
1263 Words

Connor’s POV: Tom came in and he looked nervous, he gave Amy side glances and then turned back towards the door, I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck and arms start to rise, something felt wrong. I tried to stay calm, but I was finding it hard. The big guy came in and I jumped up, straining against the chains, Tom gave Amy an apologetic look “I’m sorry Amy, but this has to be done” He grabbed Amy around the neck and held her close to him, I growled and tried to rip free, trying to get to her. “Let her go, don’t touch her” The big guy took out another syringe. He stared at Amy and I went nuts. He stood next to her and licked her cheek. “Derrick this is not necessary, just get it done, before he rips his arms off to get to her” I could feel myself start to transform, the big guy

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