57. Teaching Garry A Lesson

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Althea sprinted down the staircase, feeling all refreshed and healthy. This time, she was able to apply weight and pressure on her feet without worrying about hurting her ankle anymore. Althea was absolutely strengthened and also felt full of life and energy, as she continued walking own the stairways, wearing a regular pair of jeans and a free size shirt, with her hair tied up in a messy bun. She halted in her steps, as soon as her eyes landed on the tall figure making its way towards her. She stood only a few steps off the main foyer and looked at Nicholas, who wore a fresh pair of polo shirt and a straight faded blue jeans, looking crisp and fresh, walking in an extremely radiating energy, that made him look like a model, who had just walked out of a photoshoot. Nicholas noticed a shadow standing in the staircase and also stopped, looking up to find Althea standing a few feet above him. “Good morning.” She smiled and waved lazily at him and Nicholas nodded. He gently strode in her direction and she also carefully took one step down at a time, firmly holding the railing of the stairway, something that she was not doing when she was previously hopping down the stairway. As soon as she felt Nicholas’s presence, it felt like once again her body had gone weak and her mind became flail and fragile. Her thought processed slowed down and she feared that she might fall down again, if Nicholas got anywhere closer to her. Her heart beat rapidly inside her chest and her breaths quivered, making her contemplate her feelings. She took in a deep breath, gathered her thoughts and mustered up her posture, looking Nicholas fair and square. Jumping down the final step, she took a step forward, coming ahead to stand in front of the railing of the staircase, at which she kept her hands, supporting herself to stand up erect, making sure to not to fall down, so stupidly, like she did when Nicholas kissed her cheek the last time. Nicholas also took a step forward and crossed his hands across his chest, c*****g an eyebrow at Althea and challenging her, wondering what she could say to her, as she positioned herself to ignite a conversation with him. “Your foot looks okay!” he stated, looking down at her previously swollen ankle. She shrugged, “I guess, the turmeric pods worked really well.” Nicholas smirked, shaking his head. “Hmm, I guess you should thank the person who got them for you.” “Really?” Althea stated, in an obviously faked moment of shock, making Nicholas chuckle slightly. “Yes!” “Hmm, how do you recommend that I thank that person?” she questioned, making Nicholas raise an eyebrow in excitement. To him, it felt like an open invitation to put forth his request to receive whatever he wanted from Althea. “Hmm, not much but I guess, a kiss should suffice.” He shrugged, quite casually, making Althea smirk back in response. She crossed her own arms across her chest, mimicking the very casual pose that Nicholas had adapted. “Then, I guess I should thank the captain of the yacht that went to Gragnano and got them.” Her words, made shock appear on Nicholas’s face. She snickered, feeling victorious and turned to run away in to the kitchen, where everyone had already gathered but she had only taken a few steps forward, when Nicholas grabbed her wrist from behind and pulled her back, making her back hit his chest. She gasped, trying to wriggle her wrist away but Nicholas kept a firm hold and only felt even more enticed as her soft back hit his rock hard front. He leaned forward and blew thin air in to her ear, making her squirm, as she felt ticklish due to his trickery. “If you would do that, then I am willing to be even a captain. Do you like uniforms?” He let go off her wrist and Althea’s face turned cherry red, as she only kept her eyes low, with her lips stretched out from ear to ear, as she couldn’t control her smile. Nicholas had started to make it more and more obviously that he liked Althea and he enjoyed teasing her sensually and making her heart beat go erratic and the way Althea shied away and showed clear signs that she reciprocated Nicholas’s feelings, it only intensified things more between the two. It also gave Nicholas an idea that he shouldn’t beat around the bush and get straight to the point. He shouldn’t waste any time with Althea and tell her right away that he liked her and wanted to know her on a much personal level, just beyond her food. He wanted to have her in a much more bold and complexed way. And he always did so. He never wasted any time with any girl that he liked. In fact, he always made sure to never let go off any girl that he ever had his eyes set on but with Althea it didn’t feel like so. He was actually enjoying the slow build up and the small romantic moments, he