
1367 Words

The Princess From Below: It had been unexpected. The truth behind what had happened this night will be something that will have to stay with me for the rest of my life. The Mer-King isn't moving. I've had enough of his tyranny and abuse. I couldn't stay there anymore. I can't pretend as if I didn't do it. I should feel bad for what I did. I should regret the whole thing but relief is all his death has brought. I am liberated from this hell. The excitement is starting to overwhelm me as I swam past the corals and out into the open waters. I have to keep swimming. There is no room for exhaustion just yet. In the debts of the darkness, I had to stop for a break. There is nothing around but darkness no matter where I look. There is nowhere I can go where they wouldn't find me. Nowhere I can

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