
Healing the Cold CEO


Memories. Flashbacks of a time he would rather forget....He is haunted, scarred and broken...until he meets HER. The ray of light in his otherwise desolate world...

CEO of Gray Security Enterprises, Axle Lemaota Gray is a picture of Power, Confidence, Genius Intellect and Tactical Prowess from his Navy SEAL days. He was the man every woman desired and every man wanted to BE.

None of them knew him, though. They certainly did not see the darkness within him that awoke after the death of his friend. One thought echoed within him obsessively. Revenge called back to him and he accepted it as he cast his gaze on new targets-The Haren Family would fall. He would destroy them...even if it meant losing HER... the only ray of hope to heal his wounded soul...


Heiress to the vast Haren Fortune, Elena Rose Haren is anything but the woman those around her expect her to be. Rather than embrace their standards, she creates her own- delving deep into her love of Art and Photography. She is a wild child, full of warmth and light with grand dreams that are destroyed one fateful night.

The Haren Family hangs precariously on the edge of ruin and she is the only one that can save them. She loves her family, is loyal to them. Loyal enough to make a deal with the devil in the form of a beautiful man who stretches out his blood-soaked hand for her to take... She would do anything for her family, even if it means falling into the depths of HIS darkness...


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*** It was raining. Heavily. The forecast had predicted it, but nothing like the thundershowers that were coming down on New York. It was an unexpected weather change, but Fall was approaching fast and so was the moody weather changing. Lightning illuminated the office even brighter, making the two individuals seated opposite each other turn to look out the floor to ceiling windows. "Well, that's certainly a thundershower alright. Haven't seen one that brutal in ages." The older man stated, taking a sip of his bourbon whilst his companion shook his head with a small smile. "Might it have anything to do with the fact that you're leaving for Ireland? Maybe the weather has recognized the great departure of Sawyer Haren. Heck, even the weather doesn't want you to go. I know the Board of Directors might be popping champagne but maybe, deep down, they're sad?..." Sawyer Haren laughed out loud as he feigned throwing the glass at his firstborn, Tristan Haren. The latter chuckled as he flinched playfully, watching as his father placed his glass back on the wooden table. "You crazy brat... The only reason they'd be happy is because you've been coddling them. You had better get them into shape. Remember, you're paving the way for my sweet granddaughter, Lena...speaking of, when will she be back from her vacation? I would love to spend some time with her before I leave. Actually...let me call her and set it up..." He stated, pulling out his phone just as a knock sounded on the door, prompting the two men to stand just as a gorgeous woman entered, prompting Tristan to smile wide. He was, as always, smitten with his beautiful wife. The two of them were madly in love, had been from the moment they met, and the years had not, in any way, waned their feelings. Who could blame Tristan, though? Raven Pritchard Haren was truly stunning with brunette hair that was currently in an elegant bun and the warmest amber eyes that their daughter had partly inherited. Her smile was warm, welcoming as she let her husband plant a soft kiss on her cheek before she ventured forward to hug her father-in-law, who welcomed her with arms wide open. The older man had loved Raven from the moment he met her, going as far as to consider her a true daughter of his family despite his differences with some of the Pritchards' "Hello, Father. It is good to see you back from your business trip. I was expecting you for dinner at the house but knowing Tristan, I thought it best to come here and escort you both home." Raven greeted, earning a broad grin from the older man and a laugh from her husband as they settled on the couches with Raven sitting beside Sawyer rather than next to her husband. Not that Tristan minded. He knew that his father was more of a father to Raven than her own biological father. Her relationship with them was strained, to say the least, but he was glad that she could find comfort in his own family. "That was a wise decision. We were getting distracted with business talk. Speaking of, how is Elena doing? I haven't had a chance to catch up with her since she took full control of Operations at the Art Institutes. I have, however, heard nothing but amazing reports of her efficiency. She is truly a Haren- business savvy and smart. Definitely got that from her grandfather, no matter how hard she tries to deny it." Sawyer's boisterous laugh made the couple chuckle as Tristan frowned playfully at his father. "Hey, I am her father, you know. If she got any business genes, it's from me. We all know how awesome I am..." "And who do you think gave you those genes, dummy? She certainly didn't get her stubborn streak from me, though. That's all you guys. To think she has declined my offer to take up Operations in the DC office countless times... If only she would try and see just how capable she is...all her doubts would be gone. There is nobody I would trust more with our legacy than our little star." The couple nodded, each of them reflecting on the amazing achievements of the next heiress to the Haren legacy. She was certainly capable and trained. She was, however, too much of a free spirit. And that was another thing they adored about her. Her warmth and light was enough to bring great joy to the family. "Well, she is a bit more like me in that regard... Art is something she loves, and she is certainly amazing at it. A true artistic prodigy. However, I know that she is more than capable to reach even further than where she is now... She is capable and, as you said Father, she will be more than sufficient to keep the Haren legacy standing strong. It's amazing to see the things she has accomplished and the fame she has amassed, all because of her own efforts and not because of her family background. She is truly remarkable, my