was having with her. Ones in which, she would be playful as well. Ones in which, she would show off the fact that she also had a soft spot in her heart with him. He didn’t remember the last time any girl thanked him by planting a kiss on the cheek and in fact, he never had such moments where he felt so much at peace. His heart was in great adversity and his mind was torn in to pieces. He felt like bleeding on the inside, ever since the incident happened with him in the last few months but also since the moment, he met Althea and got closer to her. Suddenly, his heart felt so much at peace and the moment he got to spend with her, where she was intimidating and annoying, it gave him a sense of distraction. And then when he wanted to live more on that distraction, he found peace in that very commotion. He couldn’t believe his own self that how come something that was so annoying and so nerve wrecking could become something so close and peaceful to him. Althea entered the kitchen, where everyone was already positioned. Salva had asked everyone to come early because there was going to be another elimination that day and they chose the contestant to be eliminated by doing a lucky draw between their names, that were written on small chits and thrown in to a bowl and then Anthony would fish out the names out of the bowls. It was done so, because there was a huge commotion between the pretended contestants, who wanted their name to be amongst the eliminated once, since whoever would get eliminated would be thrown off the island in Althea’s point of view and that would mean that the fake contestant and the actual worker at the mansion, would actually get holidays if they got eliminated. Andrew, Garry and Fiona were simply not allowed to put their names in the list, since they were the only once who knew how to cook and Salva and Martha had decided that they would be the ones to be dragged till the very end. At first, Andrew hated being a part of the entire game but slowly he had started enjoying it. They had already decided on a name and one of the female house workers, whose name was Lilia, would be eliminated and will be apparently shifting to the safe house that was built in the thick forests of the island, the way to which only the residents of the island knew and where four of the already eliminated contestants were living and enjoying their leisure time. Althea stood by her station and Garry greeted her as per usual but that day, she decided to not to pay heave to his presence and gave him a dose of how he treated Fiona and made the poor girl feel invisible. Althea turned back and looked at Fiona, who already had a mischievous look on her face, having planned the entire plot with Althea already. Giving off an extremely irritated expression, Althea gestured at Fiona to step away from her station, “Nona, can you come forward please and join me at my station? Don’t you think, it would be fun?” Garry was simply amazed at Althea’s preposition, having no idea why she simply wanted him replaced. “Hey! What happened, why do you…?” “Garry, girls just want to stick together! Can you please, give them space?” Andrew, who was Fiona’s station partner, decided to chime in. He understood that the girls were on a plan of their own and being someone, who was also irritated by Garry’s over the top, unnecessary, chauvinistic and flexing mannerism, whereby, Garry always did everything to shove Andrew down and made him feel a less of a person, Andrew decided to get his own spoonful of revenge and this time, play back at Garry. “But, this is my space and…” Althea groaned, rolling her eyes sharply and cut Garry off in the midst of his sentence, making him look at her in total shock. “Andrew! Since you are such a gentleman, who always understands girls and their needs. Can you please, step forward? I would like to have the spot next to my girl best friend.” “Sure.” Andrew stepped forward and exchanged spots with Althea, who went back and stood next to Fiona, chiming and throwing in a high five at her. Garry was left flabbergasted and annoyed, wondering why was everyone acting so anti-him. Althea on the other hand smirked, seeing Garry flustered and annoyed. It was just the beginning to a therapy that she was certain would bring Garry on the right path. On the other hand, Andrew turned back and smiled softly, looking at Fiona laughing and chiming with Althea, happy and glad to see the girl booming in confidence, just like he always liked her to be. He turned back and got busy at his station, trying to channel his true feelings for Fiona in to the food that he made, just like he had always done. ----------------------------------- Oh-Uh! Too many love triangles coming in? :D Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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