96. Intruders On The Island

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The door to the surveillance room dashed open, as one of the guards, who had a morning duty in the surveillance room, rushed out of it and jogged his way towards the mansion, trying his best to get there in time. His entire existence was shaken, as he held a ground breaking news for Gigi, who stood inside the dining room, with Anthony and Martha, going through the menu and the guidelines that Salva had left for them to follow. “Great! Today we can ask them to cook something Chinese in all of the three cooks off and…” Martha read the conclusive conscribe of the guidelines but stopped when she heard a loud noise and turned along with Gigi and Anthony to find a guard huffing and puffing, rushing towards Gigi. “What happened?” asked Gigi and Anthony also felt alerted as he watched how the guard made his way towards Gigi, all panicked and frightened. “There have been some intruders on the island.” The guard announced, making both Anthony and Gigi look at each other in horror. “Put the entire mansion on a lockdown, make sure that no one goes out of the mansion and no one comes in at the same time.” Gigi ordered the guard, rushing out of the dining room, with Anthony and Martha trailing after him. Martha held her hand over her heart, as she noticed that there could be another attack on the mansion, just like there had been some in the past but before her fears could’ve been dived any further, the guard immediately clarified who it was, who had dared to intrude the premises of the sacrosanct land of the Santiagos. “But they are just party rogues, who had ended up on the island through the south west corner. They probably came either from a nearby town or island, while they were island hopping because they don’t have a boat parked on the coast and I did not even notice them anywhere in the cameras, until I saw a boat incoming about a mile away. Then I searched through the cameras of the island and found that the same boat had dropped off four men some place at dawn and probably went to get more to bring to the island. All of those on the island are male, in their early to late thirties and look most probably foreigners. So, they are just on vacation, trying to party and must have lost their way.” Gigi and Anthony both stopped in the main foyer and sighed in relief that at least it wasn’t a big security threat but they still held all autonomy on that island and had the right to allow or deny entrance to any foreign entity on that island. So, Anthony decided to take charge of the situation and handle things the old school way. “Gigi, we will keep the mansion locked. You take a team and locate the intruders and evacuate them. Ever since, the islands nearby had been bought by government authorities and further on lent and leased to private entities, these intrusions have peaked to an all time high. Last year, seven such incidents of wanderers crossing the island, reported.” Anthony sighed in exhaustion. “We might have to buy those islands, now. But for now, just take your men and evacuate the island.” Gigi nodded and left with his guards, collecting a team with him and preparing his men to conduct an exodus off the island. Nicholas made his way down the staircase and found Anthony and Martha standing in the main foyer, looking quite tensed. “What happened? What are you guys doing here at this early hour? Why do you guys look so tensed?” he asked, all those questions, that rolled out of his mouth, looking at his uncle and aunt’s cantankerous condition. “Nothing we just have some intruders on the south west coat of the island. Again, some party rogues, accidently finding the exotic island and just the same old. Don’t worry, we have the situation under control and Gigi has gone with his men to take care of things.” Nicholas felt a bit relaxed that the situation would be taken care of. But a loud gasp, grasped his attention, making him turn towards the hallway, located on his left, where Fiona stood with her eyes widened. “Where did you say that the intruders were? South west coast?” she asked with sheer horror plastered all over her face and Anthony nodded. “Why what happened?” asked Nicholas, who somehow felt that the news that Fiona bore was going to carry some heavy consequences on his mind and heart, once he was going to hear that news. “Althea, she goes there every morning to meditate. She went today as well. I met her about half an hour ago and she told me that she was leaving for the south west coast.” Nicholas felt cold water splashed all over his body as he heard those words slip out of Fiona’s mouth. He felt entirely paralyzed, as Anthony took immediate steps and rushed out of the house, informing Gigi that he needed to check through the security cameras and see where Althea was and take care of her first. While all Nicholas heard that Althea could be susceptible to being hurt and he didn’t know who and how these intruders might treat her, if they were to come anywhere near her. He immediately rushed out of the house, through the pool side, which he knew was the closest way to reach the south west coast of the island. His mind didn’t know anything else but only Althea and his body’s prime goal was to reach the spot where Althea could be and all his existence knew in that moment was to protect and to save Althea. He saw nothing but red in his eyes, as he felt alerted that Althea was in danger and he needed to save her no matter what was to come ahead of him. As he worried about the girl and rushed towards her, the young lass sat by the shore of the south west coast of the island. A place where she came to every morning for the past few days, to meditate and to clear her mind off many thought, primarily one of them being her worried about her family. She had begun to grew worried about how her mother might be dealing alone with things