97. A Bullet for Love

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“You already look dead to me.” Nicholas yelled out loud at the man, as he made his way towards him and afraid of losing his pride, he immediately held Althea close to his chest and secured an arm around her neck, whilst his other extended out and forward, holding out his gun, pointed directly towards Nicholas. “Stop! Or I’ll shoot.” The man yelled out loud and Althea knew that he wasn’t just blatantly giving empty threats. She had an idea how baffling insolent the man was and he had already shot twice in air, without even blinking twice. “Nicholas! Stop.” She yelled out loud at him, digging her nail anxiously in the man’s arm that tightened around her neck. “Stop.” She screamed, as she noticed the man’s finger tightening around the trigger. “Nicholas…” She was crying and screaming his name on top of her lungs but nothing reached out to the man in question. All he saw was that the man held his arm around the woman, whose safety was Nicholas’s priority. Althea extended her hand forward and tried to move the guy’s hand and disengage his ammunition and shift his arm off Nicholas and so far it did work out but he quickly shifted Althea on to the other side, and held her back, moving his own hand out of her reach and kept her back. Nicholas remain unfazed and unhinged as the gun’s trigger once again came back to point at him and the men that had boarded the boat also climbed back down, ready to attack Nicholas but before they could have, Gigi and his men appeared from the other side of the land, encircling the intruders. “We have been surrounded.” One of the men informed the chief. “So? Fight them.” He yelled out loud at them and they all charged towards Gigi and their men, who pulled out their guns right away, making no other statement and simply exhibiting the fact that Gigi and his team had overpowered the others, who held nothing but knives in their hands. They immediately dropped down their knives and turned back towards the yacht, not ready or prepared for a fight and the chief turned his head in to the direction of his men running away and signaling at him to join them as well. He spared a single glance behind his men and saw the group of fifteen men, holding out machine guns and pistols in their hands and he finally understood why the man who was charging at him like a bull was not even slightly scared. Because he had an army of his own. But the frontrunner, was quite the smart guy, who understood that the only reason why he was not attacked so far was because he held a sensitive nerve of the man and his army in his arms. He turned his back towards the ocean and held his gun out even towards Gigi and then placed the barrel on to Althea’s temple at the side of her head, holding her at point blank. He stood in the middle, facing Nicholas on his one hand and Gigi with his team on the other. “One step towards me, and I shoot the girl dead.” He warned both Nicholas and Gigi. Nicholas immediately took a step ahead and gestured at Gigi to take a step back. Nicholas knew that the man was keen enough to understand, empty handed Nicholas was less of a threat to him than Gigi and his men were going to be. “Let the girl go and no one will harm you.” Nicholas negotiated and the man, only smirked viciously. Seeing how Nicholas was scared of losing Althea, the guy became confident even more. Gigi wrinkled his forehead, understanding through the guy’s expressions that Nicholas acted on his impulses and had given him off his weakness right away. Anthony appeared from the middle of the forest with Fiona, Andrew and Garry trailing right behind him. Fiona gasped out loud and Andrew immediately held her shoulders, consoling her that everything would be fine. Garry noticed the gesture of affection shared between the two and he fell in to deep fret, realizing that he had already lost to Andrew, who was going to be there for Fiona in times when she would feel the most anxious. As Andrew held Fiona, who was completely distorted seeing her best friend being held on gun point, Althea on the other hand, remained frozen and too numb or even realize what was happening. The now cold barrel of the gun, pointed directly at her temple, made her lose soul and mind. She felt like she had reached the last most peak of fear and from there, it was just death awaiting for her, at the very end of the line. Her body had stopped shaking and in fact, she was entirely and completely still, going entirely numb. “One step and her brain would go frying everywhere like scrambled eggs on this very beach.” The man sneered, making Althea gulp for her life. Gigi was regretful of Nicholas’s quick stepping up, that might cost them Althea’s life. But Nicholas seemed calm and determined all of a sudden. “Only one way, the girl gets to live.” He told everyone. “Let her come with me. The moment I saw her, I wanted her…” the man sniggered shamelessly, snuggling his nose in to Althea’s neck, making Althea squirm in disgust. Bile began rising up in her system, threatening to spill out of her mouth, as her visions started