The Plan

1080 Words

Connor’s POV: I woke up with the feeling of despair, the despair ran so deep within me that it threatened to swallow me whole. I tried to push the memories from my mind, but I couldn’t. I felt the familiar sparks on my head and turned my ashamed face toward Amy. I could feel my eyes fill with hot liquid and the tears start to roll down my face. I knew they told her what happened, there was no way Gina would not tell her, she would want to increase my torture, and she knew she could do it by telling my mate. “I’m so sorry Amy, I am so ashamed, I honestly thought it was you” She grabbed my face with her hands “You shouldn’t be ashamed of anything; those fuckers should be ashamed, and we are going to make them pay for what they did to you” She bent down and kissed me on the mouth her

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