Chapter 13-4

850 Words

Ristéard struck Texla hard across the face as the man came at him again. The blow knocked the traitorous bastard into Raomlin. Swinging his blade low, he caught Raomlin across the stomach when Texla jerked the man in front of him as protection. The blade sliced Raomlin’s stomach from one side to the other. He ignored the choked scream of the dying man, instead turning to stop one of Texla’s guards from running him through from behind. Swinging both blades with a cold precision, he dispatched the guard and turned back to find Texla. He wanted answers and the greedy bastard was going to provide them for him before he died. “Ristéard, behind you,” Emyr shouted, twisting in an effort to get away from the two guards attacking him. Ristéard sidestepped and turned on his heel, bowing low. The

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