59 Some Moments of Togetherness

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Nicholas was simply stunned by listening to Althea’s analogy and her logic about true love. She perhaps hadn’t experienced the deep intensity of being loved and instead she had loved someone with all her heart and had got burned back in response. Just like Nicholas had. But she didn’t fall down the drain like Nicholas did. Instead, Nicholas needed something more firm to grow up and grow out of the hurt that he was suffering through for the past six months. He found Althea and her food and that’s he started to come out of all that, that had devoured him on the inside. But he was amazed to see that Althea fought through the pain on her own. He also had his family, who was there with him at his worst and lowest point in life. Despite of the fact, that he pushed them away, they still surfed through and made their way towards him. forced him to join their gatherings and dinners and even though, he remained silent and drunk at most of those gatherings, he couldn’t help but feel in the phase of him moving on, that his family’s presence did make things a little better, if not entirely. As he laid down on his bed at night, looking at his ceiling, which felt a void of nothing, he only wondered one thing. How can someone, who had been disappointed and hurt so many times by the world and life and had just countable number of people in her life to give her hope and at times, he could guess, that she couldn’t even share her pain with anyone, since her mother was already dependent on Althea, for emotional support and Nicholas guessed that her sister Irene, was the least participant of interest in the house. All of that left Althea on her own, yes of course, she did have those two friends that Nicholas read about in the report that was sent to him by his detective. But they were also hustlers, busy in their lives. Yet, being the two who actually helped her recognize her ex boyfriend’s potent and vile behavior, that hurt Althea way too much, Nicholas realized that at the end of the day, it could be no one but Althea her own self, who had pulled her out of that misery and that darkness. Because, he himself, was doing just that. No family or friends brought him out of depression, unlike his own mind did. He understood a very simple logic. It was a choice for him to fall in love at the first place and now he had to choose, whether to walk away from that hurt and rebuild himself in to someone different and better or to get even more irritating and agitating when it came to interacting with people, as time passed by. He was getting the latter half of the deal but perhaps, a secret ingredient at life, once again struck him. Love! Maybe, that was what Althea made her food with. Nicholas assumed, as he mapped out a plan in his head, on how he will try his best to get closer to Althea because knowing her, made him feel better and he only wanted to feel better on his way forward in life. ----------------------------- Nicholas sat inside his office, tapping his feet impatiently on the wooden floor beneath him. He turned a gaze towards the small minibar, placed at the corner of his office. He was looking forward to pull out, the bottle of his finest Domaine De La Romanee, that his father had left the island, under the serious threats to him and his brother and the bottle of was not to be touched. It was given to Alessandro, Nicholas’s father by the President of Ibiza, whom his father helped during his election campaigns. Or at least, that’s how the riches and their matters went. But Nicholas always had his eyes on that bottle and imagined sipping it on his honeymoon but since his plans in life didn’t work out, he decided to use that bottle to commemorate a moment in his life. A moment, where he felt being brought back to life and he wanted to silently show his appreciation towards that someone, who was helping him, moving forward. In his heart, he wanted to keep nothing but pure bliss for Althea and that’s why, he was getting anxious, hoping that his plans for the evening would work out. But his plan wasn’t a very strong one, it had weak roots, as it depended merely on Althea taking the first step. After he had the interaction with Althea, the day before, he wished that she would show up in the terrace once again, reading a book of her choice. Althea on the other hand, stood in the terrace, impatient and anxious. She waved the book in her hands, as she looked at the corridor that led to Nicholas’s office. She hoped and wished that just like the day before, he would once again show up at the terrace. Whatever happened the other day, was just a mere coincidence that she was in the terrace and he had ended up at the same place, finding her reading a book but not that day. In that moment, Althea had come down deliberately, wearing the finest of the sleeveless silk dress that was sticking to her body, due to friction and the wind as well and ended in the middle of her thighs. Her cleavage of slightly evident, but she didn’t care. All she cared about was to look good for Nicholas. She enjoyed their conversation that they had at the same spot. She liked, how the mysteriously ghostly man, wasn’t so enigmatically furtive anymore. He was open to her and honest as well. She just wished that he would show up at once again and the two could continue to be subtly intimate. She had left her hair to air dry, that had turned her hair slightly more frizzy, tangled but beautifully wavy. She turned around to stare at the setting sun and sighed, sensing that she was just trying to be too ambitious when it came to going for a guy like Nicholas. What was she even thinking? Of course, he was merely being kind to her and had just begun to tolerate her company and there she was, misinterpreting his kindness as something else. She needed to get a hold of herself and her feelings and not creep Nicholas off. She gently touched her lips and rolled her eyes, remembering how she put the deepest shade of red on her face, as a lipstick and as a blush as well. She shook her head, realizing that she must be looking incredibly stupid. She sighed, turning around to leave but gasped in shock, as she found Nicholas standing in the terrace right behind her. “Oh! You scared me.” She told him, placing a hand over her heart and Nicholas didn’t say anything at all. In fact, he was totally silent. As if in a state of total shock. He stood bewildered, watching Althea’s face, as she wore that bright pink silk dress, that burned his heart bright, whilst making her body glow, against the bright orange sky, with the sun continuing to set low and lower in to the depths of the ocean. Her face was smeared a slight shade of red and the rest of the task was performed by her getting jump scared by Nicholas. But Nicholas wasn’t concerned about scaring her, all he cared about what sensational the girl looked in that dress. Even in that molten moment of the sun, the girl turned everything bright, even Nicholas’s eyes, that felt sparkling and his heart, it felt like glowing and flying up and out of his chest, like a million fireflies are carrying it out and taking it towards Althea. The dress didn’t entirely stick to her body but only slightly, at curves and at certain places, not exposing too much and yet at the same time, it highlighted her body, in a very subtle and elegant way. Her taste felt unique, as he never thought a girl would ever wear such a dress at such a moment. She carried it so casually and yet she made it feel so special. As if, her body wasn’t enough to torture Nicholas, there was such something about her dark wavy locks, the beachy waves and the subtle improperly styled curls that resisted and rested at the back of her body, flying gently every now and then but not lifted too high by the wind, showing that they were heavy and voluminous, just like Althea, who was not easy to get carried away. Althea waved her hands in the air in front of Nicholas, snapping him out of his trance. “Are you okay?” she asked, noticing that he hadn’t moved in a while and was staring at her in shock. Of course, he would, she guessed that she looked like a monkey in that dress that she wore. “I guess, you weren’t expecting to see me here. I’ll obviously leave you on your own.” Feeling embarrassed, she was about to leave but Nicholas, held his arm out in front of her and stopped her. He brought his other hand forward and presented the bottle of wine that he had been holding in his minibar, after stealing it from the cellar. “Care to join?” “I really don’t want to ruin your moment of lonesome time and…” “I’d been an i***t, if I didn’t stop you right here and told you that, there’s no time ever that could be spent alone and be cherished but the time that I would get to spend here on this terrace, against the setting sun, with a beautiful girl, is the one that I would truly remember and cherish forever.” Althea couldn’t help but smile at his words, as blood crept on to her cheeks and her blush darkened. “So, now will you join me?” he asked, once again, this time, hoping for a volunteering reply. Althea chuckled slightly, nodding her head, “I’d been an i***t, if I said no!” ------------------------------------- How cute do you find these two? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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