Prologue: Plus Interest

259 Words
Dear Christopher, Enclosed you’ll find a formal offer to purchase the land and building of Bardot and Mayfair Development Parcel A, formerly known as the Tanglewood Library. Enclosed you will find terms equal to the last sale price plus interest. I hope you find this more than reasonable for a property that’s currently sitting unused and half turned to rubble. PS. And you know a library will help the community and revitalize the west side of the city. Dear Harper, I regret to inform you that the asking price of the property has increased significantly, due to recent media interest. A famous artist sparked a citywide protest that had its own hashtag. In fact looters were able to sell pieces of painted concrete for up to five thousand dollars online. As such Bardot and Mayfair cannot accept less than two billion dollars. PS. I wonder how much concrete you’d have to sell to fill the library with new books? Dear Christopher, Twenty times what you paid for it? I hardly think the presence of some random painter with an i********: account can possibly raise the value that much. Besides the fact that anyone will have to pay to reconstruct the entire front of the building, due to your wrecking ball. PS. You are the most self-centered, arrogant bastard I’ve ever met. Dear Harper, Enclosed you’ll find copies of the purchase offers this company has received in the months since we stopped development on the property. As you can plainly see, the presence and painting of a world-renowned, extremely talented artist has made the property invaluable. PS. Don’t sell yourself short.
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