Chapter one

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As Mikah walked into the block of her office, she was immediately hit with a moody atmosphere, she was already used to it, that is how it had always been. Her boss Mr Dalton had always been the type of person to ruin good everyone’s good energy. She took large strides towards her desk in the tiny cubicle and started arranging her belongings. She kept her bag by her side and took in a deep breath, she always felt depressed any time she came to work, but t was not supposed to be like that, she was meant to love her job, how did things turn out like this? She turned around and took a long look at the doors of the closed of offices, those were the offices of the journalist the firm valued the most, the head journalist. She sighed in defeat knowing that with how things were going, she was not reaching her office goal anytime soon. When she got a job at the Daily Herald co as an assistant journalist she was so excited thinking that in a few months she will be promoted, but then a few month turned into a few years and even after that, she was still not promoted. Just as she was about to return to her work, she heard a loud screech of her name, and she rolled her eyes. “Mikah!” he shouted in a high toned voice sounding like a spoilt brat, and the ill-mannered person who caused an unnecessary scene from this act was non-other than her annoying ass boss, Mr Dalton. She hated him with her life and with her every being. ‘He issuch an asshole’ she thought. “Get over here now!” he further screamed from his office, disrupting the work atmosphere. She stood up from her chair and made her way out of her tiny cubicle while rolling her eyes at the childishness of her grown ass boss. The other co-workers looked at her with mocking and devious faces knowing that she was probably on Dalton’s bad side again. ‘Everyone is toxic’ she thought as she took note of the gazes of her co workers. Dalton was not always an ass to her, when she started working at the Daily Herald, he was such an angel and her silly self thought that he was the best boss ever, until he revealed his true intentions. He wanted an office affair between the both of them, which she outrightly rejected with a look of disgust on her face. Imagining herself with Dalton made her gag to the point of throwing up. With his beer potbelly and his greasy skin and hair. She wondered how he even had the guts to say such to her, such a disgusting thing to say. That man tried the least to look presentable since he was not trying to impress anybody. Mikah later found out after she rejected Dalton, that he was the brother inlaw of the cousin of the owner of the Daily Herald’s wife, but she did not care, so what if he got his job through connections, she was not going to sleep with him. She finally figure out why Dalton was a huge menace to the workers, and why the CEO of the company did not mind. As far as Dalton was producing income for him, he did not care about the action of his distant relative. Ever since she rejected Dalten, he tried his best to make her life in the office miserable, because his wicked little heart could not handle rejection. At first she had put up with him. But now, he made it clear with his actions that he was trying his best to get her fired. She worked so her to get a job at Daily Herald plus it was one of the highest-ranking media companies, so it would be a huge loss to lose her job, so she always tried her best to push through and try her best despite fall of Daltons evil efforts to bring her down. Arriving at Dalton’s office, she knocked on the door, waiting for him to say come in . “Get your ass in here Mikah!” He shouted and she opened the door and walked in . Inside the office was a carefree-looking Dalton who had his foot crossed on his desk and his hands beneath his head, he tried to look suave, like all those handsome male lead in the movies, but his greasy looking self could not compare. He was in a pretty good mood, thinking about how he would be able to get Mikah fired once and for all,after all his hard work, his ego could finally rest. “I have a new case for you,” He said with a devious smirk on his fat face. “ I am all ears,” She said with a forced wide smile. “ I want a story on Mathiel Don and a recorded interview with him,” He said still with that smirk on his face. Mikah froze after hearing what he said . Mikah imagined herself climbing on top of Dalton’s table and clutching his shoulder, she opened her mouth and breathed a ton of fire on his face which now became scorched. He then kneeled on the ground as his pants gradually became wet, and he kept on trying to bow down, but he couldn’t because of his big stomach, he cried, begging her to spare his miserable life. “Mikah!” He screamed with his high pitched voice which jolted her out of her beautiful daydream, she frowned once she