back in Gragnano and only wished that Seb and Lur were taking care of Monique in every manner, since she expected Irene to be busy with her wedding preparations. She only wondered if Irene would have been also fretted about Althea and if she had put a hold to her wedding. But she only knew that she was expecting too much from her sister, who had been nothing but selfish and cared just about her. She found south west coast of the island to be an extremely peaceful place somehow. The shoreline was quite wide and the waves that hit the coastline were also calm, rapid and fleeting. There was an utmost serenity at that corner of the island, since no one came there at that house and most of the contestants that she knew of, liked hopping and jogging within the premises of the mansion or by the posterior section of the island that was connected to the mansion. But the south west coat was where she liked to relax. It was tranquil and full of peace and every morning before any of the cook offs began. The large clearing that stood between the forest behind her and sea, acted as a profound ground for her to relax. Althea visited that particular corner just to relax and clear her head off, so that she could continue on to win the cook off and it was working for her so far. The cool early morning breeze, coupled with the light rays of the sparkly sun that fell on to the water and reflected the blues of the ocean and the sky, creating a beautiful crystal white shine off the surface of the water, was yet another reason to sooth Althea’s eyes, that felt that her day started with a beautiful view would also go on to be pretty much exciting. But that day, her heart was filled with a different kind of pain and worry. She sat by the shore, looking ahead at the waving deep waters and cried and cursed her fate for never having the essence of pure love written in it. She would see people around her receiving the love that they deserved, which made her wonder what had she ever done to never get the kind of the love, where she did not expect someone to move mountains for her but to at least appreciate her existence by giving her a normal relationship where she would feel respected and loved and somehow, every time she would be with a guy and ask for the bare minimum, it would become a lot for the one that she loved. She didn’t if there was something wrong with her who always ended up choosing the wrong guy, who simply wouldn’t love her or if it was merely her fate playing a cruel game of agony with her and the torment of feeling cursed was simply not coming to an end for her. She was someone who never complained much about how life was cruel towards her because she knew that there were others who lived life in a way worse situation than hers. At least, she had a roof over her head and always had food on her plate to fill her belly. But at times, she wanted to act a little unruly and ungrateful and complain to God, who her life was filled with blows and void of peace. She never found a single person in her life, who was willing to give her love, which made her wonder if she simply didn’t deserve it and everyone that she met only considered her as a pleasurable fume in their lives and nothing more than that. Tears escaped her eyes, that she cleared away and got up. Sniffing her tears away, she decided to focus on her cook offs for the day and made a firm and determined decision that she would end things with Nicholas, no matter how much it was going to hurt her. She turned on her heels to leave for the mansion but paused, with her breath hitching in the middle of her throat and her heart trembling with sheer and utter fear, as she saw four men, that she had never seen before, presumably European, tall and tanned. They wore shorts, coupled with sleek and see through linen shirts, that were opened up from the front and those who had them buttoned up had the top buttons undone, so that their glistening bodies would be visible to whoever would be the spectator. “Not bad.” One of them spoke in a thick English, giving off the essence that he was Russian and Althea could also guess his ethnicity, with his tall height, broad shoulders and blond hair coupled with that accent of his. “I don’t think, I have seen you guys before.” Althea mumbled softly and one of them, stepped ahead, removing his glasses off his eyes and c*****g at Althea. “Oh trust us, we also have not seen such a beauty, all alone on an island before. It is our first time on this island and we came here searching for parties and beauties and I guess, we found both of the two things in you. We can have a party with a beauty like you.” He smirked as he accessed, Althea’s figure, scanning her head to toe. She wore a simply sun dress, that wrinkled up and tightened around her upper body, up till her waist, from down which, it flowed freely and only up till the middle of her thighs. Like a predator enclosing on its prey, they started encircling her slowly, making Althea gulp hard. She figured that they might have accidently ended up on the island while they might be island hopping and also might be confusing Althea to be some other kind of woman. “Listen, I think you guys have lost your way. This island is under a private jurisdiction and you don’t want any trouble.” She told them, as she began taking careful steps backwards but her heart only palpitated loudly and wildly, as behind her was nothing but a large water body and Althea didn’t know how deep the water was since her swimming skills were non existent and had already previously drowned in that very ocean. “Oh, for a woman like you we would take any trouble that stands in our way.” Once again said the tallest of them, who wore a white pair of shorts, with his beach shirt opened from the front. A loud honking sound from behind Althea startled her making her turn around. She found a small yacht, making its way towards the