Chapter Three

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*** The music was loud, but it certainly wasn't louder than my heart in this moment as I sensually grinded against a man I had been fantasizing about from the moment we met. It had been a full year of fighting my feelings, ignoring the way he made my body and mind react. I had painted him as a full-on villain in my mind, anything to make him less than the literal s*x god that he was. And yet, even then, my body still wanted this man who turned out to be better than I had even imagined. It was in his eyes, his smile...and now, in the way he held me against him firmly but warmly, almost as if he couldn't believe I was finally in his arms. He didn't miss one single step as we danced across the floor, his hulking form keeping all the dancing bodies away from me. Adonis-like men would lust after me with their gazes, only to be met with what I knew was a lethal glare. I had gotten a taste of it once before and even then, it wasn't directed at me but at a particularly leery valet during one of our exeats in town. I knew this particular glare was worse than that, though, with the way the men scampered away swiftly, almost as if they had had a gun held to their heads. Well, that wouldn't be too far from the truth with this man's background. It would certainly FEEL like that for sure... My mind was in a haze of euphoria, lost in him and the way he touched me and the emotions I was evoking in him - both emotionally and physically. The feel of him against me was doing wild things to my body, making the ravenous longing I had for him build more and more with every single moment. It was almost like edging, a sort of foreplay that was driving the both of us to the brink of madness. "Come back to me, baby. I need you right here with me." He turned me to face him, one of his hands wrapping around my waist whilst the other gripped my ass possesively, sending waves of desire throughout my entire body. I bit my lip, wrapping my hands around his neck as I leaned up into him just as he leaned down to help. Not that he had any choice with my 5"3 form, 5"4 in heels at best. Smirking, I leaned into him, planting a soft kiss on his neck, right below his ear, before I spoke up. "Keep holding me like that, and I just might let you show me whether you can really handle me." I let out a squeal as Axle lifted me into his arms easily, his neck kisses driving me almost wild with desire as I wrapped my legs around his waist. "There is no one who can handle you like I can, baby. Only thing is...I'm fighting myself. I don't want to rush you and yet waiting is driving me absolutely insane and you being dressed like that and being as sexy as you are isn't really helping...I should hold back...I should stop myself but f**k, are beyond my wildest dreams. Push me away. Stop me before I make you mine, because once I do, I will never let you go..." His words were intense, sobering me up for just a moment as I pulled away from him. I knew he meant it. Axle wasn't one to give empty promises. He had proven this time and time again, not only in business but even in the way he is with those around him. I was yet to fully see it when it came to me, but I knew that this was one of those moments. He did not hesitate to let me down despite every single thing in him telling him not to, and I respected the fact that he understood when I needed space to breathe. Can he be any more f*****g perfect? It's making it so hard to walk away from him... Walk away from the sheet-clenching, mind-altering, wild and passionate moments we could have...I knew he would be able to match my freak, heck maybe even surpass it. I have never met anyone I have wanted as much as him... Never met anyone I desired to be with like this... So what's holding me back? I contemplated that as I backed away from him, our gazes still on each other. His was intense, filled with longing and so much more that I could not read into that moment. I was trying to figure out whether I wanted to dive into him. I knew letting myself go and letting him in would probably ruin me. This isn't the usual rodeo. Yes, I never hold back when I want something or someone, but he's different. I can't walk away from him unharmed. Being with him means accepting that he will consume me...that I will never forget him. I know he's going to change the very fabric of my being. No man will probably be able to reach the standard he'll set. He will, essentially, ruin me for every single man out there.... Is it worth it? I turned away from his gaze just as Gata Only began to play, driving the crowd mad as I grinned, staring at the glass ceiling. I knew my girls were also losing their minds, Gianna especially. This was our song, and although I would have loved to run back to the VIP area to dance and shout the lyrics with them, I knew that I had a more pressing reason to stay. It seems the Universe has made my decision for me...I mean, when have I ever been the kind of girl to think through my dumb decisions? This might be the one that comes back to bite me in the ass but f**k it... I want him too bad to care... And so I began to dance, slowly, sensually, running my hands through my hair as I swayed my hips to the beat. I could feel his eyes on me, tracing every single part of me as I went low, running my hands up my legs and thighs as I came back up before I turned to face the man whose gaze hadn't left mine at any single point. Those eyes were scorching now, searing every single part of me before settling on my neck where I traced my fingers, running them down to my front where my n*pples were straining against the fabric of my crop top. I was so incredibly turned on, I was sure I would come undone just from being under his gaze. He is so intense... So freaking perfect for me... I know he's holding himself back. How about we snap that thinning thread? Grinning at the thought, I traced my hands down my body, holding his gaze in mine as my fingers settled on the front button of my leather pants. He raised a brow at the sight, clearly not fazed by my challenge. He doesn't think I'll do it... Well then, how about I prove him wrong and show him just how much he has underestimated my desire to push him off the damn cliff? His body language began to shift at the sight of my wild grin, no doubt, as I unbuttoned my pants, one of my hands playfully messing with my zipper as the other reached up to pull down the spaghetti strap of my crop top. "Oh're so f*****g hot..." One of the men who had been brave enough to keep watching the show despite my hulking man's domineering presence stated, his words met with no response. Not that I could do anything other than squeal as Axle picked me up like a damn rag doll and put me over his shoulder before storming away. I struggled in his grip, laughing like a mad woman every time he tightened his grip to keep me in place. "Hey, where are we going? I really was enjoying the music and putting on a show..." I didn't expect the spank that almost...almost made me come undone, the sting of his hand soothed just as well as he spoke with words dripping with longing and desire that made my p*ssy clench and my p*nties even wetter if that were possible. "The only show you'll ever put on is just for me, Elena...You're mine now. There is no turning back for you. Not now. Not ever." ***
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