Chapter 44 - Visiting Jennifer

1421 Words

Olima's car finally arrived at Jennifer house, and she's more than surprised to see the mighty duplex that Jennifer and her family lived, and Olima stepped down from her car as she hugged Jennifer that stepped out to welcome her. "Welcome girlfriend, good you finally came here today, As I was already planning of searching for Justin's house address so I can come over to visit you," Jennifer said and Olima smile sweetly to Jennifer that wore a skirt and blouse too, and Olima replied, "I'm sorry . " "Is okay, come let's go inside," Jennifer said, as she stared away from Thomas, and seeing that he is Olima's driver and bodyguard. Olima walked into the living room with Jennifer, and she meet with Jennifer mother and the light skinned handsome man that she felt like she had seen him before.

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