to get blinded and she only felt mortified of what might come next. She felt trapped with no escape. Either it was death or destruction at the hands of the man, who planned on violating and destroying her. “… she will get to live only if she comes with me or else, her dead body would stay on the island.” Nicholas held his hands out in front of the guy, showing that he posed no threat to him. “Listen buddy! We don’t want any blood. We can not let you take her with you and if you kill her, we would have to do worse things to you.” Listening to Nicholas’s voice felt a ray of hope in her heart. She straightened up and mustered all the courage that she had in her to keep herself conscious, as she looked up at Nicholas, who gently shut his eyes at once and assured Althea that he was there for her. “I don’t give a f**k! I want this chick. Where did you get her from anyways? She looks like an expensive one.” He smirked, hitting a nerve in Nicholas’s mind, who clenched his jaw tightly but still kept his cool. He reminded himself that he was always that guy who kept his cool and never lost his calm, no matter how grave the situation was and how fractious things became. He was known by his entire family as the one who always made sure to not to lose his cool and that was exactly what he was trying to keep in his mind. He knew that if he lost control of his patience, things would get out of hands and his little desperate trick to push Gigi away had already given off the essence to the preparator that Althea was important to him. he wasn’t going to do anything further on to risk Althea’s life. “Just let her go and I am sure that we can find another way to settle things down.” Nicholas warned the guy. “Yeah! Just let her go. We don’t want any problem.” One of his own guys from the yacht yelled out loud, making the man turn towards the yacht and open three fires at the boat, which made most of the men run down in to the lower deck, whilst one got shot in the arm. Everyone on the island, stood shocked, sensing how insane and insatiable the guy was, who shot at his own men without even considering the consequences. It only enhanced the fears inside their minds and made them realize that they were dealing with a high profile lunatic. Nicholas had barely taken a step ahead to get Althea free but the man was quick enough to turn his gun back at Nicholas and placed the hot steamy barrel that burned due to the bullets being blasted right off them. “Tch! Tch! Don’t act so smart. I thought she was important to you and yet you are acting so carelessly that you are actually risking her life here.” Althea squealed, as she felt the man pressing the barrel hard against her skin, while his other hand that was wrapped around her neck, traveled down over her chest. “I am not letting her go…” the snarled, as his hand reached out to grope Althea but nicholas couldn’t have let that happen in any case. Losing his patience, he jumped up on the guy, taking him by surprise, who scared tightened his arm around Althea’s neck and at the same time, extended his gun in the other direction and shot right at Nicholas. Althea screamed out loud, having no idea what had happened. The entire sequence unfolded within a glimpse of a second, occurring like a flash. Althea felt the hold around her neck loosen at once and she fell right over on her knees. All she knew that danger was around the place where she previously stood, so she immediately crawled on her feet and arms and moved away from the scene but paused at once, when she saw blood oozing down on the sand and saw Nicholas toppling the guy who was her preparator. She screamed out loud, jumping forward to save Nicholas but she fell a strong pair of arms holding her back. She looked up to find Garry dragging her back from the danger and at the same time Gigi rushed towards the scene but soon. Nicholas was pushed off by the guy, who immediately stood up straight still holding the gun in his hands and simultaneously Nicholas also got up and held his hand over his arm. Gigi went ahead to stand next to him and a huge mount of worry blasted right over on his heart as he found a bullet submerged deep in to Nicholas’s arm, that he also held, hissing in pain, with streams of blood flowing down his arm. Gigi tried to push Nicholas away but stopped when the lunatic fired once again in the air and this time, Gigi’s men turned all of their guns in to his direction. The preparator turned his gun down and back towards Nicholas. “I am not going to leave this island without her, I told you didn’t you.” With that, he turned his gun back in to Althea’s direction, who was being dragged back by Garry but the two halted and Althea didn’t care at all, because all she saw was the bullet wound in Nicholas’s arm, that was turning red with his blood streaming down the length of his arm. She closed her eyes, as tears ran down her face and she blamed herself for his condition. He had taken a bullet for her and no amount of justification could ever make her feel better about herself and overcome the unsurmountable amount of guilt that she felt in that