5 – Territorial

2195 Words
EYES on the small crowd of people, Belle remained in the shadow. The yelling and boos from the throng did not bother her. She knew that the person that she came here for would win the match. She has been doing this for a couple of weeks. She has been trailing Summer discreetly. She did not use a car rather she utilized her ability to cloak herself and her vampire speed. “Are you decided?” That was Árnyék in her head. Belle sighed. “Yes.” She gave herself a two-week margin to spend stalking and watching her mate. The conversation in the diner and the affront rejection, she was crestfallen that the person the moon goddess has been given to her did not want to give their mating a chance. Although the same-s*x relationship was not new to her, she did not expect that the mother of all werewolves would give her a woman for a mate. In the past, she had several boyfriends. She never had a relationship with another woman. However, it did not bother her that her mate is another woman. She was surprised but not disappointed. Despite the circumstance of their first meeting and the impression she had on Summer, she would not change a thing. They may have different upbringings but she is willing to compromise. After all, the people around her made their mating work despite the differences between them and their mates. However, her own mate has a different idea. She refused to give their mating a chance. She rejected their mating at the knowledge. Árnyék was desolate for days. To console her wolf, they shadowed their mate to appease their longing. If there was any consolation, they saw no woman clinging on Summer’s arms before or after the fight. However, Belle has to put her foot forward. She has done her part. She would not force herself on anyone. She would never beg for anyone’s approval in order to be accepted. She used to be. It did not end well. Her eyes went back to the small gathering. The holler has changed from yelling to downright screaming. The excitement hummed in every onlooker. Belle moved her neck. She hoped to have at least a peek of Summer’s face before she leaves. She exhaled. Disappointed. The crowd gave her no chance to have a glimpse of her mate. She planted her hands inside the pockets of her hooded jacket. Shook her head in displeasure. She heaved another sigh. Belle turned around to leave. She frowned when she saw a woman two meters away from her. Two men were planking her sides. The woman has her eyes on her. A brow was raised while looking at her from head to toe. She did not know the woman nor meet her in the past. Belle is wondering why the female in front of her is looking at her differently. “Who are you?” Belle blinked her eyes. Her own brow raised, too. “I should ask you myself.” “I’ve been seen you before. You have been on the sss’s street fights. “ “sss?” The unfamiliar woman tapped her right leg that showed off the three-inched pumps. Belle had to exhale. The woman’s shoes are not even expensive. It was just a common brand yet she has the audacity to tap it in front of her. “You have been watching her fight in the underground. Why?” She paused. This woman must be talking about Summer. “Because she’s good.” A smirk formed on the other woman. “Oh, she is.” The hybrid’s eyes squinted. She did not like how the woman smiled. Her own wolf growled in agreement. “Are you one of the women who wanted to take what’s mine?” Taken aback, Belle viewed the other woman. In the weeks that she started stalking her mate, she never saw this one. “She’s yours?” “Yes. The sss is mine.” “I didn’t know that.” The woman chuckled. “They all said that. They wanted to have a taste of my woman. But the sss is mine. Mine.” “Geez! That’s quite a statement. Does she know?” “Of course! The women have been cleared anyway.” Belle gazed at the other woman again. Smirk is still present on her face. The two men with planking her sides were eyeing her with hunger. And she did not like it one bit. “Is that a threat?” She asked. “Oh, I don't do threats.” She wanted to laugh. She has been hearing those words all her life but she never thought that’s she be a recipient. “What the hell is this?” They all turned to the person who asked. The fight is done. The crowd has been dispersed. A few people were loitering the darkened underground tunnel that has been abandoned for years. Summer was sweaty. She was only wearing a sports bra underneath the muscle shirt. Her hair was in a bun again atop her head. She has a messenger bag across her torso. Her left hand is still covered with wrapped. “Apparently, this woman has been on your tail, Amazon.” Summer glanced at her. Her hazel eyes tell her nothing but displeasure. Belle has to look away. “Do you know her?” The b***h asked. “Yes.” “Did you tell her what I do to women who have taken interest in you?” “She did not do anything. Let her go, Rebecca.” The woman who Summer called Rebecca made a clicking sound in her mouth. “I’ll let her go for now. Tell that little girl what she needs to know and what I do to women who to take what’s mine.” The woman and her cohorts left before Belle could counter back. “Go to my car now, Belle.” She did not question Summer. She marched to the direction where the woman’s jeep was parked. There was urgency in her mate’s voice. She will ask later. Belle huffed when she saw the clutter in the passenger seat. She pushed away the bottle of energy drink off the seat. She kicked away the other trash on the floorboard of the vehicle. Summer climbed the driver's side. She threw the messenger bag at the