Chapter 13-3

1124 Words

Ricki glanced at Sadao with a worried look. She knew that they had discussed this might happen, but that didn’t make it any easier. She started to glance back over her shoulder, but Sadao stopped her. “Do not look back,” he murmured in a quiet voice, raising his hand to grip her arm and picking up the pace of their walk. “We are being followed.” Ricki nodded. Glancing back and forth, she didn’t have much time to enjoy the beauty of the palace. The walls of the palace were so smooth that the surface resembled a highly polished mirror. The only light coming into the long corridor was either from the large windows they passed by or from hidden lights along the walls. Ricki reached her hand out to touch the surface as they turned the corner. A gasp escaped her when threads of gold blossomed

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