Table of Contents

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Table of Contents Cover Title Page Prologue: Plus Interest 1. Real Estate 2. Deep Pockets 3. Pile of Rubble 4. Gold Rush 5. Blackballed 6. Worth Doing Well 7. Business Partners 8. Natural Part of Life 9. Self Destruct 10. One Percenter 11. For the Best 12. Milk and Cookies 13. Death Wish 14. The Common Man 15. The Dangers of Corporate Excess 16. The Suit 17. Totally My Business 18. For Your Entertainment 19. Honest to a Fault 20. Death Plan 21. Vital Signs 22. The Girl Code 23. Protesting 24. Inevitable 25. Trophy 26. Destruction Excerpt from Overture Books by Skye Warren About the Author Copyright
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