back and revved the vehicle immediately. “Who is that woman?” Belle asked when they were finally in the bright lights of the highway. “The woman you don’t want to cross with.” “Who is she to you?” “A mistake.” Belle exhaled. Somehow, she was thankful for her mate’s answer but she knew that she would be hurt by what she is going to say next. “Are you still together?” “In her mind were still together.” While driving, Summer is peeking at the side mirror if someone is following them. They drove around for an hour. They ended up in a drive-in motel. Belle was not familiar with the area but it seems that they were no longer in the heart of the metro since the place appeared isolated. “Keep your head low.” Belle followed while Summer spoke with someone at the window. She heard her say that they will be staying for the night. The vehicle moved again. They entered a parking space so small. The shutter immediately went down the moment they parked. She has to cross the driver's side in order to get out of the car. Summer helped her down. They entered the single door near the driver's side. The room is tiny. The bed and a side table were pushed to one side. There was another door inside. It must be the bathroom. “The place is clean despite the size. I have to take a shower. I don’t want to hear you complaining about me. We’ll talk right after.” Belle watched Summer get clothes from the duffel bag on the floor. She did not notice her carrying the bag inside. Her mate was right. The place is spotless. She removed her hoodie before she sat on the bed. The sneakers followed. Belle was checking the designs on her phone when the door to the bathroom opened. Her mouth drool when she saw her mate. Summer is wearing boyleg shorts and a sports bra. A towel was in her hand rubbing her wet mane. She bit her lower lip. Her mother, Solana, would get jealous of the defined muscles on Summer’s thighs and abdomen. The woman has equally powerful arms but not bulging with veins protruding on the skin. A pleasing view to the eyes. Árnyék yapped in her head. “The shower is yours in case you need one.” Summer sat on the edge of the bed as she continued dabbing her head with the towel. It enabled Belle to see the tattoo on her mate’s back. On the right lower back was a woman with a bow and arrow ready to shoot. Another image was a wolf on the left side right under the sports bra. The wolf has blue eyes. Eyes like hers! She did not notice the tattoos before! “Nice tatts.” She commented. “That was a long time ago.” “The wolf has my eyes.” “I noticed. Is that your wolf?” “If she has a body, that might be her.” “You cannot shift?” Summer stood up. She hung the towel before approaching Belle. She sat on the side of the bed and faced her. “My vampire and wolf side were both dominant. They refused to make the other prevail.” She answered. “And the witch?” “She was the referee.” “Headache, I see.” Belle nodded. “What are you doing in the underground, Belle?” “I want to see you one last time.” A frown appeared on Summer’s face. Her hazel eyes focused on Belle’s. She sighed as she stared at her mate’s gorgeous face. The face of a woman who decided not to gamble on their mating. “I decided to let you go but I have a wolf to pacify. She has been longing for her mate.” “I’m sorry.” Belle nodded. “Who was that woman?” She asked to change the conversation. Árnyék is lamenting in her head that a migraine is forming. “She’s one of the reasons why I chose to let you go.” “W-what?” She was more than surprised at her mate’s reason. A scowl marred her face. Summer stood up. She seized the duffle bag on the floor. She placed it between them on the bed. She unzipped the side pocket inside the bag. Fury is brewing inside Belle but she refused to speak. She waited for her mate to explain. More questions formed on her mind when Summer laid three pictures of women on the bed. There was no commonality between them aside from being beautiful. “I don’t want you to end up like them.” The other woman started. “What happened to them?” “They were all dead.” “Rebecca killed them?” Summer nodded. “Why?” “Because in one way or another, they get entangled with me.” “Who is she to you?” Summer looked at her in the eyes. “We met in a boxing club. I caught her attention. We dated for a while until she became a psychopath who threatened all the women that came my way.” “When was that?” “It started a decade ago.” “What is she?” “A witch.” “Just a witch?” “Just a witch.” The young hybrid stood up. She looked down at her mate. Anger gets the best of her with what she heard from Summer. “You turned down our mating for just a witch? Do you know who I am?” Belle pulled the straps of Summer’s sports bra. She stared into the hazel eyes of the woman who was destined for her. “I am more powerful than her. F*ck! I could end her life in a snap.” Her fury went down a little when hands clasped both her hips. The heat of her mate’s palm pacified her. “It was not just her. I have more complications in life.” “Dammit, Summers! I’m good with complication.” She almost yelled. “Do you realize that I’m about to leave the country and settle down in Hungary because being in the same country with you is very hard?” Shocked appeared on the fighter’s face. Without further ado, she claimed the mouth of her so-called mate. Might as well use this room for the better. A comfy bed is waiting to be laid on. Árnyék howled in delight when Summer kissed her back and pulled her closer that space between them is definitely a no-no. 
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