little one." Raven smiled fondly as she thought of her daughter, each of them reminiscing a little more with memories of her milestones as a young girl. They each adored Elena and were truly proud of her. "All this talk about her has me missing her. I should call her, know how she is and set up a coffee date with her. She still drinks it black like a maniac?" Sawyer stated, dialing Elena's number as Raven chuckled at Tristan's frown. He was, after all, the one who introduced their daughter to his weird coffee habits. "Hey, that's not nice, Dad. I told you, coffee isn't meant to be taken sweet..." Sawyer laughed as he pulled the phone away from his ear, somewhat stunned at the sound of her voicemail kicking in. "That's odd. She almost always drops everything and answers my call....hey, my princess! Guess who's back in town. I hear you're out in Santorini for a vacation with your friends. That's good! Taking breaks is necessary. Listen, I will be going back to the Dublin HQ in a week. I would love to have some time with my favorite granddaughter before then, so let me know when you'll be coming and I will pick you at the airport myself....Make sure you don't keep your old man waiting or I will keep the gift I brought for you from London...I love you, A stór." The older man hung up just as the doors burst open at the sound of an alarm ringing through the building, startling the three as they stared at the Head of Security. "What is going on, Maverick?" Tristan stood at the sight of the man who seemed out of breath, his gaze straying to Sawyer and Raven expectantly, who were also now on their feet. "Sir...there has been a breach in Haren Tower. A team of unknown assailants has stormed the building. We believe they are targeting you. We need to evacuate as quickly as possible. Local PD has been called as has back up. They will be here soon, but we need to get you out of their reach." Maverick reported even as Tristan took Raven's hand in his, planting a soft kiss to calm her somewhat and reassure himself of her safety before he turned to his father. Sawyer seemed deep in thought, anger flashing in his green eyes as they followed Maverick and a team of his men into the elevator that would take them to the basement. "Dad....is everything okay? Is this about..." Tristan let the sentence stray, watching as his Father nodded before releasing a pensive sigh. The two men silently cursed, so alike at that moment as they recalled their investigation for the last year, one that had sent Sawyer to London and was returning him to Dublin HQ. "It seems like our target has finally made their move against us. And it's a major one. To attack the Haren Family. That's a bold f*****g move... Call Rojas. We need all the information we have gathered secured." "Already on it, Dad. I had measures set in place for this situation." Tristan responded just as the elevator dinged open, revealing a contingent of men who were prepared to escort them to the waiting SUV. Raven stared at her husband and father-in-law, her mind reeling with the snippets of information she was gaining from the conversation. Her heart seized in her chest, her gaze widening as she pulled her phone out frantically. "What is it, my love? What's going on?" Tristan worried as he finished his own call, the two men now staring at her as they made their way towards the waiting SUV. "You said whoever these people are have made a move on the Haren Family...that includes my little girl. Do you think they might have followed her to Santorini? And if so, she's not the only one in danger, my love. Her friends. We have to warn her, Tristan!" Raven shouted, cursing every single time her call went to voicemail even as Tristan guided her to enter the car at Maverick's urging. They were soon on their way, a blockade of three cars escorting them in the back. "For f**k's sake...what in the world is she doing?" Raven stressed as she dialed her daughter's number again. Sawyer and Tristan shared a look before the older man leaned over, placing his hand on her own that brought the frazzled young woman back to her senses. She didn't realize she had been crying until she felt the slow stream of tears stain her cheeks. "It's okay, Mo chailín. She is safe, I promise. I had Tristan send two of our men to watch over her, incognito. Additionally, she is currently with the heirs and heiresses of billion-dollar corporations- just like her. They all have their security measures in place. The Aleksandros family is more capable than they seem. And so is the CEO of Gray Security who is also with them there. I assure you that as soon as she's back, we will explain everything that has been happening. I promise. It goes deep... but we have a plan." Sawyer's words calmed Raven considerably, earning a grateful smile from Tristan to his father. It was in moments like these that the Patriarch of the Haren family showcased his nurturing side- a side not many had had a chance to see. It was reserved for his family. To the world, he was a great legend and a tough man to boot. "Don't you think our extraction was a little...too easy?" The two men switched to Gaeilge, a language that Raven somewhat understood but was too nervous to read into as she stared out at the passing buildings. The cars were flying through downtown, their drivers fixated on getting to the safe house as they checked in with the other convoys. "I thought I was the only one who noticed... I had Maverick on the lookout..." Sawyer began to respond, but his sentence strayed as the two men saw the bright lights. Everything seemed to move in slow motion, an understanding passing between the two at that moment. Protect the family above all else... That is the Haren way... Tristan nodded to his father, a tear escaping his eyes before he did what he needed to. With no hesitation whatsoever, he wrapped his body around Raven, shielding her just as the impact connected, rolling their car multiple times before everything came to a stop, silence reigning over the streets save the thundershowers. The sky mourned as a scream pierced the air. The sirens of approaching ambulances could not drown out the pain in her cries. She was broken. A broken woman who had lost part of her soul... ***

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