came back to reality again. “Dalton, respectfully, I cannot do this story, it is impossible,” She said with gritted teeth. “ How so?” Dalten asked while leaning his ears to her acting like he was all ears while trying to force out an innocent-looking and curious expression, but in reality, that just made him look constipated. “ You know very well Dalton, that no one has ever covered a story on Mathiel, he never gives out interviews, it is impossible,” she said angrily, she really wanted to put Dalton in his place, he was obviously telling her to interview Mr Don deliberately just to fire her. “ So make it possible,” Dalton said as the smile on his face kept on getting wider. “ I believe it would bring our company to the next height, imagine, an interview with Mathiel Don, how epic will it be, and no other media company has ever achieved that in this life, even you will benefit greatly from this, and maybe just maybe this will be the little push you will need for your promotion.” He said, and it did nothing in convincing her, sending her in the guise of interviewing Mathiel Don will just waste a ton of her time and she would get no work done, which would cost her to lose a lot of money. “ If it is a good opportunity why don't you do it, I am sorry Mr Dalton but I can’t do it” she said as she was about to walk out. “ Well okay” As he said this she was finally relieved, she almost breath out a sigh of relief when he opened his rotten mouth to speak again. “But as you are leaving my office, send in a retirement letter,” He said with a suddenly serious face and Mikah’s eyes widened in shock and anger. “What!?” she asked in confusion, trying to calm herself down. “Mikah dear, You have only three days to get the interview with Mathiel Don and write this story, unless, you are fired. And if you choose not to do it, you are also fired,” He said, this caused Mikah to take a few steps back in shock, how could he do such a thing. “What, you cannot do that!” She shouted, if Dalton fired her because of that interview, she was going to sue him. “Yes, I can, check the terms of your contract.” He said with a proud smile which made Mikah’s shoulder droop in defeat, because it was indeed in the terms of her contract that if she does not obey her superior or get her work done it time, she could be fired. “Don’t worry, you can take today off, go and find Mathiel, and ask him for an interview, it should not be that hard, right?” he asked with a fake smile, but she saw the excitement in his eyes. “Right” Mikah replied with an even wider smile before she left his office and swung his door shut violently, she then took violent strides to her cubicle. She saw her stress doll in the corner and started squeezing it. “ Deep breaths, deep breaths’ she thought as her chest heaved up and down, while everyone looked at her with curiosity. She suddenly thought of Dalton’s ugly face which made her unconsciously rip apart her stress doll, cotton flew everywhere and some landed on her hair. The people around looked at her like she was a crazy person, while some snickered. “What did he do now,” Jess said as she walked into Mikah’s cubicle and sat on the desk.Jess was Mikah’s best friend, they got to know each other when Mikah got a job at the Daily Herald. “ He said I should get an interview with Matheil Don within three days or I am fired,” Mikah said, this made Jess open her eyes wide in shock, she did not think that Dalton would stoop so low, but that bastard kept on prooving her wrong every freaken time. “He did not,” Jess said in shock, her eyes still as wide as saucers. “ Yes he did, all I just wanted to do was beat the hell out of him,” said the aggrieved Mikah as she dropped her shoulders low. “Oh honey,” Jess said as she gave Mikah a comforting hug. “ Well what are you doing here, hurry and get that interview!” Jess screamed which caused the co-workers around them to shush them to which Jess just shrugged off. “It is impossible Jess, how the hell am I supposed to get an interview with Mr Don” Mikah whispered with defeat. “Mikah love, just because some people have failed does not mean it is impossible ,okay, they were just unlucky,” Jess said trying to life Mikah’s spirit up. “ Jess, it is everyone that has failed, no one has ever succeeded in getting an interview from him,” The frustrated Mikah said. “Well you can be the one who breaks the streaks of bad luck then, and even if you do not get the interview, you will feel better, knowing that you tried your best and never let Dalton crush your spirit,” Jess said, which was just the pep talk Mikah needed. In no time she started packing her stuff, with Jess hyping her up and giving her the necessary tips on getting in Mathiel Don’s good side. She made her way to her car and drove out of the office parking lot, not even knowing where and how to start.
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