60. Where do the eliminated ones go?

1165 Words
“Lilia! We are sorry but this week, you will be leaving us. Pack your things, empty your room and leave this island, as per tonight.” Martha announced in an extremely made up yet potentially sad tone, making sure that if not everybody in the room at least, Althea would believe it and she did, with the way Lilia threw her head down on the ground and walked out of the room, after dropping back her apron, was quite believable to Althea that the girl was hurt about having to leave the island. But the reality was far away from what Althea believed in, or at least what she was being made believe in. The girl Lilia, darked skin, skinny to the bone, tall and curly haired, danced all the way to her room, as she took her pre-packed bag that she had already prepared at the beginning of the week, when her name came in the lucky draw and took it out, coming down in the main foyer where everyone lined up, waiting to bid her a farewell. Lilia hugged everyone one by one, with the residents of the house and the real workers, cursing her in her ear silently, making sure that Althea couldn’t hear them. Lilia on the other hand suppressed her laughter and joy and turned towards Althea, who hugged her longingly and patted on her back. “You were exceptional and you made it this far, you were chosen amongst thousands of applicants, so you should be proud of yourself. This is not a defeat but instead a true victory for you.” Lilia nodded in great enthusiasm, still keeping a frown on her face and dragged her bags out of the mansion, followed by Garry, who acted as her safety personnel, taking her out of the island with safety. But in reality, he was simply dragging her out of the mansion and guided her towards the southwest of the island, which was a thickly forested area, containing compact line of tress, that weren’t aligned in any fashion and stood tall, shrouding the entire space randomly, leaving no room for any visibility in that particularly thickened area of the forest. He then further walked in to the forest and finally reached a point, that he had memorized in his heart and could clearly see even in pitch black and since it was already night time and quite dark, Lilia on the other hand had to carry a strong flashlight in her hands, as she followed Garry through the long stemmy leaves that palmed out and hit her face each time, she crossed through one and the next one just waited there for her, ready to hit her in the face and take her by surprise. “Ugh! Can’t you just send me home to the town? That would honestly be a less of an effort.” Lilia complained and Garry simply grunted. “Apparently Salva wanted this. He thinks, it is better and safer for all the workers of the island to stay to at the island for the time being. That’s why, only Peter gets to leave and fetch things from the town nearby.” Lilia groaned, agitated by the stupid rules but she couldn’t complain a lot. She was actually getting to rest during her working days on the island, as a cleaner, so she couldn’t be happy and simply enjoy the leisure time that she was getting. Getting bent down and removed the dried leaves and twigs off the ground with his hands, grabbing the rustic metallic ring that had grown out of the ground and pulled it up, revealing the wooden staircase that led down into what one could assume to be a tunnel. Lilia was the first one to step down and Garry followed her in, making sure to close the heavy concrete lid behind him. He took the lead at once and guided Lilia in to a large spacious room, that had sofa chairs arranged to give the room a look of a lounge, with an old TV placed in front of the couches. Obviously the TV was there only for decorative purposes and around the room, in a semi circle, opposite to the sofa set, were six doors, made up of concrete, heavy and concealed, leaving no space to look out of even inside the room. Lilia sighed, “Seriously? I would have to live here?” she groaned, throwing her back down and lying on the couch. Garry shrugged, “You can get out of the safe zone every now and then and even spend your days over on the surface, but make sure to never come to the north side where the mansion is. We will keep Althea in just that space. So, be aware.” Lilia nodded in excitement, “All the food supply for the next three months, which is the estimated time for Althea’s stay at the island, is inside the refrigerator in your room. So enjoy your stay.” Garry sighed in sheer disappointment and at the same time, one of the doors opened up and an old participant who was eliminated at the very early round stepped out and cheers in excitement. He jumped and ran into Lilia’s direction, being a good friend of hers, he had definitely missed her and he also called out for the rest of the old eliminated participants, who stepped out of their rooms and everyone rejoiced in excitement. Garry shook his head, understanding that they all just couldn’t wait for the rest of the participants to get eliminated and join them down there. As he closed the concrete lid behind him, making his way out of the thick jungle and back towards the mansion, he only wished that Nicholas would recover soon and the whole façade would be over with his recovery. As he finally reached the mansion, he found Martha and Anthony standing by the main gate. “She’s at the safe house?” Anthony inquired and Garry nodded. “Well, that’s one less disgusting dish for us to taste and honestly, hers always used to be the worse and now I only wonder and imagine, if she was doing so, so that we would eliminate her quicker than the others.” Martha scoffed, making Anthony shake his head. “Please, don’t give ideas to the others.” Her husband suggested and Garry agreed to his notion. “From what I can tell, they are just eager to get a break and the quicker, they get eliminated, the longer vacation they get to have.” “Hmm! Is that the case? Well, then why don’t we play a little game with these participants?” Martha smirked, making Anthony and Garry simply shook their heads, that even Martha had become just as keenly interested in the game as the rest. ---------------------------------- What do you think Martha will do now? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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