56. We Are Even Now

1004 Words
Althea gasped in sheer awe, as she watched Nicholas’s clean and shaved jaw. Althea looked at his handsome face, shining under the soft rays of the setting sun. She noticed how sharp his jaw was and how his cheeks were perfectly contoured and shaped. It was like he took off a mask and his dark, mysteriously handsome look was torn out and what came out was a bright flashing ray of beauty, softness and an adoringly and strikingly good looking guy. The beard, gave him a dark and a stern look but as soon as it went off, all Althea saw was nothing but softness. The kind of the softness that she had never imagined would emerge out a guy like the one that she was looking at. His smile was more apparent. The glow on his face was more visible and the calm side of his personality was more evident. She had never imagined that she would ever get to see him in such a radiant fashion. “You look…” she tried to postulate the current word for the way Nicholas looked like but couldn’t seem to pin down to a single word. “.... handsome?” he offered and Althea couldn’t help but chuckle. “By the way! I am not going anywhere. So, you could stop staring at me.” Althea’s eyes bulged at his words, which made her immediately snap her head away and look in to a different direction. “I am sorry.” She bit her tongue, wishing the earth to open up and swallow her down, since she felt extremely embarrassed and humiliated. Nicholas chuckled, “I didn’t say, I mind your staring.” He nudged his shoulder in to hers, making her turn around and look at him in sheer surprise. “How’s your ankle?” he asked and she turned her face to look down at her foot, suddenly remembering that her foot was supposedly injured and the slight pain that she felt moments ago, was also gone, since her mind was only wondering about the fact, how devilishly handsome Nicholas was. “Better.” She told him, keeping her eyes intact on her foot. “Thanks for the medicine you got from Gragnano, it actually worked.” She told him and Nicholas nodded. “Well, you kind of thanked me already last night and for that, I am honestly thankful.” He winked at her, making her blush even harder. She kept her eyes low, as her cheeks burned red with embarrassment. She had never felt so elated and shy in front of any guy, even if it was her ex Angelo. The feeling of being so skillfully full of hypnotic essence, was something that she had never experienced before. The sweet whispers of Nicholas’s words in her ears, made her feel so ecstatic yet so delightful enchanted. She felt laughing with joy, which made her turned her face in the other direction. “Who got you this ice cream?” he asked, grabbing the spoon and making himself a bite. Althea cleared her throat, gathering her thoughts and finally turned to look at Nicholas. “Salva did! From the town nearby.” “Oh!” he hummed, as he took a bit and licked the spoon clean. The way his lips danced around the spoon and his tongue subtly touched the edge of the metallic utensil, Althea felt her insides churn, whilst something gurgled, sliding deep down in to the pits of her stomach, with a suddenly surge of wetness filling up the betweens of her feminine folds. She straightened up, clearing her throat, trying her very best to control her urged and aroused feelings. Why was she acting like such a wanton, who had never been in the company of a man. Althea then realized that perhaps, she had never known how to act in front of a guy that she liked and wasn’t sure of his feelings. Maybe it was the secrecy of his true feelings towards her, that made things slightly more complicated and the fact that she was definitely attracted towards him. Her body began heating up and she only wished for Nicholas to walk away from her, since she couldn’t do that on her own, given to her damned ankle. Nicholas placed the spoon back inside the ice cream box and got up on his feet. “I guess! I should join everyone for a swim.” He stated, getting ready to leave and also took a step down, coming forward to stand on the same level at which Althea was, with her sitting down. He turned around flashing a toothy grin at her. “Oh wait! I think, I am forgetting something.” With that, he leaned forward and tilted his head, reaching out for Althea’s cheeks. He planted a soft kiss on her cheeks and straightened back, looking at her stunned expression. “I hope it didn’t irritate you now and also, we’re even.” Throwing a wink her way, he turned and left to join everyone by the beach, whilst Althea’s heart felt bursting open in to millions of butterflies and her body didn’t even feel planted down on the earth anymore. She felt flying up and high somewhere in the sky and losing control over her mind and body, as she fell over on her back and closed her eyes, touching her cheek and finally realized that she was done for good and that, she was slowly and gradually yet quite rapidly at the very same time, falling for Nicholas. It was weird and bizarre but something that Althea was purely excited to experience. ----------------------------------- I honestly can not wait to write more romantic scenes for these two because they are starting to become a personal favorite couple of mine and I hope you guys enjoy their romantic moments as well :) Let me know what you guys think about the two :) Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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