The outside

1103 Words

Amy’s POV: I turned my head toward a treating Tom and watched as he left the cell. After he left, I immediately moved toward Connor, who was still in wolf form. “You think we can trust him Sassy” I couldn’t help it, whenever he was in this form, I still thought of him as Sassy. He nodded his huge head and stared toward the door, but I knew he was thinking the same thing as me, we really had no other choice, we had to take the risk and trust him or stay here and day. Sassy laid his head back down on his huge paws and then closed his eyes. I could see that he was still in a lot of pain, but he needed to heal and quickly, or our plans would be for nothing. I absentmindedly stroked his fur, willing him better. I felt the sparks shoot from his huge body to my fingertips, and somehow that co

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