moment. Nicholas saw how Althea cried looking at him and knew what was behind her tears. She felt bad for him but he didn’t have any time to console her. his first target was to keep Althea alive and for that he would do anything. He looked back at the preparator and saw that his finger encircled around the trigger and prepared to shoot at Althea any given moment but Garry was quick enough to pull the girl behind him and immediately took a gun out, holding it right at the man, pointing it back at her. The psycho didn’t care if he got shot because his ego was his life and with his esteem bruised, he was ready to die anyways. “I don’t care, even if I have to kill every single one you on this island to get that f*****g b***h. I will. I will get her and even f**k her dead body if I have to but I am not resting until I have my d**k inside her f*****g little pussy.” The lunatic kept on yelling out and loud, not even letting Garry stop him from getting to Althea. Gigi watched as his brother stood guard to the armless girl, feeling proud of his brother, who was fulfilling his duties as a guard. He himself prepared to move Nicholas to a safer place but before he could’ve made a move, Nicholas pulled a pistol from behind Gigi, that he knew his guard always kept there no matter where he went. Gigi’s eyes widened as he watched with his own eyes and Anthony stood sheerly shocked and paralyzed, watching with his own eyes, his very nephew was scared to even ever go near a gun, pull a gun out and within seconds, he removed the safety of the gun and held it out with both of his hands. Althea craned her neck from behind Garry and watched, how Nicholas bleeding with his own arm didn’t care about his wounds but couldn’t bare to listen another single slur coming out of the lunatic’s mouth that disrespected Althea. Without a single thought, Nicholas circled his finger around the trigger and took a direct and shot aim at the preparator, shooting him right in his chest and making him lose control over his gun. Wounded and close to death, the man dropped his gun and then his body on knees, falling down on the ground, planting his face first in the sand and then finally spreading his arms out on both sides of his head. Althea breathed in relief and finally started gaining back her senses, as she pushed past Garry and made a run towards Nicholas. Nicholas also turned back and watched as Althea rushed to his side and spread his arms out, in which Althea ran directly and wrapped her arms around his waist. She held him tightly, crying out loud, as her body trembled and vibrated against Nicholas’s who was quite calm compared to Althea herself. But he couldn’t blame her. the girl was attacked by a bunch of men when she was alone and then even held at gun point. He could only imagine the kind of the fear and horror that she had went through in the past few minutes, that must have changed the entire chemistry of her mind and terrorized her body and soul. “It’s fine! he is gone. He won’t hurt you.” He whispered in to Althea’s ears and she lifted her head up and looked in to Nicholas’s eyes. She shifted her gaze down at his wounds and gently reached out to touch it. “You’re hurt.” She whispered slowly and Nicholas also gently touched the corner of her lip, where a slight smudge of blood remained. “So are you.” Anthony, Fiona and Andrew rushed towards Althea, who shook her head at Nicholas and sniffed her cries, cleaning her tears off her cheeks. As soon as Gigi reached out for the gun in Nicholas’s hand, Althea realized that she was in a much objectionable, state. She took a step away and Fiona immediately secured her arms around Althea. “I am so glad that you are fine.” “We need to take care of your injury.” Anthony told Nicholas, who nodded and moved ahead with Anthony. Nicholas turned his gaze one last time at Althea, who was also being walked along with him but at a distance, surrounded by her friends, who shielded her and held her firmly in her arms walking her back towards the mansion. Nicholas turned back and found his uncle looking at him skeptically. He wanted to say a lot to his uncle but kept his quiet and Anthony at the same time, walked hand in hand with his nephew, deciding to let things be for the moment. Both Nicholas and Anthony knew what had happened and why it had happened but both decided that it was only for the better that the moment must be preserved because not only did Anthony realized and found out that Nicholas was in love with Althea and the two had something special going on but he just realized that his nephew who never even lifted a gun, puked at the sight of blood and ran away from any danger. Not only did he run towards her danger, but also shot a gun for the first time and even killed somebody. It was a clear sign for Anthony that Nicholas had fallen hard for Althea and there might be no point of return. --------------------------------------- Well, Well, Well! Nothing proves to be more of a sign for Nicholas than his instincts, I guess? :D Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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