22. What Do You Get For Saving A Drowning Girl?

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“I am really worried.” Fiona told Garry, as the two stood by the shore of the ocean. “Don’t worry! Salva and Gigi are on it and they will find her.” he tried to sooth the girl down, whom he held by her shoulders. “She said that she didn’t know how to swim and I just told her to try it. I just wanted to help her learn swimming. I just wanted to help.” She cried softly and Serena stepped ahead, pulling Fiona in for a hug. “Dear! It’s fine. I know you didn’t mean her any harm. Don’t worry. Salva and Gigi will find her.” Everyone had their hopes up and high for Salva and Gigi who were on a mission to find Althea. Salva and Gigi, along with the rest of the guards, swam in the ocean, wearing their head gears, with flashlights, held in their hands, trying to search through the deep water but the ocean waves had a very high current which made it difficult for them to even swim. They all worried, as they retracted back up on the surface and looked at each other. The shaking of their heads, visible through the flashlights falling on their faces, was drowning their hearts in the fear of losing Althea despite of the fact that they were afloat on the surface. But not Althea. She paddled her limbs in deep water, as water rushed through her ears, nose, mouth, drowning her lungs. Her eyes were open with fear, as she closed and opened her mouth simultaneously, not having the basic understanding about how she was supposed to breathe under water. She flew her hands in the air, paddling her feet, trying to defeat the flow of the water current but with each wave that hit the ocean surface, she felt drifting far and far away from the shore. On her way, she could slightly feel that she hit something hard but couldn’t tell what it was. He fears and her dwindling mind told her that it could be a deep sea animal, which made her hug herself that time, wondering if a wild shark could be on her hunt. She couldn’t see anything in the dark and only wished to have some sense of light shun upon her. It was not just the inevitable fear of the fact that water was rushing in to her lungs and making her lose consciousness but also the fact that she might never get to see the light of the day. She regretted the moment, she listened to Fiona the second time. She definitely shouldn’t have. Now she was floating in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, slowing losing consciousness, balance and fading somewhere darker in to the pits of the oceans. She felt her feet gently touching the ocean bed, as her eyes closed and her heart beat slowed and gently faded. Maybe, it was the end for her. her eyes closed and her brain finally felt too exhausted to even demand her limbs to move. Just as her feet touched the ocean bed, two strong arms, wrapped around her waist and began pushing and pulling her up towards the ocean surface. Althea remained unconscious, as someone finally brought her up and out of the sea, holding her high. Pulling her up in his arms and lifting her high, Nicholas brought her face up, so that the slits of the moonlight could fall on her face. His eyes knitted with stress, as he realized that the woman that he saved from drowning was no one but the so called educationist c*m the p********e. He couldn’t actually understand what she was, because currently, she was playing the role of a mermaid in his life. He grunted, shaking his head in pure anger and confusion. The girl always popped up out of the dark in his life. Previously, after having his dinner, he had decided to call it a night but seeing the ocean currents and sensing the cool winds blowing in a mid summer night, he felt intrigued and simply wanted to enjoy the night away. He got deep inside the ocean and held his breath under water, a therapy he had been trying for a while. He wanted to challenge himself and expand his endurance. He wanted to see how long the line of tolerance in his body and mind could be stretched. He stayed still under the water, until a wave floated him away and as he tried to swim back to the shore, something came in rushing, hitting his chest. He could tell right away that it was a human being, which was an odd thing to happen to begin with. He wondered if someone in his mansion, was also wandering in the ocean late at night and ended up getting drifted away by the strong ocean current. It was dark, he couldn’t exactly know where the person, who had hit him was but he still struggled and waved his hands in front of him, following the direction in which the current wave flew, in order to reach to the poor floating person. Once, he finally found the person that had drifted away, he immediately wrapped his arms around that person and brought them up on the surface, only to find out that it was the mysterious girl. He swam back towards the surface with her, making his build and presence, visible to everyone who stood at the shore and to even Salva, Gigi and the rest of the guards, who were searching for Althea under water. Everyone rushed to the shore, as Nick brought the girl with him and threw her down on the ground. Everyone stood watching Althea with sheer shock. Seeing her lying unconscious on the muddy ground, they wondered if she was dead. But the slowly rising of her chest, gave off the essence that she might be alive. Her state might had been feeble but she was definitely alive. “Does anyone know CPR, or do I have to do that as well?” Nicholas complained, making everyone look at each other. He grunted once again, getting down on his knees and began pumping Althea’s chest, pushing out water from her mouth but it still didn’t bring her to a state of consciousness. Having no other option and making a very professional mind that it was simply a required task, Nicholas leaned down, closing Althea’s nostrils and held her mouth open by squeezing her cheeks. Connected his mouth with hers, he began pumping air in to her mouth, which finally brought Althea’s heart rate back to normal, helping her gain consciousness. As Althea gently opened up her eyes, she found a man’s hands lingering over her body, as she realized that someone was pushing air in to her mouth. She didn’t remember much about where she was the last time she lost consciousness but she was finally brought back to life. She couldn’t comprehend much, as everything that happened, was