Twenty One

1509 Words

Rayleen: I had never seen a mermaid before and now there's one in our indoor pool. Since Ray had taken back the kingdom she had been too busy to come up to the surface. Ethious had even gone down leaving me and Carter in charge of everything which wasn't much. Carter is third in command of Thio's pack. Jason is second. The worst part in all of this is that she took the hybrid with her and I want to continue learning what it is they did to create him. "So is the mating between fish the same like wolves?" Carter asked. "I don't know what it's like to be mated like wolves," I said rolling the pen back and forth. "They're the reason we exist," I sighed looking at the picture of my sister and Ethious on his desk. "Kind of I guess. I think it's different for Royals though we have more to

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