
1021 Words

Connor POV: 2 hours later, as promised, I was dragged out of the dark room taken to the fighting ring; if that is what you want to call it. I was even more drugged today than the day before, but I was still able to hear the shouts and screams from the crowd. The chant however didn’t grow more inventive “Kill, Kill, kill” but then what did you expect from rogues. The leader went through the same hoo-ha that he did the day before and yet again I was attacked by someone. I didn’t care who, I just once again tried to memorise his scent. My foggy brain realised that he was beating and kicking the s**t out of me, that this was happening to me, but I wasn’t able to feel, anything. I was just a shell but somehow I was aware what was happening, I just couldn’t feel anything. Again Gina stop

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