
1780 Words
Rayna: Power rolls off of him in unimaginable waves. The angelic part of me is stirring within me. Waking up parts of me I didn't know. Parts that urge me to mate with him. His scent makes my mouth water. The most beautiful scent I had ever come across. The smell of rain pouring over dry dirt and pine with a hint of something dark and sweet. The alpha is captivating. Tall, muscular, sharp features. His dark brown eyes simple yet beautiful and intriguing. His short brown hair... all of him seemed simple but that's what makes him perfect. His classic simplicity makes him stand out from everyone else. A beautiful specimen in the flesh. "Is he really your mate?" Ro asked as she walked into the kitchen. She hadn't said a single thing when we got home last night. She went straight to her room. "Yes," I answered and placed a cup of coffee in front of her. She pulled the sea salt towards her and started to spoon it into the mug just like I had with mine. "What does it feel like to have found your true desire?" she asked with a hint of amusement in her voice. I looked at her. A sirens mate is called a desire. The one man that won't die during s*x. The one man we can feed off of because he'd be able to take it. The one man we will love and the only one we would give our lives up for. "Amazing. When I shook his hand-It feels better than when we become one with the sea. Better than any song we can ever chant under the waves. It's like knowing you have a purpose and finally figuring out what it is," I sighed looking into the bitter salty delicious black liquid in my coffee mug. Fighting the urge to take him will soon begin to take its toll on me but I can't just tell him what I am. What we are. "I'm so happy for you," she laughed engulfing me in a hug. "When are we going to tell them?" "I want him to get used to me before I can tell him. What if he rejects me? I wouldn't be able to take it," she smiled. "So, no siren calls on them?" I smirked wishing I could use my powers on him. To bend him to my will. There's something exciting about not being able to do that to him. "Not unless it's an emergency," I nodded. She shrugged. "Let's take them cliff diving. They live on Sire hill," I looked at her shocked. Sire hill is where our kind gathers on the ocean floor. Those waters are used to make a youngling a full siren. Where our blood is replaced with sea water. No one ever goes near that cabin. Well, humans at least. We've never been able to rent out that cabin no matter how appealing we've made it. Humans always say no. It's their survival sense. "Let's go. We can surprise them. I also want to make sure the Jordan Bay sirens aren't nearby. They have two younglings with them that will need the area soon," she nodded running back up the staircase. I'm glad it's summer. No one questions the fact that we wear the bare minimum of clothing. Even after all these years, I hate wearing clothes. It bothers my skin. It makes me feel closed in. We have to wear wetsuits during the colder seasons and there are even times when we have to hide the fact that we go swimming. We hide a lot of what we are. Ro is used to it. It's all she's ever known. I, on the other hand, long for home. She's excited about this new change in our lives. I can sense that. I can also sense the disappointment. She has been talking about wanting to go home. She wants to see the place where we came from. She wants to know more about our father. While I want the same thing, I don't know if it's a good idea. Feeding and taking what we want on land isn't the same down there. Finding Ethious is a good excuse for us not to go. There are real dangers in the ocean. The merpeople have taken the sea. They hate us more than they hate the land. If rumors of our return spread, the Merking would come for us and any siren that is left will be massacred. It's not as simple as saying yes or no. There are so many reasons why we should stay on the surface. "Pink or green?" she asked rushing down the stairs with two one-piece bathing suits. "Green," she smirked tossing it at me. "You always pick green," "You always pick pink. I don't even know why you ask," she giggled stuffing the suit in her beach bag while I placed mine in my purse. "How is it going to work with those you've been singing for?" she asked. I sighed. I haven't even thought about that. "I'm probably going to have to release them if they get possessive," she nodded. "Yours always do," "How did you run into the wolves?" she asked as we walked out to my jeep. She tossed her bag in the back through the open top. The look on her face told me enough. "Who was it?" "It doesn't matter anymore. Ethious took care of it," She climbed in through the doorless passenger side. "It matters. Who did you sing for?" she rolled her eyes. "Henry Parker. It wasn't his fault. My song is just getting stronger," "Did you feed?" she shook her head. "Okay, well then we have to make a stop," she perked up pulling the seat belt on as I started the car. Henry Parker had become a local last year. From day one, he's had a thing for my sister. He would have made a move on her if I would have allowed it. She was a few days shy of turning eighteen the first time he had cornered her. I should have killed him then but the ego in me wouldn't allow it. When I bound Ro to the ocean making her blooded siren, he was supposed to be her first but he had scared her in their first encounter and she refused to go near him. She's learning to feed on her own. I've been keeping a close eye on her as she hunts. For days now, she's been tailing him. She probably had him and she panicked when the wolves intervened. With me there, she won't hesitate. I parked at the store not too far from his house and motioned her to go. I walked into the store and began to put random things into a basket waiting for the song to drift along the breeze. Cali, the woman at the register was giving me my change when I heard it. I walked out and placed the two bags in the back seat and discreetly walked in their direction. His yard is a mess. The house he had bought here is one of our more expensive ones. The kind of house a family of four or five moves into. He's been living here alone. He doesn't receive outside mail from anyone. He's been caught peeping into windows and harassing the tourists. He also leaves for days without letting anyone know where he goes. No one is going to miss him. He has Ro cornered in his living room. She hasn't gotten the extra strength that comes with what we are yet because she hasn't made her first official kill on her own. I've had to sing for her meals since she was blooded to the sea. "You need to back away from her," he jumped letting her go before turning to look at me. "What's this?" he asked looking between us. "Two for one Wednesday?" His eyes stayed on me longer than they should have. Ro elongated her claws pulling back as far as she could before burying them into his neck right where his jugular is. He briefly turned to look at her before he tried to shuffle away from her in fear. She didn't let go as she pulled him to her using her other hand to get to his spine. Her eyes changed into their original bright fuchsia pink shade. Her skin took the soft pink tint of who she is and her hair faded into the same color of her eyes. The low screech that came out of her throat made me smile as she opened her mouth to expose her razor-sharp predator teeth. When had my little sister stopped being a kid? She opened the man's being, a man who she had feared for an entire year relentlessly and I can't be more proud. I can feel her pulling the essence of his soul into hers greedily. "I'm full," she sat back disappointed with herself. Her lower lip puffed out in a pout. "You can save the rest of him for later. Go get cleaned up," I motioned her to go upstairs. "They don't taste that good when they've been dead for a while," I nodded. "I know but the essence is stronger then. You'll have more time before you have to feed again," "He has a big evil soul," she sighed looking down at him. "Tastes good doesn't it?" "Why?" she asked looking up at me. "The darker their souls are, the stronger the essence is. This one was a predator. A lone dog who preyed on innocent sheep. Now, he's the sheep. Make sure to brush your teeth and under your nails. Use alcohol. We don't want the wolves to pick up on the smell of blood," "How come you don't make a mess like me?" "I've had practice," I said looking down at my claws. "Soon you won't need to use your teeth anymore. Go get cleaned up. I'll have one of the officers clean this up for me," "Thanks," she got up and rushed upstairs. I walked back to my jeep and called officer Hendrix. Soldiers are the easiest to manipulate. Their trauma opens them up to our songs. We give them the release of the pain they have to endure. Men like Joseph Hendrix completely give into the sound. It's easy to control him. When he is finished cleaning up the mess Ro made. He won't even remember. Tomorrow when he wakes up, he will be well rested and in the best mood, he's ever been in. A prize for helping me and my little sister.
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