked away eventually. “I was on your tail for a while now.” “I know. I noticed.” “Yet you did not approach me.” “Should I?” The other woman rolled her eyes. It made Summer smile. “Give me your hand.” Without asking why Summer placed her hand on the table. The blue-eyed woman sighed when she saw the reddened knuckles. She still grabbed the hand. She enclosed the fingers inside her palm. She caressed her thumb on Summer’s palm. “Do you feel anything?” “Should I?” The woman looked away again. She cleared her throat before pulling her hand away. However, Summer held on to her thumb. The other woman turned to her. There were questions in her eyes. “I like it when you touched my skin. It dulled the soreness. But my groin has other thoughts.” Her mouth went ajar. She pulled her hand harder. She placed it under the table. Summer chuckled at the woman’s reaction. She used the same hand to lift the coffee cup. She finished the drink. Smile still on her lips, she viewed the younger woman. Her cheeks were red. Her eyes were low and refused to meet Summer’s. Her thin lips were pouting a little. “Anything else that you wanted to tell me?” The younger woman looked around. Aside from them, there were three more customers in the area. The nearest was two tables away. “There are two CCTV cameras. They were on the left and right sides of the booth. We’re covered from the left but we’re visible in the right cam.” She divulged. Finally, those baby blues meet her eyes. Still contemplating for her words, the other woman stared at her intently. “Do you believe in the supernatural? I mean, their existence.” Summer blew a breath. She made a clicking sound at the roof of her mouth. “It depends. If you’re stoned, I won’t believe anything that you may say.” She received a glare from the woman. She sent a smile her way, instead. “I’m not kidding.” “Fine. What about them?” “Are you familiar with werewolves?” It was Summer’s turn to gaze at the woman. “I’ve met a few of them.” “Really?” Hope blossomed at the woman’s tone. “Yes. They were quickly-tempered. They rely on brute force.” Dejection appeared on the younger woman’s face. “But they were fiercely loyal.” “Really?” “You don’t know?” A hint of a smile was on her face. When the younger woman noticed it, Summer earned another glare. “What’s your concern about the wolf-shifting human? You want them annihilated?” “Of course not!” “Then what?” The woman rolled her eyes again. She finished the milkshake. Her taste glands must have approved the drink. “What else do you know about werewolf culture?” “What do you want to tell me about werewolf culture?” The younger woman huffed. Despite the scowl on her face, she was still beautiful. “Why is it so hard to talk to you?” “Because you’re prettier when you’re annoyed.” It was not just her checks that were red. Her ears, too. “Did you tell that to every woman?” “No. You deserved compliments than them.” “T-thank you.” “What were you saying about werewolf culture?” The young woman heaved a sigh. Their eyes met. “Do you know about mates?” Summer nodded. “That’s what you are to me.” This woman is nothing but honest. Summer thought to herself. She remained silent. Her eyes stayed on the young woman. “You knew?” Her blue eyes sharpened. “You know but you still made it hard for me? You liked to see me squirm?” Summer chuckled in her seat. Exasperation plastered on the young woman’s face that her chest heaved. She noticed when her eyes squinted. “It won’t work on me.” “W-what?” “Your magic won’t work on me.” She repeated. “Why? A witch protected you? How did you know?” “Something like that.” Doubt covered the pretty face of the young woman. She gawked at Summer. “What are you? You’re not a witch or a vampire.” “I’m not like you. You’re not any of them.” “I’m not. I’m all of them.” “Oh? What are the perks?” “Headache.” She laughed again. Eventually, the young hybrid smiled. “You have to smile a lot. You’re prettier. Your eyes smiled with you.” Summer commented. “You have a sweet mouth.” “I have an honest mouth.” “Thank you.” She shrugged. “Anything else?” “You don’t feel the bond?” The disappointment was back on the young woman. Summer saw her blink a few times. “I do, trust me.” “Really?” The woman sniffed. She wiped her eyes before her tears fell. “I do. I am torn between this talk and asking you to come with me and satisfy the lustful thoughts in my brain.” Mouth ajar, the young hybrid gaped at her. “Close that pretty mouth, princess. This place is owned by conservative people much less seeing two beautiful women kissing.” “Oh, my god! You have a loudmouth!” Summer giggled at the woman’s words. The young hybrid is more gorgeous whenever she was taken aback. “What now, princess?” She called for the waitress’ attention to get their bill. It was taken to them immediately by the young waitress. She gave her a few bills. The young waitress is about to go when the woman opposite hers called for her attention. “It’s for the tip. Thank you for accommodating us.” The surprised teen looked at the money before gawking at the pretty customer. It was a hundred-dollar bill. Bigger than the value of the meals they ate. “It’s yours.” Summer stood up when the other did. They left the diner, sated by the delectable meal. They went back to the jeep. “Where to, princess? I have somewhere to be.” “When can I see you again?” She faced the woman while they were inside the vehicle. She caressed the smooth face of the young hybrid. “Your hand smelled coffee.” The woman complained with a pout. “Everything that comes out of your mouth amazed me.” “Is that bad?” “It depends. If I have a bad day, it’s not good.” “I’ll try to be quiet when you’re not in the mood.” Summer pulled her hand back. She turned to the front of the jeep. “I’m not good for you, princess. My life is very complicated at the moment.” She followed it with a sigh. “I’m good with complication.” “Look, you’re perfect. You’re suitable for someone who’s not me.” The young woman snorted. “I’m perfect but not perfect for you.” “Yes.” “Why?” “I have a lot on my hands right now. I don’t want to pull you with my trouble.” “Just like that? You won’t even try?” Summer did not respond. She revved the engine and pulled out of the diner’s lot. “Please drop me off at the nearest bus stop.” There was a hitch in the other woman’s voice. The drive was silent until she stopped at the unloading zone. The young woman mumbled a soft thank you before going out of the car. “Take care of yourself, Belle.” She drove away without looking back. 
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