island. “Our ride is here.” He pointed out once again and took careful steps towards Althea, whilst the others remained behind him. Althea immediately took a few steps back, her ankles hitting the shoreline and getting drenched up with water. She gasped, as fear began taking over her mind and looked down to find water already touching her feet. She felt trapped, as the water around her began to push her weight off and the sound of the boat behind her grew louder by every passing second, signifying that the yacht was getting closer to the shore. “Come with us, you will enjoy.” The guy offered Althea, who shook her head. “I live here, I don’t want to go anywhere with you guys.” she told him, mustering up all the courage that she had and pushed past the guy, sprinting on her feet. She even walked past the rest of the three guys but she had barely and thinly escaped away when she felt that someone pulled on to her arm, tugging her harshly back. She was pulled roughly by the tallest of the group, that one would easily presume to be the group’s leader. He tightened his hold around her arm and Althea cursed herself for wearing a sleeveless spaghetti strap dress that very particular day. “Let go!” she complained and the guy simply smirked. “You thought, I grabbed you to let you go. I wasn’t offering or asking you before. I was telling you that you are coming with us. I am not going empty handed off this island. If I like something, I get it and you my love, is just another example of it. let’s go.” With that he began pulling Althea along with him, as many of his friends laughed, as the absurdity of their so called leader, whom Althea assumed might be the owner of the yacht as well, since the rest of his friends simply turned a blind eye on the fact that he was abducting a girl off an unknown island and was also dragging her off the place against her will. Althea began hitting on his arm that held her and dug her nails deep in to his skin, in order to make weaken his grip, all the while she yelled at him to let go off her. She knew that if they took her on that boat then her sign off the entire island would be wiped off and no one might even know where she went. She regretted having that fight with Nicholas because now he might assume that she might have left her after having that fight. She didn’t want to leave the island, no matter what condition may come ahead of her. When her scratching and yells were not working anymore, she leaped forward and bit the guy’s hand, that held her arm. She viciously bit her teeth in to his skin, making the guy squirm and cry in agony, as he loosened his grip on Althea’s arm and before she could’ve made a run, he slapped her right across the face, making her tumble and fall down over the sand. Althea’s face submerged deep in to the sand but she immediately lifted her head up and fell the corner of her chin and lip swell up, due to the impact of the slap but she kept her cool and decided to fight with strength and durability. She immediately gathered strength in her legs and leapt forward to try and run but the nonster that she was dealing with was quick enough to get a hold of her ankle and pulled her back and down towards him. She wept, as she turned around used her free leg to kick the guy straight in the face, hitting his nose, right with her heel and made him fall back, losing his grip on her ankle. “f**k!” Other guys who were closer to the yacht, noticed that their so called alpha of the group was being beaten to a pulp by the girl he was trying to abduct, so they all rushed towards his side and noticing them running towards her, Althea’s instincts kicked in quickly. She immediately got up on her feet and sprinted in the opposite direction and towards the mansion. Her mind was hazy and all she cared about was making her way towards the mansion, which she knew was going to be her safe haven. She ran as quickly as she could, not ever knowing the true potential of her speed. As she continued running, she had barely mad it a meter away from the spot where she started from, when she felt a strong grip around her waist holding her back. Her back hit with a hard chest and disgust ran all over her body, as horror paralyzed her mind and she realized that she had been caught once again. The loud yells and hoots that came from the antagonist in the situation were enough to let Althea know that they were vicious animals in the costumes of humans and they would not spare a single thought before destroying her and ruining her maliciously. That’s why she needed to keep herself safe and protect herself. The one who had caught her overpowered her and tossed her back, throwing her down on the ground once again. But this time, the impact was unbearable by Althea’s body, that was lucky that the ground was nothing but soft sand, or else, she might have incurred some deep injuries on her bones. But still the impact of the hit on the ground was quite firm for her, as she felt her insides rattled and shaken. Soil entered her respiratory system, making her cough up a bit, as her eyes also felt agitated by slight grains that clouded her eyes. She sat up straight and felt fear dawning upon her mind, as she noticed that all four of them had encircled her and now stood hovering above her. The one that she had hit on the face, as his nose bleeding. He cleared the blood that ran down his nostril with his hand and looked at his hand for a minute and then back at Althea, showing how aggressive he was for the little injury that she had given him. “You slapped me first.” She tried to sound reasonable but the man, only groaned in agitation and signaled at the other two to go ahead and grab Althea. “I was going to go easy on you and take you on my boat but you don’t deserve that. f**k her up.” He ordered one of the two, who had bent down to grab Althea but she was quicker than a flash and had her hands already fisted