Chapter 43 • Balla feelings

1325 Words

Olima picked up her spoon and she finished up her food quickly, before she wiped her mouth clean. And she stood up from her seat, As she set to leave to Jennifer house, As she had told Jennifer that she would be visiting. Olima exit her room door and she stepped out into the passage of the guest house. But as she turned. She meet face to face with Justin. As he just arrived and stepped into the passage too.. Justin stared at Olima and he looked a bit sad as he knew that she.had rejected to picked up his calls. But Olima quickly stared away from him, As she locked up her room door and she set to leave for Jennifer house instead. And just as Justin wanted to speak to Olima, As she walked passed him in the passage and to exit the passage door, Just then, Bella room door pulled opened, And

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