happening quite quickly. She assumed that when she lost consciousness, someone took her and now they were trying to take advantage of her. Gasping out loud for air, she brought her hand to the front and smacked the guy who was mooching her, off her body. Nicholas felt startled, feeling a smack across his face, that him pull himself back and stand up straight. He held his hand over his cheek, looking down at Althea in utter and sheer atrociousness. She was puffing with anger like a bull, as she stood up straight and looked at everyone around her. She didn’t think much and simply looked and assumed that, every one stood by and watched Nicholas try and take advantage of her. “What the f**k?” Nicholas mumbled with anger, as Althea rose up to her feet and stood in front of her, flashing her eyes at him, full of anger. “Listen, I get it you might be the director and a big shot here and everyone else might be scared of your power but not me.” “What?” Nicholas asked, even more confused by Althea’s words, as if her actions weren’t enough to put him in a muddle. “Don’t you dare act innocent now. And how could you all just stand here and just watch everything…” she turned towards everyone else, who stood with their mouths hung open. Everyone was simply in complete bewilderment about how Althea not only misunderstood Nicholas’s pure intentions and motives towards her but also the fact that she misunderstood everyone else as well, who were just trying their best to find her. Salva was in a state of complete shock over how he was risking his own life, swimming under the water in such a high wave current, only to try and save her and she assumed the worst out of everyone else. “Althea, you are mistaken.” He tried to warn her but she simply squinted her gaze sharply at him. “I trusted you the most among everyone in this house. You’ve hurt me the most. If this is what this competition is all about, fooling people and taking advantage of them then I would like to return back from the very first ship in the morning.” With that Althea stomped her feet on the ground, pushing past Nicholas and getting inside the house. She cried her way up towards her room, with Serena and Fiona rushing after her. Salva stepped towards Nicholas, who stood flabbergasted at everything that had just happened. “Nick…” Salva stepped towards her and Nick, simply rose his hand up in the air, stopping him from moving towards him. “Whatever the f**k this was, I am going to sleep over it and consider this as a terrible and horrible nightmare.” With that Nicholas walked towards the mansion and everyone else also dispersed away, going back to their rooms. Gigi took Salva along with him, so that they could decide their next strategy to work with. Garry went after Fiona and Serena, who were making their way towards Althea’s room. But Garry was quick enough to stop Fiona, letting Serena get ahead of them and go after Althea. As everyone got busy in their own work and Nicholas was walking towards the mansion, he paused for a moment, hearing small murmurs and whispers coming in from behind the bushes were the hot tub was. Squinting his gaze, he walked towards the bushes and gently pushed past them, sticking his head out to see if someone was in the hot tub and his eyes bulged out of his socket, as a complete state of shock took over him and he saw Martha and Anthony arguing with each other over something related to Selena. He shook his head, trying to comprehend the situation in front of him. Was he actually seeing Martha and Anthony at the island, hiding in the hot tub, right in front of his eyes. He was about to call them out but immediately pulled himself back and simply made his way towards his room. Hitting the shower and freshening up, he finally laid down in his bed. He gently touched his cheek, where Althea had hit him and only wondered why the girl was so aggressive towards him. His mind played back the events of the night. He was trying to relax, when she came flushing with water, hitting him. he saved her, literally and she slapped him. He played the entire scene in his head and he remembered her yelling something about a competition. Things were still in a blurry for him, when he was in a state of complete shock from the slap that he had just received. “First off all, I wasn’t trying to kiss her.” he told his own self, reminding him that he was sincerely innocent. “I have issues with that woman as well and if I wanted, I could’ve let her die.” He complained, getting up from the bed and sitting up straight. “It would’ve been only fair. First! She called me a ghost and now she called me a harasser. Her! how dare she. Who the f**k does she think she is and….” Nicholas’s mind went back to the moment when Althea called him ‘a director’. He tried to remember her exact words and in his mind they went something like, “… you might be the director and they might be scared of you…” This only made him wonder what the girl was talking about. He then remembered finding Martha and Anthony in the hot tub. They were definitely present on the island but they hadn’t informed Nicholas about their arrival. His eyes bulged out, as he suddenly remembered the morning, a week ago when he had entered the kitchen and had seen rows of counters and working stations, put up in the kitchen, where everyone stood. He picked his phone up from his night stand and googled, ‘Master Chef’. He was certain that one of the times, when Fiona would watch a cooking competition, it would look something like the kitchen was, the morning he had last been in the kitchen. His eyebrows knitted as he saw pictures of the master chef set up and realized that, his kitchen looked exactly like that. He then remembered the way, Serena and everyone else acted around him, making sure to not to let him go inside the kitchen. There was definitely something fishy going on around the house and it was about time, that he got to the bottom of it because he was becoming quite certainly suspicious that the girl, who had slapped him and made him a ghost and a harasser within the span of a week, was the center of the entire drama that everyone around the island was orchestrating. --------------------------------------- Whops! What do you think will happen now? Hope you guys had fun reading this chapter :D Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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