on the ground next to her on each side and as the two the two perpetrators got closer she immediately threw the sand that she had collected in her hands in their eyes and moved backwards. As the sand blinded their vision, the two lost balance, trying to get the irritating dirt out of their eyes and fell forward, bumping in to each other and falling down on the ground. Althea crawled backwards on her limbs and immediately got up at once. A distance was created between her and the remaining two predators. “What the f**k are you looking at, get her.” the bleeding lead, yelled at his remaining standing disciple and went towards the yacht himself. Althea continued running in the opposite direction, no longer caring if she was moving away from the mansion because all that mattered to her was to keep herself safe. She had no escape plan or a safe route at the moment and all that her body knew was to keep herself safe. She looked over to her left and saw the thick forest and knew that it was not a good idea to enter in to the whirlwind path of the forest, where no one would be able to find her and if caught by the preparators, there would be no escape and on the other hand was the ocean, which was not also a great place for Althea to look up to for safety. She began screaming out loud, “Help! Help!” She wished and prayed her loud yells would be heard by at least someone around the mansion and she would be helped, as she continued running, with only one man left behind her. The chief of the group, who had initially tried to hunt Althea, made his way towards his parked yacht that contained more men waiting for him but he only yelled at them, getting inside the lower deck and asked them to collect whatever they could find and come out of the yacht. After a split second, Althea heard a loud cheer coming back from the ocean but she ignored it, keeping his focus on simply running ahead. Within a second, she heard a loud gunshot coming from right behind her, that made her halt her feet. She turned back only to be paralyzed with horror, as she watched five more men, jump out of the yacht, holding sharp pocket knives in their hands the frontrunner, who had been on Althea’s case from the very beginning, who by that point had his ego hurt, held out a gun in his hands, making Althea’s eyes go wide. “Now, try and run away.” He smirked, as he held his gun directly pointed at Althea and began walking towards her. She slowly took very careful steps, walking back but the guy was quick enough to notice her movement and shot his pistol up in the air, making Althea squirm and pause right where she was. Her breaths quickened, with her heartbeat reverberating loudly, heard by her own ears, very loud and clear. The man held a gun and had incoherently already fired two bullets, as if it was nothing but a mere child’s play for him. Tears formed in her eyes, as the man got closer to her finally and secured an arm around her waist, placing his hand behind her back and pulled her closer. He ran the hot barrel of his pistol against her skin, making Althea whimper in fear and anxiety. Her legs wobbled and she felt weak, but the monster only enjoyed her misery. “I was going go very easy on you but you brought this to your own self. You are going to pay for this.” He pointed towards his injury, right underneath her nostrils, that were painted maroon, due to the blood clogging down at that particular spot. He roughly grabbed Althea’s hair from behind her pulled her roughly along with her, dragging her towards the yacht and the rest of the five men also made their way back on to the boat. The two that Althea had injured were also help by those men, who took them back on the boat and she only tried her best to resist the man, who held her by her hair and dragged her towards the yacht. The rest of the men had gotten on the boat and their frontrunner was only a few steps away when he tossed Althea ahead, who felt her scalp being tugged on to. As she was pushed forward and another man was about to grab her, to pull her on to the boat a loud yell stopped everyone and made everyone turn in to a particular direction. Althea’s whose heart was filled with turmoil and torment, suddenly felt at peace, when she saw her only hope standing all alone, yet tall challenging the preparators, with all his bare hands and nothing but his valor and courage. “Let the girl go!” Nicholas yelled out loud, as his eyes had turned red with anger and agony, the moment he saw Althea surrounded by those men who planned on abducting her. The chief of the group, who held a gun in his hand, smirked as he saw Nicholas standing bare hand and yet still having the courage to challenge him back. To him Nicholas only looked stupid for even stepping in to the situation but to Nicholas, he felt like someone is ripping away his heart by even touching Althea and the fact that they were planning on abducting her off the island, felt like a stab to Nicholas’s heart, who was wounded but even more dangerous. He saw nothing but red, as his eyes rested on Althea’s disheveled state, with her hair tousled. The corner of her left lip was swollen with a smudge of blood trickling down the side of her mouth. “Let the girl go.” He emphasized on his words, shifting his gaze from Althea back to her antagonizer. The vicious man, kept a grin plastered on his face, as he looked back at Nicholas and c****d. “Do you even know how stupid you look to me, with your hands all empty and challenging me? I am not going to let the girl go. If you have the guts, come and get her.” Nicholas clenched his jaw tight, fisting his palm, as he made a run towards the man, all the while screaming on top of his lungs. “You look already dead to me.” ------------------------------- Welps! Things just got interested, Didnt' they? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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